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Raising boys in today's hostile world

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This is a hypothetical but very real question. I am planning to have children in the near future and hope to have a boy.  I am seeking some conversation about how to give him the tools to identify evil (yet attractive) women.  I have been told by many men that it is near impossible to resist an attractive woman making sexual advances and I know how manipulative they can be.  I have had many men close to me that have fallen prey to evil women who put on a good act and were very attractive. This includes the man I am planning children with. I want my future son to only be able to get erect for virtuous women! 

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Hi @Emily Anne

Welcome to the board and posting!

Straight as a lamppost, huh? (straightforward, to the core)


0. Please define virtue...


1. Can women teach young boys to be good men? (link) - a syllogism

2. Can (in your opinion) your partner/husband do that?

ie. - verified by reason & evidence , how do you know what you claim to know?

3. Have you 'decryped' the mechanism that drew the 'fallible' men to you?

4. Have you decrypted why you were ok with attracting men like that?

5. What are the likely consequences of not making sure you have all the necessary answers to what your history means OBJECTIVELY (kinda like a conversation with your inner 'stoic' self)?


... from the top of my head, hopefully of use...



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I'd suggest that you listen to a website called "An Ear for Men".  There is a lot of practical male self-help information there that is good for any male friend, sibling, husband or child.  Paul Elam can be a bit crude at times but his heart is in the right place and note his target audience is male.


A couple of videos he's made really stand out.

On female shit testing:


Understanding gynocentrism:



An ear for men is by no means the only content on the web. There is a ton of it and the most intellectual comes out from the MGTOW side of the manosphere.  (IMO). One of my favorites but by no means the only one:


Watch the movie 'The Red Pill' by Cassie Jaye to get a flavor of the Men's Rights movement. Then go to Cassie Jaye's website on youtube and see what she has to say. You may also want to listen to Warren Farrell, Karen Straughan and Jordan Peterson.

There are books too that are worth reading all available on Amazon.  Google these two authors to get you started.
Warren Farrell, Esther Vilar.

I don't envy the task you have given yourself although I do admire your honesty. While I don't suggest a MGTOW lifestyle I understand why men are driven to it.  I guess the best personal advice I can give you and the most important lesson any man can teach his son is that the best self-defense mechanism any young boy can have to navigate the world of boys is to understand male dominance hierarchies. (Jordan Peterson talks about hierarchies a great deal).   The best lesson a women can impart on a young boy about girls is that they should be afraid of them.  Another boy may hurt him with his fist, but a young girl can destroy him with a word.

To borrow a quote from Warren Farrrell:  "Men’s greatest weakness is their facade of strength, and women’s greatest strength is their facade of weakness.”.

Oh and finally... when your son is ready to date... one question he should always ask.... "Tell me about your parents'" or words to that effect.  If a women doesn't know or respect her father she is damaged. Empathy is passed mostly from fathers to their children. A women without empathy for males is a borderline and very dangerous.

Best of luck!

Hope this helps. Note my list above is not comprehensive but the information I have suggested will open you to a ton of other information.

Oh and welcome to the rabbit hole!

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