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Everything posted by dmp1ce

  1. I'm considering sponsoring the development of a Plex plugin for Freedomain Radio. Does anyone know if something like this has already been developed? I use Plex to for home entertainment and I think it would be great to have Freedomain Radio available for other Plex users.
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  2. The feed I am listening to (http://feeds.feedburner.com/FreedomainRadioVolume6) does sort correctly now. I'm not sure what changed to fix the issue, but it looks like the dates were fixed in the feed. Which feed are you listening to @heresolong?
  3. They BeyondPod team suggested that seconds be added to the <pubDate> section of the RSS feed. They said Is this a possibility?
  4. I'm still having a problem with BeyondPod. I created a thread on their forum too here: http://www.beyondpod.com/forum/showthread.php?3471-Podcast-not-sorting-by-date&p=13495 I think the issue has something to do with the date format but I'm not sure what date format BeyondPod is looking for yet. I've subscribed to this topic now, so I should respond faster than 1 year now.
  5. In my podcast client the FDR feed never shows up in the correct order. I think the reason is because the FDR podcasts don't have a date associated to them. Can the dates get added to the podcasts? It would really help me out. I have mostly stopped listening to the podcast because I never know when the shows are coming out. My podcast client is BeyondPod on Android.
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