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[Podcast] 4139 Vag!na F!reworks - Call In Show - July 4th, 2018

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Question 1: [2:07] – “I fall into a minority group of fathers that have full custody of their child. I've struggled with the concept that my daughter not having a mother in her life, will have some traumatic effects to her lifestyle choices as she gets older. How can I improve as a father to help her understand the values she should hold as a woman, and where should I draw the line with discipline in regards to her step mother, as I feel she needs a strong mother figure in her life to compensate for her lack of maternal mother.”

Question 2: [29:57] – “I am a white male, 38, and my former boss, a Chinese woman I joined the company with, verbalized, at least once, her agenda to “fix” the department by bringing in more Chinese people, another comment was that I don’t fit the stereotype of a white person, because I am smart. She slowly started taking action in the department to replace non-Chinese people with Chinese people, and soon I too was in the cross hairs. She was initially successful, 50% of the hires were Chinese, replacing all non-Chinese, until I took some measured strategic actions and now she is no longer at our company. The questions is can these strategies be generalized for others to use and to be used in other scenarios?”

Question 3: [1:04:05] – “My mother had a very unexpected death after her birthday due to a heart attack. My parents had just celebrated their 32 anniversary and were high school sweethearts. Weeks after my mom’s death, a woman contacted my dad (separated, but still married), and they started dating. Next thing you know, she’s living with my dad, on unemployment, and they’re getting married. My mom had promised me a lot before she passed and now it’s all gone down the drain and this random woman gets to benefit from the life my parents worked so hard for. No prenup, or anything. We need your help because my dad won’t listen to anyone and is slowly cutting out family.”

Question 4: [2:42:19] – “I have lived in London for nearly 17 years. You would be hard-pressed to find a bigger fan of what was the greatest city in the world! In recent years especially since in investment of Sadiq Khan as the most ineffectual and ideologically demented Mayor of this city, I am now refusing to pay council tax. I voted for Brexit and proudly proclaimed that amongst my peers, I support Trump and I am fed up of the socialistic dictatorship that this country has become particularly under the even more disastrous stewardship of Theresa May. I am calling in to find out how I can stand up to the authorities and argue my case that I do not need to pay council tax when my culture is being stolen from me right under my eyes.”

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