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[Podcast] 4180 Profitable Tyranny? - Call In Show - August 29th, 2018

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Question 1: [1:08] – “You have always compared religion to government, in the sense that you say that atheists have ripped away religion from people and left them stranded with nothing. No moral basis, or anything. Please correct me if I'm wrong or misunderstand you. You make the analogy that the religious were in a church, and atheists ripped that church apart, without providing an alternative for morality, or whatever the religion was providing, which you seem to view as a necessity for humans (for reasons I still don't understand). Why do you think that removing (the delusional) governments would not have the same destructive effect as removing (the delusional) religions? Don't you think there are destructive effects of removing governments, just like removing religions? Don't you think that humans are hard-wired to seek authority?”

Question 2: [50:38] – “I’m in a difficult 23-year marriage. While I’ve not always been a saint, I’ve worked very hard the last 12-13 years to be a great provider, great father, and great citizen. No matter how much effort I give, my wife sees me as a tyrant and someone she needs to protect herself and our children from. How do I move forward in this relationship OR how do I give up on my ‘marriage vows’ and throw in the towel?”

Question 3: [2:02:05] – “I'm a 28-year-old woman and started listening to FDR last year and since then my life has completely changed. I went from being single women with a serious case of hypergramy and risking a cat-lady life to being in a relationship with a loving, kind, devoted man with a deep integrity who I would have never given a chance in the past. We're already talking about marriage and are so excited to start a family and teach our children to become strong men and women of reason and virtue. Because I'm about to hit the wall I know I'll be losing my SMV and therefore my power, which frankly makes me a little anxious, how do I age well as a woman in practical terms? Is there a way to replace my sexual power so I can do good as I get older instead of fading into an invisible middle-aged woman? Or is it a virtue to accept losing this power?”

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