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Everything posted by NotDarkYet

  1. A king from the year 350 is incomparably poor relative to an average american today. All of us today are incomparably poor relative to people from the year 2300. What creates this wealth other than the market?
  2. It's nice to the cops are on top of REAL crime. Last month I had my car broken into outside my apartment: Everything stolen: Computer, wallet, credit cards, international bank cards (irreplaceable unless I fly to China!), guitar, cables, pedals....everything. He proceeded to go into every gas station and use my credit cards. I have video footage of him at 5 locations! And, the guy put my stuff on craigslist hours later, and listed the apartment complex, right next to mine. There is plenty of evidence to find the guy. Simply go to the apartment complex manager with the video footage and ask if he lives there. 2 hours of work. So, I called the cops every day for 2 weeks requesting help. Nothing. The refused to help at all. Eventually I got a letter (a LETTER, in a time sensitive case) saying "this is not something we investigate" Thanks guys!!! Meanwhile, a friend of mine list his job for getting caught with marijuana, I got a 20 dollar parking ticket, and my GF got a speeding ticket. Worthless sacks of s****. (sorry for the language, but I'm mad) I can't tell you how much contempt I have for cops. Absolute and utter contempt.
  3. Hi NojusArturo, I don't recall Stef bringing this up. What are your thoughts on the matter? I wonder what it would be like to have two moms, or two dads. I have no idea what that would be like, but certainly it would have been better than the emotional/intellectual freeze-out that was my childhood.
  4. Could you summarize the arguments against anarcho capitalism?
  5. But in a free society who will fight at hockey games?
  6. The 5 minutes of the guy dry-heaving at the end when he realized how it felt to be one of his victims - - - staggering. It's very powerful. Although I must say I never want to see this film again. ,
  7. This is the core imho: -Female evil is taboo to discuss -We've been programmed to avoid assigning blame to women. -That is why the discussion bothered people. The order of events: 1) discussion of the hidden evils perpetrated by women 2) feeling bothered by the discussion 3) not recognizing the discomfort, not investigating the source of the discomfort 4) creating a post-facto intellectual argument to explain the discomfort (Ie, women are more moral than men, Stef is being a jerk)
  8. Two people agreeing to trade work for money = SLAVERY FORCING one of them to pay the other a higher wage = FREEDOM What a wonderful double-speak we have here. A wonderful example of what happens when you don't have a 'compared to what'.
  9. What does "like" have to do with truth?
  10. Chomsky's view of economics is like a doctor's view of the human body if the doctor had only studied patients dying of lung cancer.
  11. This makes total sense. I wasn't spanked much, but I would have traded anything to have been spoken to and listen to like a real human.
  12. But without the government, who will care about fuel efficiency?
  13. Heya, Last night at the Austin meetup I got to meet Stef in person and it was awesome. I can only describe it as a profoundly surreal experience. I even got a bit misty eyed for a moment. Has anyone else experienced this disorienting sensation of meeting a hero? Perhaps my experience is a bit heightened because I started listening to FDR back in 2007/2008, around the first few hundred podcasts, and I even remember reading his stuff on Lewrockwell and Strike the Root before he had the show- - so you can imagine the amount of time Stef has spent in my eyes/ears! To meet him in person was crazy. Anyway, I thought I'd share that. Also, does anyone have the internet location that Blake will be posting his photographs?! I'm totally framing that.
  14. But in a free society who will protect us from psychopaths?
  15. @greekredemption How is the question assuming its answer? Maybe I'm missing something.
  16. @greekredemption. Remember we're talking ought, not is. The physical desire IS innate. But the OPs question is - what in childhood would allow men to ACT on the physical desire.
  17. To the OP: I once was so obsessively angry at someone that I started getting daily panic attacks. I wasn't right for 6 months. It wrecked me.
  18. A song I wrote: Summer's End (click it to listen) I once saw silver linings, now I only see clouds. Where once I had a thousand friends now got a crowd. I used to say that everything will work out in the end, but to the beaten and heartbroken ones you just can't pretend. Where once I had an open heart, now I close it like a fort. With great stone walls and archers poised and a guard at every door. And if a stranger should come knocking on a cold and lampless night with a cloak and dagger close at hand I'll be safe inside. Here's three cheers for the beaten. Three cheers for the broke. Here's three cheers for the wind-blown ones at the bottom of that rope. Here's three cheers for those who cannot say the glass is half full. Here's three cheers if you can't count sheep and you end up counting wolves. The birds are singin' in the trees but little do they know the very limbs they stand upon will be buried in the snow. And the wavin trees and buzzin bees and flowers pink and red will all turn grey and all fall down when summer ends. All that's good and right I've seen you could balance on a knife. You may call it cynical but I just call it life. And those few with golden souls will be trampled in the ground under the boots of those marchin fools who always run this town. Here's three cheers for the beaten. Three cheers for the broke. Here's three cheers for the wind blown ones at the bottom of that rope. Here's three cheers for those who cannot say the glass is half full. Here's three cheers if you can't count sheep and you end up counting wolves. Is there nobody out there to lift the curse upon this place? for sake of all us rats down here circling a maze If a message in a bottle, then I'd send it off in haste in a rocket at the speed of sound bound for outer space
  19. I watched this documentary in the theater. It was intense, at a few moments I almost had a panic attack. Took me about 3 days to recover from the sadness. :-( Absolutely horrific. In a way, I think this should be mandatory viewing for pro-war people. (this and the Fog of War)
  20. To address the 'it's only entertainment' question: The Daily Show takes very clear stances on huge issues. And they are clearly presenting opinions on moral issues. So, the extent to which they present right/wrong stances on issues is the extent to which they should be held responsible for their 'entertainment'.
  21. I saw the Daily Show for the first time in years. (just moved back to the USA), and it was a show about the minimum wage (they interviewed Peter Schiff). There was zero rational discussion. It was just making fun of people who want wage freedom. And the audience cheered! We're screwed. Anarcho capitialists need an entertainment platform like that.
  22. The worker at Foxcom has chosen that job as the best option for them. If Foxcom closes (because people quit buying), this person will have to get a worse job. And people flood into these factories from their shitty poor villages. They often make enough in a year or two to buy a house in their hometown. I imagine working in a factory is better than picking cabbage under the sun.
  23. I wish I had had ONE conversation with ONE of my parents that involved curiosity and open-ness like this. So jealous. And a little angry. And sad.
  24. I'm sorry to hear about your experiences. Anyone who hasn't been ravaged by panic attacks has no idea what hell on Earth really means. I was destroyed by panic attacks for a few months in high school. And then later, for a few months in university. For me they were negative feedback loops of worry and body tension. In high school I saw a scary movie, and it haunted me for a while...which is normal....but my obsessive personality worried that I'd never be the same again, which created more worry, which created more worry, until I was having blow outs daily. In university I had a falling out with some roomates. It split the social groups into two parts. I focussed so much rage/negativity/worry at the other people that I ended up having a few months of daily panic attacks. I ended up on SSRIs for a season. Now I don't have them. I attribute the 'cure' to these reasons: 1) I've learned how to MONITOR my body tension. If I'm feeling tense, I relax like I'm going into a deep sleep. BOOM, stops the cycle. Pay attention to your shoulders, stomache, tongue, eyes. Make them limp like a rag. Take a deep breath and relax your whole body...feel the tingles. 2) Diet. I don't eat blood sugar spiking foods. Stick to protien and veggies. 3) Confidence that I can handle hard shit (if I look back at the number of times I worried myself to death for no reason, I start to see a pattern) 4) Nothing lasts forever. Everything passes. Even life. So whatever it is, in the grand scheme of things, meh. 5) Focus on what's GOOD in your life. Appreciate things you wouldn't normally appreciate. "Hey, I can WALK!" 6) Be fine with the worst case scenario. Then everything else that happens is a positive. "Ok, I may lose my job, so what". Ultimately, I have to lay much of the responsibility on my parents who never built a sense of confidence in me. I viewed myself a weak player in a scary unloving world.
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