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'Tommy Robinson': Undercover Russian Agent


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'Tommy Robinson': a Russian agent sent to sabotage Europe and lead her to ruin by preventing her from taking in essential refugees to care for our elderly, flip our hamburgers, revitalize our flagging continent with wondrous diversity, re-imagine our N.H.S. and educational system to meet the needs of a buzzing new 12th Century Britain , romance our daughters, solve our demographic problem, thrill us with their exotic cuisine and interesting cultures, re-invigorate our manly martial spirit, keep our police force on their toes and culturally sensitive, save innocent people's feelings from being hurt by naughty words and thoughts, provide solutions to our female and LGBTQ rights issues, de-construct our capitalist economy, enhance our language skills, open up new ties to the global economy and cement friendships with other nations, siphon off the best and brightest minds, provide work for our prison staff and criminal justice system. re-build local social cohesion by creating tight-knit communities or 'no-go zones' where people feel so at home they feel no need to interact with the rest of society, promote more modest and elegant attire in public, stimulate our secret services into action and improve surveillance and bomb disposal techniques, be prepared for anything, tighten security in our ancient museums and public spaces, provide free 'mentoring' services for our kids, have occasions to display our open-mindedness, tolerance, and generosity to ourselves, make amends for our historical sins and their legitimate grievances, test our faculties of self-denial, provide guaranteed new voters for the Left, reduce pollution caused by excess unnecessary industrial production, overcome the residues of potentially deadly chauvinistic nationalism and collective identity, roll back the Enlightenment and its manifest failure represented in its inability to prevent the World Wars of the 20th Century a long with the oppressive unprecedented stagnation of the last 70 years in the painful yet more vigorous and intimate frisson of civil conflicts, fight moral relativism, issue forth the new post-modern age, stave off the Nietzschean 'last man' at its absolutely nauseating prospect of universal peace, prosperity, and happiness, add a tantalizing and salutary hint of madness, fix our usurious debt-laden banking system, commit our support to the poor Palestinians and restore order in the Middle East, curb our foreign adventurism in that region, give a fresh perspective on 'the Jewish Problem' at once both young and old, and, most importantly, restore religious awe and fearful respect and unquestioning loyalty and obedience to its rightful place at the very center of society.

If this terrible man gets any traction, we may well be deprived of all these wondrous, strange, and magical new experiences and forced to go back to to a time when everyone ate chicken dinner for Sunday Lunch, their only real enjoyment in life was secretly donning a Nazi Uniform to engage in otherwise boring and stale intra-racial sex, and even the word 'diversity' was forbidden. Most of you are too young to remember, but it was like that just a few years ago and had been ever since the beginning of time. It is only modern progress and trendy multiculturalism that give life any meaning whatsoever. Seize the moment. Become the moment. Embrace change at all costs. Open yourself up totally to the Other. Accept him. Love him. Lose yourself. Never resist. Never go back. Your destiny calls. Become The Rainbow.

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Tommy Robinson, literally a hero, guy is willing to die for what he thinks is right, face was caved in, know no other public or private figure that I would call irrevocably good, short of going totally insane. Think those who support the guy tend to be at least neutral.

Not one for more clutter if I can avoid it, Russia stealing the election cr*p is bad enough, and wouldn't be surprised if the Novichoke thing was staged, cry wolf far too often.

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