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    Seattle, WA
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    Honesty, integrity, relationships, psychology, psychotherapy, music.

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  1. Hi All, Just wanted to plug the Russian FDR-inspired philosophy project named Dobroum (which roughly translates as "Goodness and Reason"). We are steadily gaining popularity - and if you are a Russian speaker or know someone who is, check it out and share www.dobroum.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Le4-5GVPLYoxw3AWx6x_w Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions or would like to contribute! As a sample, here is the Russian version of the Bomb in the Brain presentation:
  2. Awesome thoughts, thanks, Susana! I especially like the idea with initials. Makes sense, thanks! Hmm, interesting... I like it, but at the same time it took me a while to get that it means "big picture" - probably too technical for a therapy business name.
  3. Thank, you, Mellomama. What you said about photography is what actually some of my friends told me - like "Panorama" would be a better name for a photography business. And I sympathize with your dislike for the word "empathic" - even though technically I think it is the single best term for my approach, the word "empathic" in the minds of most people may have a woo-woo type of connotation which I would certainly like to avoid. I definitely stay mindful about the importance of attachment in my work, but I don't think I would like to include the word "attachment" in the actual business name. By trauma-informed I mean that I recognize how widespread trauma is and that a lot of the problems that people want to work on in therapy stem from early trauma.
  4. Thanks guys. Mike, those were not the associations that came to my mind, but definitely ones I'd like to avoid, thanks for the heads up. Trauma-informed, empathic psychotherapy and counseling. "Empathic Counseling" is already a registered business name in my state, though. Yeah, this is more what I was thinking - big picture and perspective.
  5. Hello Fellow FDR Listeners, I work as a mental health counselor, and I've been mulling over a business name for my practice, since my last name is quite difficult to pronounce and spell. So... What do you think of "Panorama Counseling"? All feedback is greatly appreciated!
  6. Thanks guys, I'm very glad you found it helpful and validating.
  7. Howdy folks! People frequently ask me about ways to know if a therapist is good or is going to be good, so I created a concise review of the available research regarding therapist characteristics that are (and aren't) correlated with effective psychotherapy. Share if you like! https://medium.com/@maxtsymbalaums/how-to-find-a-good-therapist-the-research-9a7d6fa63fe2
  8. Hey guys, there is now an FDR Singles Facebook group. It's over 43 people now, and growing. Mostly guys, of course (duh, it's FDR), so more women would be very welcome to join! https://www.facebook.com/groups/RationalDating101/
  9. To the original poster: empathy was a big part of my graduate thesis, and I did a video about the four factors of empathy, which are currently distinguished by neuroscientists: apart from the cognitive and emotional components, there are also the factors of self-awareness and emotion regulation. Here is also a link to my graduate thesis. A review (from my perspective, the best there is) regarding the theoretical underpinnings and research on empathy starts on page 3. I hope you find this info useful, and perhaps it's going to give you new info to consider.
  10. We created a Russian-language philosophical website: dobroum.com Check it out (as well as the Доброум Facebook and VK pages! Also, contact me if you'd like to participate.
  11. Hi guys. I recorded a video that I would like to share with you. Unfortunately, often friendships based on mutual commitment to honesty and openness in the moment result in "falling out." In this video I present two convergent perspectives (attachment theory and Internal Family Systems) on one important factor that may be at play in many such situations. Thank you for watching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1UtYpccS5s&feature=youtu.be
  12. By the way, we are currently working on a Russian-language website: dobroum.com, where the Russian summary of UPB will be published. If any Russian speakers reading this are interested in helping us with the project, please PM myself or Alex!
  13. Ribuck, I think you are quite right regarding the confusing use of the word "preferable." At least in my case, I only understood that Stef perhaps wanted to mean "able to be preferred" by the word "preferable" the other day, after Alex explained it to me. And this was 4 years after I first read the UPB book. And since then I re-read the book at least twice, heard countless discussions of the theory by Stef and others, and translated a summary of UPB. Perhaps I'm just slow or it's the fact that English is my second language, but the fact is, "preferable" in the English language means "better, more desirable" - and the use of this word in the name of the theory to convey the meaning "able to be preferred" can be confusing, especially since Stef uses this word in the actual text of the book mostly to convey its dictionary meaning of "more desirable, better." But thank you for the replies, everyone - Alex and I were confused as to what exactly the word "preferable" means in the name of the theory, and it looks like the meaning is "able to be preferred," which helps us a lot. Now we just need to find a good, concise Russian way to translate the name - which is probably beyond the scope of this thread. Ribuck, we were actually thinking about "универсализируемое поведение" ("universalizable behavior") - I like it quite a bit, except one can break their tongue saying it
  14. Я сделал полную русскую озвучку "The Story of Your Enslavement". Посмотрите и пожалуйста перепостите!
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