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Everything posted by NotDarkYet

  1. Knowing my fathers horrible history with alcohol, I shouldn't have touched the stuff. He would get knockdown drunk every single night. I never had a father, I had a ghost/monster who took zero interest in me or my thoughts. In fact, he'd roll his eyes when I asked a question and go back to his drinking. Anyway... Over the last 5 years my drinking habit has increased. I'm up to about 4-5 beers (ie, miller lite, low alcohol content) per night. Not a rehab worthy amount, but still, I think it's affecting me. I'm noticing a very low energy level. What used to give me pleasure (jamming, writing, reading), now gives me none. I want to experiment with zero drinking at home (99% of where I drink) - to see if that helps. Last night was my first day in of zero drinking in ages. I felt some anxiety and nervous energy. And when I fell asleep, I had nightmares. Has anyone else gone through this process? Any timeline I should keep in mind?
  2. Hitbox: When I say "panic attack" I don't mean 'scared' or 'creeped out'. I mean massive dizzying rushes of adrenaline, feeling like you're dying, hyperventilation, loosing emotional control....numerous times a day. And when I wasn't having a panic attack, I had a black mental fog due to the exhaustion. Imagine every day the only thought you had was, "am I going to have another panic attack?!", while trying to pretend you're normal. Yes. The realism is the darkest, somehow. The movie that gave me a panic attack was Se7en, and that has a very starkly real feeling. Recently I saw "The Act of Killing", a documentary about some war criminals, and that set me off (although I'm much better at managing my breathing and mind, so the panic attack didn't come back again)
  3. Years ago, during high school, I saw a scary movie in the theater. It caused a panic attack, and I developed subsequent panic attacks for about 2 months afterward. Has anyone else had this sort of experience? It was a truly horrific time in my life, and I had nobody to talk to about it. From that day on, I can't watch scary movies. They disturb me for days afterward.
  4. Could you summarize the most important point(s)? What alternative is he proposing?
  5. Running away isn't an answer. But after college I lived abroad for many years. Perhaps you can look forward to that. Living in the USA can be a drag.
  6. If people can't be trusted to fix social problems through voluntary interaction, then they CAN'T be trusted with solving problems via force. That's everything political in a nutshell.
  7. This is an issue for a professional counselor, I think. Suicide is a triage emergency, FDR is more akin to nutrition.
  8. We know the government kills innocent people. We don't need 911 for this. We know the government kills innocent people. We don't need 911 to prove this. We know the government kills innocent people. We don't need 911 to prove this.
  9. Regarding the "if you've done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about" argument. It presumes that the law = moral. Helping a slave run away WAS against the law. Therefore the law is fallible. And arguments from authority don't work.
  10. Imho the pressure comes from women. Men clearly fear confronting women on their BS in this dept. Case in point: The two separate times I brought up male rape stats (in prison) BOTH women cried, and told me I was a jerk for bringing it up. Both of them packed their belongings and threatened to leave. Very very strange.
  11. Skip to 9:50 This album is hilarious. But, strangely poignant. And the Alien Schools track packs punch. ---- Alien schools are very cool Where schools is games and games are school Alien schools are very cool Where school is games and games are school In alien school we develop super brains Cuz in every alien school everything is taught with games The most important thing Is to find the things that we love the best And we find these magic things By following our interests In alien schools we keep real good balance Because the things we focus on Is the developing our talents The things interest you Are the first things they find out Cuz much of the rest is something you are better of without Who needs to know some facts and dates from books upon the shelves If they don't know the talents that lie within themselves Once we find an interest we meet about that thing And just made for that interest are games to play and songs to sing They don't fill the kids heads with a lot of useless knowlege And they don't put off finding out what they want to be until they go to college Everybody has a special destiny a special magic goal that only they can see Everyone is born with a special job to do, A special job for me and a special job for you At alien schools each kid is treated differently It all depends on naturally what their talents and interests may be Since alien school make sense, they don't need a lot of rules And the kids are never tense, cuz they love their alien schools Because don't fill our kids heads with boring useless facts We don't have to complain about the way our young folks act Alien kids are great, and alien kids are smart And because their schools are happy they have a loving heart The reason they are bright, and the reason they are smart Is because they find their talents right from the very start Alien school treat every kid as an individual And to every single alien kid, learning things is quite a thrill Alien schools are the best because they're based on interest If you find interest, attention will then grow And you will want to learn the things you want to know Learning lots of information before you find your goal Is like a long vacation from you very own soul No alien teacher has to mention "kids you have to pay attention" When you find the things you want to be you pay attention naturally We never have to study anything that's boring Because the alien teachers know it will only get us snoring Then that is the beginning of a good kid going bad Alien schools, alien schools Their is no boredom and interest rules The things that really interest you Are the things that you should do When you find the things you love learning becomes naturally And that's why alien schools are good for you and me When you find the things you love learning comes naturally And thats why alien schools Are good for you and me
  12. My strategy: 1. See if the person shows moral/logical integrity. If so.... 2. Show the moral logic 3. Show that the present system is flawed 4. Show some practical examples of how it might work 5. Direct them to Everyday Anarchy/Practical Anarchy
  13. Part 1) I value item X = 5 You value item X = 10 Part 2) I give you item X. You give me (= or < than) 10 value Units. BOTH people are better off. Take this interaction times billions....and you have a richer economy. For empirical evidence: See North vs South Korea
  14. Interesting: Maybe inspiration requires both: 1) To see a goal 2) To be energized to achieve the goal
  15. Then your service gets a reputation (UPB) for being unreliable. And if you can prove libel/slander, a free society would encourage reparations for such a mistake.
  16. http://www.instantcheckmate.com/ You can check anyone's personal history online now. Arrests, marriages, misdemeanors, etc I'm wondering if this is similar to how communities will organize in a free society. Obviously it sucks that what's considered illegal is still defined by the state. But it's an interesting application.
  17. I initially bought a smart phone for the GPS - - I moved to a new city and it was a lifesaver 100 times over. Also I didn't have internet at my apartment. My whole internet life was on that phone. If you don't need one, fine.
  18. To take the pregnancy and "getting off" issues off the table, let's think of the gay community: If women were just as open to casual sex, why are there very few lesbian bath houses relative to gay male bath houses? The empirical evidence is men are naturally inclined to want commitment free sex.
  19. Maybe: A person who goes to great lengths to determine and communicate the truth, in spite of waves of culture crashing against him.
  20. A lot of people assume an increase in taxes only shows up in tax-bills. They don't realize that it shows up in more expensive EVERYTHING.
  21. Reasons to do good, off the top of my head: - Direct reciprocity (expect good from that person) - General reciprocity (someday I may be in a position like that, and I hope someone will help) - Mirror neurons (I like seeing people happy, it makes me feel bad when I see people in pain) - Social points (Other people will like me more if they see me being good) I suspect that when people say, "I do good because I want to go to heaven", they lack the self-knowlege to recognize it's actually some mix of all of the above. And only a truly horrible person does good for the reward of Heaven alone. Yuck.
  22. It's not immoral not to tip. It's an aesthetic question. Personally, I hate the whole system of tipping. In Asia, where I lived for 8 years, there was no tipping. So no confusion (is this person making 40 dollars an hour?!) , no guilt (did I tip enough?), no rewarding people who didn't choose a good career. So, I don't go to sit down restaurants or bars now. I know a 38 year old guy, drug addict, flakey as heck, making double my wage (at many times) who is a server at a restaurant. Something's wrong there.
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