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[Podcast] 4089 When The Indoctrinated Turn On You - Call In Show - May 9th, 2018

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Question 1: [1:24] – “I’m a 26-year-old male who has recently had his life turned entirely upside down. As a musician who’s lived in nothing but artistic communities since my early teens, on top of being raised, taught, and employed by feminist women, I’ve been deeply indoctrinated in the radical left ideology. I was always taught and was under the implication that compassion was the deciding factor for being left leaning. I was hook line and sinker. Rallies, fundraisers, ANTIFA meetings. That mindset changed viscerally this past summer, when a kangaroo court of individuals whom chose to remain anonymous to me, started to smear my name in the vane of ‘toxic masculinity’ after a disagreement amongst political views. A number of life altering false rumors, and fake utterances were written up, passed onto my roommates, and musical peers. Leading to an intervention style meeting, where they laid out my so called ‘problematic behaviors’. Without being able to properly defend myself, not even being given the dignity of knowing my accusers, this led to my short-term homelessness, the loss of my source of income, social ostracism, and deep emotional turmoil. I’d like to believe that I’m not the only well-meaning man who’s been largely cast out from his former peers, just in result of voicing right of center opinions who’ve had their lives completely uprooted. My question is, how does one begin to start over after your life has been burned to the ground by the far left? Is it worth censoring yourself in the pursuit of new friends?”

Question 2: [44:14] – “Does Stefan have a proposal as to why some callers are emotionally invested in their belief system and such callers are often beyond the reach of logic? I am a qualified Hypnotherapist (among other things) and believe that some people have mental processes that produce ‘anti-logic’. They hold to untenable positions and invent increasingly bizarre constructs to maintain their position, (regardless of the facts) - resorting in the last to conspiracy theory. I recently listened to the show with the Flat Earther. Despite the absurdity of his position he could not be moved from his position by Stefan's appeal to reason. As Stefan regularly points out, actions have consequences and people respond to incentives. A ‘Flat Earther’ invites the dis-benefit of ridicule, so there must be a compensating benefit to make him cling so tenaciously to his untenable belief system.”

Question 3: [1:16:15] – “I have developed the basics of a potential theory of ethics that states that what is ethical for a community is what is in the community's common interests, and the community's common interests are based upon the commonly shared interest of all the individual members of said community to reliably maximize their own interests. I would like to explain my theory to Stefan and see if he agrees with it and/or if it accords with his theory, UPB.”

Question 4: [1:34:15] – “I am happily married mother with 2 children. My husband and I are deeply dedicated to providing the best upbringing possible for our kids. My husband works full time & I stay at home. We are doing what we can to raise our children to be happy, healthy and productive humans. Of course, there is a pin in our bubble. Some of our important members are mentally ill or are not participating in our lives. The mentally ill ones cause A LOT of unneeded drama for our family of 4. When the ones NOT participating in our lives DO show up they think that we need to drop everything to be with them, and they are resentful when we do not direct our full attention to their presence. The stable ones have pulled away from family life all together or live too far away for us to meet often. So mostly we are stuck at the dinner table with the crazies.”

“My question is: As a role model for children where do we place our boundary with family? Is it in children's best interest to have a connection with family even if they are mentally ill & destructive? What about opening doors to allow people into our lives when it is convenient or them but promptly having the door shut on us when they decide they are done visiting? Would it be healthier to live in exile without the headache & drama that relatives can bring, and still hope that the kids still learn the value of family? Or should we for the sake of the children endure so that they can develop relationships with cousins, aunts, and grandparents?”

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