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David Lozes

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Everything posted by David Lozes

  1. Request to caller: please write out your logic. I am having a difficult time understanding how an intent without action can be either moral or immoral. Thanks.
  2. According to http://sifter.org/iqtest/index.html, 139 on the Stanford-Binet/USA scale (stdev 16) 159 on the European/Cattell scale (stdev 24) The 139 is lower than previously measured values of ~143 in US elementary school. Taking this test while distracted negatively affected answers. I clicked back to look at what I got wrong &, 'Eureka!' The answers are obvious.
  3. Hello You Happeners-By, My name is David. I live in California's East San Francisco Bay Area, and I am enthusiastic about personal freedom, ability, and achievement (also: fashion, coffee, and fitness). I found FDR in 2008 by way of 'True News 11-14: Statism is Dead' linked from the then Libertarian, pro-Ron Paul site reddit. At the time I was on my way to enforce good behavior in others as a law enforcement officer. I was naive enough to believe that police were high status exemplars of virtue, and that filling their ranks with peace-minded, informed individuals would be enough to preserve citizens' liberty. The more I read of abuses of authority, the more I understood the State's immoral nature. It is a haven of evil. Moreover, I learned that I could not point a gun at another in any serious way. - - - I want to put forth a false-self construct here, I really do. I am not ready to be vulnerable. I think I need to get into therapy. - David EDIT: I just listened to the Wednesday 26 Feb '14 call-in show. A caller named 'Dave' who has also been listening since ~2008 had a discussion with Stef. Please understand that I am not that Dave.
  4. Hello Thomas,First, I recognize the courage that it takes to come forward & speak. Welcome.Second, I am alarmed that those around you might be using you. You buy your "friends" lunch a lot. Do they return the favors? Do they add value to your life? If you are the only person you know who saves money, that's probably a sign that you're just a resource to be manipulated - which is in keeping with your current employment in the military.As for your roommate with kidney failure... Dude, please tell us more. I mean that. Points about your roommate to clarify (if not for the boards, then at least for yourself):1. Can your roommate support his medical treatment on his own?2. If not, is he capable of taking on debt to pay for the medical expenses? (If he can't, or has no plans to repay the 'lender,' I would caution against paying his medical bills.) 3. Did the kidney failure result from a genetic condition, or is it the result of lifestyle choices? If the later, then has he gotten counseling to avoid relapse? I ask that you not enable another's bad habits. Doing so is harmful to both the enabler & the user.4. If everyone around you is advising against an action, they can probably see something that you can't. I am curious to learn if you have a history of being manipulated. If so, then you might have permitted such manipulation because you were either blind to it, or because it was a familiar, learned behavior. Were you allowed to say, "No," to your primary care-givers / parents? If one can't say, "No," then any response of, "Yes," is meaningless. - David
  5. Oh! I would also recommend listening to podcast 2500, Stef's post-debate analysis of Zeitgeist Versus the Market (podcast 2492). Clarity of ideas and how to effecyively communicate them is discussed very well.
  6. I believe that debate skill comes from practice. If you want to be better at debating, then debate. Find where your errors acrue and address them. Research for topics may be inhibited by the state firewall of China. I would suggest TOR or a similar proxy network to access unfiltered search results. For a basis of argument, you can learn logical fallacies to identify them in your debate partner's arguments, and to remove them from your own. Search "introduction to logic" on Google for basic information to start with.
  7. Can lifting weights for aesthetics and attention be unhealthy? Yes. Weight lifting can be rewarding. Rewarding experiences can become addicting, and other aspects of one's life can suffer from neglegence. What prompts your interest in this area?
  8. Hello, My name is David. I've felt ambivalence about posting since 2009. The time to post wasn't, "quite right," I thought. So, I didn't. Well, that was four years ago, and circumstances will never be, "quite right." Honestly, I don't feel like being honest because I expect it will lead to attack from trolls, one-uppers, levelers, or assholes. Mostly I expect this because of family experience. I'm finally free of them, at least proximally. Christ, it's about time. I don't think I can be fully honest here, yet. I'm still too angry at myself, how much time and potential I have wasted. The draw to inflate my ego by selectively addressing positive accomplishments mingled with 'overcoming' negative circumstances is also strong. So though I could depict myself honestly here, I would much prefer not to, 'cause I feel just like a ball of hurt at times. And the only way out of that despair (that I have experienced) is either physical engagement or sensory stimulation, or - you know - actually achieving something. Oh, in one of the early podcasts it was mentioned that, "Philosophy is a spear that cuts both ways." About that time in 2009, I intentionally used it as a terrible weapon against my father, eventually bringing him to tears & stating, "I was a horrible father." But of course he didn't want to explore beyond that. Why would he? I intentionally did it to hurt him. And thinking about it now I feel like crying. My name is David. I would like to discuss principles, share good experiences, improve my clarity and delivery of thought, get the fuck on with my life earn employment, and increase my human capital - then help others if at all possible. - - - Topics I look forward to discussing: epigenetics, the debatable virtue of physical attributes, Against the Gods, honesty in relationships. Other topics I may be able to contribute to in some small way: physical science/biochemisty related discussion, UPB, violence as a conclusive answer to complex subjects, unconscious presumptions, human nature, courage, reasons to donate to FDR, personal freedom. See you in the forums.
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