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Everything posted by hkw

  1. Would those only be available in XXL? :-)
  2. Update: We're 33% funded at $1150 currently, after about 29 hours!
  3. Video Embedded: [View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PG9Ba6x7gg] Link to Kickstarter: http://kck.st/120hI7K
  4. Thanks courtney, that's very kind of you.
  5. Hey Simon,Thanks for your feedback. I think it's a fair question. However, I must say that I don't think I've ever seen an article of "upscale" clothing that was branded by something other than a clothing company. Given the donation rates and other signs of financial investment in philosophy, I am skeptical that many philosophers would go for this. However, if the niche is large enough, I'm more than happy to try to serve that market segment. :-)
  6. Hey, everyone! My friend and I are starting a new business selling philosophical T-shirts. Would you take a few minutes to respond to this survey and let us know about your philosophical t-shirt preferences? One lucky survey responder will win a $25 certificate to Amazon.com. http://www.voluntarytees.biz/survey-feb-2013 I'm hoping that the t-shirt designs will either immediately or soon include Freedomain Radio t-shirts, but have not yet discussed that with Stef. The market shall dictate!
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