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Everything posted by Bardan
Gidday from Australasia (sounds more geographical than political dosn't it?) Father of 3 living in Auckland. Student of economics and philosophy, though more focus on the study of therapeutic psychology these days. Just another expression of the same interest in the same way that I was in to science fiction until I found out about philosophy... I've actually been listening to the show since 2006 and doing my best to learn and implement. During that time I was stuck in my own Into The Wild movie adventure but yet to realise it. Two FDR shows are conversations with with me, both some while ago. I'd like to have more contact with others who appreciate The Conversation but can't find them. I don't think there is a community but I wish there were to save me a job of making my own one, as I am. Long time since I realised that the chatroom and this forum were not being used well. I think the most initiated people are away on facebook or skype talking to each other. As I type the "Duchess of Cambridge" in a converstion about chutney in the chatroom which doesn't give me great hope for the new message board reincarnation. Makes me feel like being in high school again in a rowdy classroom with paper darts hitting the blackboard and I'm the only guy around who wants to think and learn. But I kinda like that members of this new board are being vetted a bit and that there is something next to our names called "warning posts." Looks like there's an effort here to take back the board? Probably there's a post about that somewhere I haven't seen. I'd really like to accumulate some like-minded people to talk to. In due course I want to get back to activism and transmit some ideas myself. Sorry about that previous paragraph being a bit of a downer but that's part of the experience for me and a real drag. But I'm willing to take another shot and see show she runs.
I was attracted to the topic of dating women with children and got quite a bit more than that. Funny to think that the review of the film Turbo was going to also cover Sister's Sister as well! Here are some of my notes on this show from the part of interest to me, and my comments about those notes. I think my notes are accurate to what was said in the show although it wasn't supposed to be verbatim. - FDR2465 The Truth Behind Your Sister's Sister - A Philosophical Movie Review - 26 Aug 2013 16:21 GMT - Stefan Molyneux looks at friends helping with children, the reason behind marriage, dating women with children, how babies from young mothers were handled in the past, adultery, no fault divorce, alimony, the collapse of marriage and the subsidy of sex. - 29:00 When you have a baby, ladies, your value in the dating pool drops way down low She loses points, sure. But a very special lady can recover them. - Never date a woman with kids; That's messed up! Well, I did that. Could we say instead that it's problematic and challenging? There was a great deal to learn and deal with and I wouldn't recommend it for non-philosophical persons. - Trouble of how involved you can get with the children during dating.. - What if you have 2 kids that are hers and 1 who is yours. Favoritism difficulty arise much? Funny you should say that. She did have two kids, and now we have three. And I've never encountered any favoritism difficulty at all. I reflect on that from time to time because it's an issue I hear about but it's simply not part of my relationship with my kids for me or for them. I guess it could have been, if things had been done differently. - You may threaten alimony from the X in many situations Not in our situation. - Single women with kids might get sex, but that's about all they can hope for now - Needs to be said...even though it's so obvious, like a round world..... I'll accept that single mothers from failed relationships have a hard task ahead of them putting things right by establishing a pair bond. But it is far from impossible. Liabilities are not fatal, it depends on what assets you have to use to offset them. - These men are low-rent, low-self-esteem, ridiculous men - Confident, successful, a winner, mature: he'll have the brains to see how unproductive and expensive and he wont do it Can't accept that about myself but am willing to be corrected. My self-esteem has been a slow build all my life and this will go on. But I've always been proud of my confidence and maturity, more so now than ever realising what I was up against. I've never done so well as with the support of the family I have now. I think it would be a sure sign of doubt in myself if these comments had bitten me harder since it's a very contemptuous generalisation directed at my family and I. But I don't feel any defense mechanisms coming on, it's all clear on the western front. - If you're not there for the first 5yrs you'll never have any authority - "YOu're not my dad!" - Yet, you'll be spending plenty of time with them I met my eldest children when they were 7 and 9 and I am in authority. I am listened to, I have credibility, I am confided in, and of course I spend large amounts of time with them. Need I say it is the authority of reason, not the authority of seniority or height or financial controller? We do peaceful parenting, drawn from my work in economics, philosophy, libertarianism. Like the charge of favoritism above, I reflect on this one from time to time and expected early on to be hit with a "you're not my dad" but it never came, and now I know it never will. - Why do that? Because you're such a hopeless looser of a man that you figure this is the best you can do. And payback for this is sex - If you could do better, you would do better! I hope I'm not out of line in suggesting that Stef's life experience with this might date from his own solo mother and the men she saw. My payback is in love and respect, in cooperation and support. Sex has never been this expensive for me but if it were then 'hopeless looser' would be a fair call. - Teen women who have babies are basically saying 'I"m an idiot' - Terrible taste in men and no deferred gratification. I don't know in what universe pregnancy and childbirth are gratifications! It was poor taste in men, this has been corrected. It was poor judgement, costly to her and to the children, but this was put right. And I think it's fair to say that not all that many women can come back from making such a big mistake and then set things right 9 years latter. Mine did, we've been raising an impressive family for over four years now. I'm sure she did the right thing and I'm proud of my judgement in joining this family and making it new again. Don't want to be in a Frankenfamily with Emily Blunt and I appreciate some understanding here of the risks and adversities, yet they can be overcome. If you meet somebody, share their values, fall in romantic love, there is no need to rule them out as this podcast would have it. But nobody is saying it's going to be easy.
# 998, remarkable
Bardan replied to fractional slacker's topic in New Freedomain Content and Updates
Truely, this guy does have the gift of the gab. It's damn swift. That's part of what gives him away though. But it's slick stuff. Must have honed it as a protection for himself from hostiles but also as a pardon for hostiles in his life who he was unable to leave. I agree, it's an impressive standard Stef demonstrated. To be able to identify and express the crux of the fellow's issue while such strong interferrence is running! That's a great qualification of a helper. And being able to do more than that I think is pointless because a person needs to want to be helped. That was 2008. I wonder what became of Erin? ** FDR 998 ** - 998 Surrendering To The Whirlwind... - Sun, 2 Mar 2008 02:00:00 GMT - The first listener convo that ends up exactly where it began... -
As for that I got to tell you man if it were not for your enthusiasm and rich interest that Irish accent would drive me away easily. I just can't process it! That's not you or me. That's difference. Don't know that it couldn't be overcome though if you want to reach a wider audience (ie New Zealanders Got the both of you on my skype for sure. But haven't managed to correspond or find you online the same time as me. Please do drop me a hello even if I'm not online at the time. Having seen what the guys are up to with the FDR docco I do have a bit of an urge to get in on that game. Hope something can come of our having a talk.
Great project, lots of work going into this I can see that. When I saw that tree at the start I hoped to see Stef walk in front of the camera and was excited. I was afraid to say what Stone did....but you said it now. Don't want to be a downer but, yeah, I had something else in mind for what this would be and didn't enjoy it either. Lately have been watching Walking With Dinosaurs and March of the Penguins with my youngster. Morgan Freeman. Kenneth Branagh. Their delivery style was studied and patient. They can do that, having the benefit of great scenes and 'actors'. I'm quite sure Stef could roll like that too if the director were to call for it. This one comes over too much like a youtube short but longer. I get the impression that it has been scripted and then storyboarded up with nifty animations and stock clips in a way that cheapens it. It's like a radio jingle that has been stretched too thinly, extrapolated into a symphony. If it were me (as some day it will be) I would start again and deliver this in the grand doccumentary style. Ideally would be in person presentations the way Kenneth Clark did it, Carl Sagan did it, James Burke. I recently listened to Bill Mahar's Religulous being examined in an FDR podcast. How great it would be to do what he did, fix the identified mistakes, and re-interview the likes of Nathaniel Branden, Faye Snyder and Richard Schwartz for a viewing audience! Throw in some fools and some extracts from Stef speeches ala Seinfeld too. Somewhere in the last sentence or so I forgot about how much work and money achieving that would involve and drifted off into another mental space which also left behind my negativity in exchange for excitement about what can be done. And for sure what's to come, or what I imagine isto come from what we've seen here, is a big step towards it. Thanks for that guys. Makes me want to have a crack too. -- I honestly didn't enjoy it. I think it's paced too rapidly to allow the concepts to sink in for the average viewer. The visuals bombarded me and I found them to be very distracting. I found Stef's vocal delivery to be too theatrical. If this is FDR's Zeitgeist, I would have liked to have seen similar pacing and a calmer succession of visuals. I would have like to have heard a more calm voice.
Aces I'm on as clarkvillian Added you. Be really great to get Steven in on a brainstorm too.
That seems to be going a bit far..Anyhow- I do mean to say that I am interested in a media project so if you're looking for a team effort guys maybe we can have a yarn? Already I've had a good look over Stone's page and subbed to his feed on the tube. Timely too, since I've been going over Dumbing Us Down to take notes on and off for the past couple weeks.
I like what you're trying to do there. Want to create media content too.
I Am Adam Lanza's Therapist
Bardan replied to Stefan Molyneux's topic in New Freedomain Content and Updates
Fantastic! Grateful to Stef for reading this text. Hope to see it in the podcast feed soon- I converted my own mp3 so I could absorb it. Apart from understanding the outside world it's a great attachment theory run-through (which I can't get enough of just now) that allows us to measure our own experience. I used to sneer at kids playing with their parents in the park myself- in this 25mins was the answer to that. The background video was relevant but a distraction to me and I also have a reservation with what the author said about parental authority.