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'EQ' of substance?


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Hi thinkers and alike,

Is there such a thing called 'EQ'? (As in: 'Emotional Intelligence'... can it be objectively proven like ' g ' ?)

There are plenty of articles, courses, books on the subject suggesting one's ability to become more empathetic by practising, learning about it.

I would be particularly interested in the arguments of those immersed in psychological related subjects, with access to case studies either by research or other exposure.


' g factor '

' emotional intelligence, EQ '

' mirror neuron '

' neuroplasticity '

' synaptic weight '

ps. - I think it's a myth that gets 'weaponised' more often than not .

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I know Stefan Molynuex commented about "EQ" in the past (and where he did the videos are titled with EQ/Emotional Intelligence so they aren't hard to find) but from what I remember "EQ Tests" are very much game-able and the results are subjective based on what the test-taker thinks. I think the correlation between high EQ and (success? You'd have to see his old videos on the subject for proper details) -something- was so small as to be totally unreliable.


While empathy and charisma are obviously useful tools, "EQ" is just a very poor attempt at numerating something that's as-of-yet untestable (to my knowledge) the same way IQ is. 

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I think it relates to mirror neurons.

Whether you can grow and wire additional mirror neurons, as if you could grow another arm or leg, I'm sceptical of. The next best thing being able to wire the neurons that you currently have, being aware on some level.

I think someone like Richard Branson might have more mirror neurons than usual. Making better negotiators and better able to serve people's taste in music & culture, for example. It may also make you a better learner from people.




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56 minutes ago, RichardY said:

I think it relates to mirror neurons.

Whether you can grow and wire additional mirror neurons, as if you could grow another arm or leg, I'm sceptical of. The next best thing being able to wire the neurons that you currently have, being aware on some level.

I think someone like Richard Branson might have more mirror neurons than usual. Making better negotiators and better able to serve people's taste in music & culture, for example. It may also make you a better learner from people



(R. B. - not sure about it, though you could be still correct... flight attendant mother, crazy stories ; one where he was left in an unknown part of town and had to find his way home alone at age ~10...could be just a myth, dunno)

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I read some of his autobiography a while a go, picked it up for a pound in a charity/thrift shop. Forgot about being left by his mother to find his way, although remember one where he mentioned going on a boat in S.America just before there was a storm. The boat sank according to him, and the captain drowned, despite the captain's initial reservations of going out.

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