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Source for Daycare causing maternal abandonment?


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I often hear Stefan quoting a study that says children experience the same symptoms as children who have been maternally abandoned. I was trying to find the source for this study so I could give as reference to some friends and family of mine. Thank you for anyone who can help me find it. I have checked bomb in the brain series and online, but it is difficult to find that specific study referenced. Thanks!


Warm regards,


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Hi @Spumoni

Hi Justin,

Nice one. Kudos on that!

While I haven't found the exact source(s) you are looking for (the one/s referenced by the FDR team), the following ones might be still useful:

0. I tried to link you the original source but it's not working for me (maybe call attention to it in the 'Technical issues' subforum)

The link I'm speaking of here is: 'w3 board.freedomainradio.com/topic/39621-the-truth-about-daycare/'

1. Check out - "The Rise of the Daycare Generation"(Stefan Molyneux, video, same glitch as above when checking out the sources 'w3 fdrurl.com/daycare-generation' )

2. Have a read about cortisol (to me, there are plenty of reasonable conclusions to draw, all other things being equal)

3. Check out this massive selection of resources being mentioned in this thread

Good luck,


ps. - I might add some more info later. Would also appreciate you chiming back if/when you stumble upon the study/ies, exact FDR sources.

ps2. - (Maybe re-word the title, it sounds as if daycare was responsible for...)


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