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  1. http://www.usdebtclock.org/ US debt clock is displaying gold and silver at several times their supposed market value. According to the clock, gold is sitting at about 7500, while silver is almost 850 per ounce. This comes at a time when silver suppliers are reporting shortages, and silver mines are becoming depleted. http://www.jmbullion.com/charts/silver-prices/ Sites like this show silver priced at a measily 17~ dollars an ounce, which actually has gone up since the beginning of the year, and seems to be in an upward trend from a relative bottom. I could not find the report at the source, but a while ago Freedom Force International reported what was going on is that there are institutions driving the price of actual silver down by selling paper shares of silver, backed by about 10% of what they actually have in tangible precious metals. It's a ponzi scheme. If I remember correctly, there is a move to pop this bubble by having several people invest a minimal amount in these paper shares, and then all invested will demand their physical silver at the same time.
  2. Alright, lets dissect this a little bit. You say, VIRTUOUS women. Yes, I have problems finding women that are virtuous, that I also want to be with. I do not contest that there are virtuous women out there. I do not contest, that there are virtuous women who I am overlooking because I am not attracted to them. I DO contest that, virtuousness, like intelligence, is scaled on a bell grade curve for any given population. Now, there is that top 10% of near perfect virtuous women. And the top 30% is probably acceptable, considering you can't expect people to be perfect. If you apply the percentage of people who are attractive enough to consider, that cuts that 30% down to 15%. Now considering that 15%, how many women of that percentage are already taken? Not homosexual? Not asexual? Not inapplicable because of some other variable? You could be looking at as little as 5 to 1% of virtuous women available out there. Considering this, you or anyone else has the audacity to suggest to me or anyone else that 100% of the male population should hold out on women their entire lives on the off chance that they could meet and keep that 1 to 5% of women? I got a better idea; you and everyone else who might suggest such a thing can go ahead and take your own advice, and leave guys like me to enjoy life to its maximum capacity. I won't go wasting my life chasing unicorns and impractical ideals. The environment is poisoned anyway, with mainstream media, feminism, and technological capabilities. Just look at the heavily skewed male to female population on this very philosophy forum. Women no longer recognize what a quality man is any more, and there is no doubt in my mind that going about your day to day life trying to get a woman to recognize you for those qualities will consume all the time from your life and is likely to leave you miserable and alone. There's a back and forth story going on in this thread RN about rotten bananas and such, being used for an allegory of the dating pool. In the end, both parties are going to have to admit that the quality of any pool is likely to be based on a bell grade curve, and all statistics under the 70% mark are likely to be not quite acceptable. There is nothing outside of that top 30%. It is illogical to expect 100% of applicants to all get a piece of that top 30%. Either you become perfect, get lucky, accept lower quality, or you accept misery. To expect everyone to get or be capable of getting the top percentage is foolishness. That seems logical, but not applicable to a reputation system. This reputation system is a democracy, and democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. In this reputation system, the democratic wolves rule. An anarchic system would be more akin to simply allowing each individual to ignore any other individual. Last but not least, I want to point out that most people on this forum are men, and they are likely pursuing philosophy, pursuing truth, because they are lost in this modern environment. They are probably miserable and alone in this environment, especially with how alone one becomes when foregoing the lies of society and saturating themselves in the pain of truth. This is Stephan's core demographic donation base. There is no doubt in my mind most of these people are not going to donate for some guy to just tell them "step up ur game suuuuurrrn!!!" When the environment is designed to prevent men from doing so in the first place. In fact I am sure potential donators have been lost here, because some people have been messaging me for advice they aren't finding from the people who are telling them to just step up their game. The impracticality I have seen suggested here is abhorrent. Stop costing Stephan donators and give some real advice.
  3. Your limbic system is showing. No doubt your emotional reliance gets you cliff jumping with all the other lemmings. I am glad you wrote more for me to read. I get satisfaction from knowing you wasted your time on me, and I will not be reading it. Actually it doesn't. You've done nothing but continued to sing lalala with your fingers in your ears. I would be surprised if your sexual market value was as high as mine. It reminds me of the Idiocracy movie all over again. The supposedly intelligent remove themselves from the gene pool while the genes of the lower intelligents lives on. How many women jump at the chance to listen to you tell them about how women are naturally socialist beings? Or many of the other seemingly "misogynist" things Stef has to say? Meanwhile, I have lost count of the women I have been with. You're delusional if you think I have anything to lose here but your hypocrisy and failure of logic. Watch out everyone, the freedomain authority who's supposedly supports anarchy is neg repping me for supporting an opposing viewpoint. Not to mention depending on the same social justice system that Hillary/Bernie supporters use to argue against Trump. No, the person with something to lose here is you. Besides your hypocrisies, your denial of a problem recognized by others on this very thread and forum, to say nothing of the problem widely recognized outside this corner of the world, will make apparent the fact that you don't know what you are talking about and people should not listen to you. You have viewers to lose the more you go on denying this problem. All I have to lose is the favor of someone singing with their finger in their ears.
  4. Actually, it is. If you do a simple google search on the word "argument" you will find the following definitions; 1. an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one. "I've had an argument with my father" synonyms: quarrel, disagreement, squabble, fight, dispute, wrangle, clash, altercation, feud,contretemps, disputation, falling-out; More 2. a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. I have stated opposing views, though there has been no real heated exchange. I typically do not engage in arguments anyway, only discussions. Though it seems you have no problem taking my examples of other people and trying to paint me with those failures. If you must be reminded of what I said, those were other people's failures, not mine. My sexual market value is successful enough, tyvm. I would appreciate you not projecting yourself on me. I don't deny I have some low quality friends. They entertain me, and I'm always happy to extend a hand of guidance if they care to take it. What I oppose is the idea that there is such a wide pool of quality people to choose from these days. That is not the case, and I am far from the only one recognizing it. My own personal experiences are just the tip of the iceberg, and clearly plenty of other men are experiencing the same thing. Where would you like me to start citing sources? Sargon of Akkad's daily examples of female hypocrisy? The MGTOW movement? Hell, Stephan's own seemingly daily run ins on the call in show where he's talking to single mothers and women who choose abusers and male strippers who talk about all the women looking for a quick bang with him? No, I think this is more likely a case of you plugging your ears to a fairly well known and recognized truth, and your dependence upon the little social justice neg rep supports that. I am sure the SJWs of Trump protesters and feminists and black lives matter would approve. I never did understand the hypocrisy of supposed anarchists depending on collectivist methods of justice like ostracism. Ben Franklin once said democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what to have for dinner. I'm sure you'd happily support a democratic state.
  5. While I don't quite agree with the video, I do think Stef's views of the dating scene are outdated, most specifically in the western world. With factors like socialist state support, feminism, and multiple economic variables, the motivating factors for women to find and settle down with a single quality man have been all but obliterated. Women these days jump from one guy to another, taking flight at the slightest hint of discontent, or facing reality for that matter. There is no room for men to have morals, expectations, or even a heart. I know better than to start talking about economics, politics, child development, philosophy, or anything real with women these days when I go out. A witty line, the right dance moves, some sexual tension and maybe a drink (if she's not buying her own) produces the only chance at procreation. Anyone seen the movie "idocracy" where the dumb people multiply like rabbits and the intelligent people dont have a single kid? It's like that. It's some of the same reasons why people are jumping on the Hillary bandwagon. It's not about intellect, it's about emotions. An ex girlfriend of a friend of mine has four kids from four different dads, and collects child support and alimony from all of them. Another girl I know loves to come over to another friend of mine's apartment and talk about how her baby daddy owes her 500 a month but does not have a job, while she just broke up with another guy she was banging cause he's broke. All this while she's hanging out at my friend's house drinking and smoking while her 6 month old is left at her grandmothers house. Oh, and my personal favorite, a woman once tried to get me to sleep with her without a condom. I always used one, and later found out she was pregnant and was trying to get me to think it was gonna be my kid. There is no quality to be found in women any more, unless you want to attempt relations with a woman who can't get you aroused. Men know this, and so we just go around hoping for a pretty face who is somewhat sane whom with we can have some illusion of a relationship before the inevitable breakup. If all men were to abide strictly by the standards Stephan might demand, I have no doubt 95% of the population would go extinct, lonely and miserable. The only men getting anywhere with women are those most capable of entertaining women, regardless of child developing qualities. Often in spite of them. I think I have known there is no love or care to be reasonably expected from this world since the day I was a newborn being shaken by my parents for crying too much. I think that's why it's easy for me to play this modern dating game. I don't have a heart to bother with.
  6. I used to do cage fighting, and we sometimes had karate people come train with us. It was apparent to everyone that as soon as any grappling was involved, the karate people were at a loss. What they taught was simply too one dimensional and untested. Not to say that striking is ineffective. Anyone who thinks so needs to go watch the video of Holly Holm beating Rhonda Rousey, a renown jiu-jitsu blackbelt. Holly does this thing that does not really have a name yet, but I refer to it as a "running striker" which could be the only real effective martial art against more than one person. Still, everyone is going to make a mistake and end up on the ground some time, and you have to know how to recover from that, so jiu-jitsu is the place to start. But if you don't believe me, take it from a former seal;
  7. One of Hillary's primary campaign contributors is Saudi Arabia. The Saudis want us to get into war with Iran and Syria to support their oil interests. Hillary is also part of the Council on Foreign Relations, who according to "The Creature from Jekyll Island" are the bankers who caused the recession and are pursuing the one world government. According to The Creature, these bankers control the Federal Reserve as well as Russia's money supply, which is necessary to bring the two countries to war and buy up everything afterwards, as they have done before. North Korea is part of this plan, though they clearly see it coming, and want to avoid it. Trump has stated before, he wants to absolve the US national debt and befriend Russia, throwing a great big monkey wrench into all of the banker's plans. I wish the common Hillary supporter cared to know anything at all about any of this. Their support of Hillary could end up seeing them drafted.
  8. Interesting. The last time she hiked the rate, the market started falling. With this news, the uncertainty over the election, and mainstream media recognizing a housing bubble, I don't see how we won't be headed for a crash relatively soon.
  9. No I'm not religious. I am not sure what I would do for love. I don't think I know what that is really. Some people tell me you have to give it to have it, but that's a failure of logic if I don't have it in the first place. Actually I think we just might make it off this rock and into the stars. Science is evolving at an incredible rate. But even if that is the case, doesnt the prospect of that bother you? That you will just disappear forever one day, as if you had never existed? Don't you want to matter? No I'm not religious. I am not sure what I would do for love. I don't think I know what that is really. Some people tell me you have to give it to have it, but that's a failure of logic if I don't have it in the first place.
  10. Well sometimes I see he gets tired of me being a drag. I seem to have this problem a lot. Still, he knows I am a dependable and good guy so he puts up with me and tries to have fun. Just my feelings. I do talk to people online sometimes. It only ever feels more like me spending time with the computer. Ah, sorry, I tend to get led away from my original intentions. I want to know what other people do to feel like they exist, like you matter, what you do to feel like you're not just going to disappear into nothingness. Or if you even think about that at all, and if it does not bother you, I wonder why not. Ah, sorry, I tend to get led away from my original intentions. I want to know what other people do to feel like they exist, like you matter, what you do to feel like you're not just going to disappear into nothingness. Or if you even think about that at all, and if it does not bother you, I wonder why not.
  11. Only a little. Just by the mechanic of seeing that others are struggling under some of the same conditions that I am. There is good information to be found around here. The same thing that happens IRL seems to be the same that happens on here though. I simply post my thoughts and interests and let anyone willing to come around, come around. I don't connect. I never have. This is what makes me think I am sociopathic. I have gone great lengths of time without any human contact. My money allowed me to shut myself away for months at a time. I remember one day waking up in the house, looking around, realizing just how empty it was, how alone I was. I remember not being bothered by it, but being bothered by not being bothered by it. I remember thinking how unusual my situation is. I am very much anti social. Posting here is one attempt of trying to break away from it. Well I have tried a number of things. I tried PUA stuff for a while. Its... interesting, but there is no connecting. Or maybe, I am the one who is not connecting. I look into interesting articles and reads of psychology. I have not really developed any relationships with anyone. I am not a people person. I sometimes wish I was. There is this guy I hang out with who is a people person, he always has people around. I did him some big favors and, even though I don't think he likes me too much, he strives to include me in his life. I don't enjoy hanging out with him too much, but I do because I think it is good for me. TBH I try not to socialize online, as I feel that's separating me from real connections. It's mostly that I feel lost, more than helpless. I feel like I keep circling around the answer but never get to it. And a lot of the time, I just think hey, I could get hit by a car right now, why not just go out and enjoy myself however I want, then I do. Anything else takes time away from that.
  12. Steph's recent video about the Gord Downie got me thinking about death recently. It's got to be one of the most philosophical topics we could discuss. When I saw it, it got me thinking about this article; http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article24576757.html Long story short, a man was running on the beach with his headphones in when a plane had to make an emergency landing, hit him from behind and killed him. He never even knew what was coming. It makes me wonder where he was in his life. What he was planning on doing. What he wanted to do that he never will. Death waits for no one and nothing. You never know when it will come for you. You could be sitting there, just like me, typing away looking at your computer screen, and a plane or car or something crashes through your wall and kills you. Then you're the aunt in the background like Steph was just talking about. This is one of the most important topics I ever consider. I feel this desperate need to feel like I exist in this world. Like I made a difference. I spent and do spend a lot of time reading history, and its relation to economics. I know the story of us, humans, and how and why the story of money is so interconnected. Most people don't even realize why the two stories are so important. Most people will never know the story, or be part of the story period. Most people will just disappear into the void and be gone forever. I made enough money reading about the history of economics. I feel like I have reached the end of the happiness money can bring. What I don't have, is people. I never figured out how to be a people person. The traumatic experiences I endured from my parents when I was less than 5 years old seem to have prevented me from ever really connecting with anyone. I have spent most of my life chasing money, only to realize now that I only ever really wanted people, even though my trauma prevents me from letting anyone in. I have been working on it. I try to be real with people a lot. It's what I like to do. Most people, unfortunately, do not like to be real. I have tested this; when I am real, it drives people away. When I am fake and superficial, people are more inclined to be around me. Either way, I end up a ghost. I see this void surrounding me, where I will disappear into the ripples of the top of the lake, never to be thought of again, as Stephan says. What can I do about it? I feel like there is nothing I can do, struggle as I might. I have sumrized that the best I can do is enjoy my life to it's fullest extent, before I have no life to enjoy any longer. I justify this course of action by the thought that, if I had the chance to know I would never enjoy my life before I was born, would I even choose to live? I don't think I would. I don't think anyone would. Knowing how much abuse I have been through and how alone I have been already, I think I would have chosen not to live as it is. But here I am. Here I am living, looking into the void of non existence, trying to be real and driving people away because of it, becoming a ghost in the process. Trying to then be fake and superficial, then never existing because of it, and being a ghost anyway. I never seem to find a decent answer. I hope, before that I get hit by a plane or whatever fate befalls me, that I find one.
  13. Devil's advocate; argue against the evidence provided here
  14. I forgot where I read it but in a full scale nuclear event, the world supposedly has enough weapons to blow up every inch of surface land. That would probably mean even the oceans would all become highly irradiated, but you at least have a better chance on the water than on land. Unless you own a very deep and properly self contained bunker. The northern hemisphere is where most people live. The southern hemisphere mostly ignored. I imagine the oceans near the south pole would be the best bet.
  15. You should have been meticulously documenting this event from the beginning. A well kept journal of actual factual events, any possible evidence collected, your position rehearsed and the opposing party's story considered for inconsistencies would give you a platform from which to confidently speak of your integrity. You cannot be too careful with women these days, and if you do not play the lawyer game, women will absolutely pull one over on you. It's an unfortunate position for men these days but you have to play it, and it is quite possible to win. I worked with a young outspoken undisciplined black woman who tried to pull such kind of shit on me. I journaled every day something happened, including dates and times of her misconduct. In the end, my evidence was irrefutable as the dates and times of her lies were incongruent with what we had on camera, and she was abandoned, ostracized, and fired. People are most certainly afraid of women and their manipulation of the social environment, but they are even more afraid of the law, and the trouble it will bring if not handled properly. A lost power of men these days.
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