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[Podcast] 4115 Doctor's Note For Being A B!tch - Call In Show - June 6th, 2018

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Question 1: [1:25] – “I grew up as a loner, disliked school, likes guns and fit the typical profile of a school shooter, but obviously didn’t do any such thing. I would like to push back against your argument for holding parents accountable if their children commit crimes such as mass shootings. Instead I have a proposed solution that I would like your thoughts on.”

Question 2: [16:30] – “I think I disagree with Stefan on the issue of single mothers. Since single father's sexual market value is brought down a peg, wouldn't it then be appropriate for single fathers to date single mothers? In my opinion, the up side to dating a single mother is if you eventually want children with her, you would be able to have a bird's eye view in action of how potentially your children would be treated by her.”

Question 3: [1:31:40] – “I have a background in philosophy and theology. I started reading your book out of curiosity to see what you had to say 'against the gods'. I usually find your work interesting, and in depth which I appreciate. However, when it came to your discussion of theism it was painfully uninformed. So, my question for you is: Do you find theism so out of the question that you don't take the time to adequately research it, or was there another reason that you abdicated good research methods? A specific example is your discussion of omnipotence and omniscience, you seem to think you dispatched theism in a few paragraphs, but you failed to define what is meant by those terms. When you attempted to represent what a theist would say in response you gave a skewed understanding of the motive for Divine Atemporality. Theists didn't create divine timelessness to get out of an incoherence, rather it was because various philosophical considerations pushed them in that direction (divine simplicity, immutability, arguments from motion, notions of necessity etc.). I can detail other egregious errors, and a logical fallacy in the arguments against Theism in the book as well. So, why the disparity on this topic?”

Question 4: [2:25:21] – “I have recently ended a number of, what had been, close friendships due to some traumatic incidents within the friendship group. After hearing my reasons for cutting off one individual many others followed suit, ending both personal friendships and working relationships. Most of those that continued to be friends with this individual eventually ended their friendships with me. Following this incident, I have found myself heavily scrutinizing the people that continue to spend time with those who I have cut off, and I have little respect for people to try to tow the middle line and not take sides. My question is, how far should people be held accountable for the actions of the people they choose to be friends with? If you are the company you keep, should those that stick by people who behave immorally be painted with the same brush and how far does that extend to their relationships?”

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