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Alan C.

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Alan C. last won the day on October 22 2015

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    science and technology, history and econonmics

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  1. Spanking a child DOES affect their mental health and is 'often the first form of child abuse', experts claim
  2. Low prices are good because it results in a higher standard of living. In a market econonmy (which we currently don't have) low prices would be a direct reflection of increased efficiency and production. An example of this can be seen in the computer industry where components continually improve while prices decline.
  3. Retail Sales in U.S. Decrease to End Weakest Year Since 2009 I like how the columnist suggested that it's probably because people are choosing to sock away savings from cheaper gas prices rather than go shopping. I don't think so. Wal-Mart to shutter 269 stores, 154 of them in the US Sears and JC Penney have also closed stores. Sears used to be a department store juggernaut in the U.S. This must be the strong economy that Obama talked about in his State of the Union address. I think we're right about where we were in 2006 when things began to slow down right before the housing crash. However, this time the housing bubble won't be the only bubble that pops.
  4. I used to drink iced coffee from McDonald's almost daily. I gave it up because the caffeine was causing unpleasant effects. Now, I rarely drink anything with caffeine.
  5. We don't have to imagine what would happen. We need only look at what is happening in Venezuela, and what has happened in other countries with varying degrees central planning.
  6. A bunch of frustrated losers who will never amount to anything because they spend all of their time trying to collect what they believe others owe them.
  7. Petty bickering may be a cry for help from somebody whose needs aren't being met in a relationship. The needling and antagonism is lashing out to get attention.
  8. The problem with this narrative is that it consists of context dropping. You have to analyze the logical and requisite antecedents to arrive at the correct conclusion. You can't stage a narrative and then say that it invalidates a libertarian idea. Libertarians probably have greater foresight than any other group of people.
  9. Hillary isn't faithful. The Clintons are a power couple. There is evidence suggesting infidelity by both of them.
  10. Liberals aren't interested in facts or solutions. They want a mass influx of poor, uneducated immigrants flooding into the country so that there will be more Democratic voters.
  11. Another unfortunate consequence of the proliferation of superstitious dogma is the victims (including children) of exorcisms who are beaten, burned, tortured, and killed in an effort to extricate evil spirits. The idea that there are invisible entities floating around, and inhabiting and controlling people, comes from religion (including Christianity). People who believe that they are being controlled by invisible beings are likely to be mentally unstable and may be psychotic. Religious folks who peddle this cockamamie baloney (including Christians) are morally culpable for the harm done.
  12. Nervous tics suggest stress and anxiety.
  13. There is no finer example of media bias than how they're reporting rape allegations against Bill Cosby while they ignored those against Bill Clinton.
  14. Stagflation and war. As far as the presidency, I think Trump will win.
  15. Christianity and other superstitious worldviews legitimize irrationallity and magical thinking, and encourage people to shun and ridicule science and reason (except when they personally benefit from it).
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