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Trying to think of one of Stefan's shows. Can't remember.

Colonel J

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Stefan was talking with some boomer lady who felt they accomplished something to help fight the creeping rise of government when they really didn't save for maybe something they did concerning their town.


The convo was great because it perfectly encapsulated the boomer mentality of thinking they did something of value.


Anyone remember the show name?

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21 minutes ago, neeeel said:

possibly 3911 - Baby Boomers: The Selfish Generation - Call In Show - November 22nd, 2017 ?

That might be it, but I was asking about it's title on youtube. If I link a person to a podcast they're less likely to listen.

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2 hours ago, Colonel J said:

That might be it, but I was asking about it's title on youtube.

Hi @Colonel J

I think neeeeel is spot on about the podcast, furthermore I don't think it's been made into a video (I could be wrong). 

2 hours ago, Colonel J said:

If I link a person to a podcast they're less likely to listen. 

If you don't mind me adding...

In my experience, people who wouldn't be likely to checking out a legit source in audio unless a video was available... maybe not worth of our time.

What's the big difference? Are they likely to be interested in the arguments or something else? (It's not like a presentation with charts, or facial gestures that aren't being transferred in Stefan Molyneux's more than plentiful and precise manner of speech & / choice of language ...)

Think intellectual curiosity, ability to think for themselves. (no comments, no views, just the convo - 'unaided' )

I'm guessing... with them, probably you'd be having a harder time to have an honest dialogue, it's possible they would have a hard time choosing to bow before superior arguments in the absence of outside influence.

Edited by barn
presentation, facial...
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6 hours ago, barn said:

Hi @Colonel J

I think neeeeel is spot on about the podcast, furthermore I don't think it's been made into a video (I could be wrong). e of outside influence. In my experience, people who wouldn't be likely to checking out a legit source in audio unless a video was available... maybe not worth of our time. What's the big difference?

It was definitely a YT video. YT is how I consume most of stefan's content.

On YT i can link directly to a certain time in the video.

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7 hours ago, Colonel J said:

It was definitely a YT video. YT is how I consume most of stefan's content.

On YT i can link directly to a certain time in the video.

A'right-y... not sure why you couldn't / wouldn't just note&provide the time-stamp of an audio, guiding any potential listenership to the substance arguments at hand but maybe that's just me being short-sighted. Absolutely. Please, do suit your fancy!

It's possible someone will find the video you speak of and link it for you in the future.

I couldn't, can't find a video with said parameters. (Maybe my Internet kung-fu isn't worthy of the 'challenge'... hjja! :laugh:)

As for me, I wouldn't be bothered to listen or watch (either way as a., the caller isn't visible, b., it's not a presentation, c., Stefan Molyneux conveys crystal-pristine-clear...) but maybe there are others who need a video feed to process arguments to the fullest... for some odd/unknown reason, dunno. (Convincing forehead size?... I'm riffing, sorry.)

Anyhow,.. Good luck!

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