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  1. Bump! This would be nice to have if feasible.
  2. Hi Ludera! If you ever visit Barcelona let us know, we are (at least) 2 FDR listeners over here.
  3. Hola! Estoy en Barcelona, avisen si hacen algĂșn meetup!
  4. World fertility rate is around 2.3 which is barely above replacement rate (2.1), and keeps declining. Overpopulation is not even a concern.
  5. There is an implicit acceptance of "truth is preferable over falsehood" when rejecting a statement.
  6. Hola!, I'm in Argentina, send me a pm.
  7. I'm sorry about the situation, I hope you can both work it out. Have you considered calling into the show? It would be an interesting topic.
  8. Even if day cares had no negative effects on the emotional development of the child, why is the stay at home mom (or dad) not an option? Her positive regard towards day cares raises a red flag to me. Has she tried to research into the subject by herself after your conversations? or did she just dismiss it? Quick google search: http://www.familyfacts.org/briefs/43/the-effects-of-day-care-on-the-social-emotional-development-of-children http://www.familyfacts.org/briefs/37/daycare-and-childrens-well-being
  9. It was a leading question to compare the similarities with a government and show the contradiction. But for argument's sake, purely free market situation, free to opt-out, what's wrong with a group of people offering their services but with the conditions of remaining anonymous and not taking liability if anything goes wrong?
  10. What's wrong with corporations? If she fears corporations she can't be in favor of a government, which is the worst conceivable corporation.
  11. Adding to dsayers response, let's say that even after "buying up all exporters" the company can still make profit somehow. What's wrong with a company outsmarting the competition? Is there any force involved?
  12. Aren't you more worried about the emotional health of your child by exposing him/her to such a dysfunctional couple? (And your emotional health too...)
  13. Maybe they could use something like google's calendar widget, it's ugly but you would only have to mantain a separate google calendar instead touching the site.
  14. It's a mother humiliating her daughter in front of friends and family. Do you still find it funny after reading the above summary? (curious question)
  15. The above link didn't work for me, but removing the 'www' did the trick:http://conormcmillen.com/
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