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Everything posted by JonnyD

  1. I think this guy has some interesting things to say. I consider his brand the "FreedomainRadio" of the dating world. He argues that in todays society and in ancient times the vulnerable, emotionally healthy, honest men were the Alphas not the betas. You can read more here: http://markmanson.net/power-in-vulnerability/ http://markmanson.net/vulnerability-and-manipulative-women/ http://markmanson.net/vulnerability/ His book: Models: Attracting Women Through Honesty http://www.amazon.com/Models-Attract-Women-Through-Honesty/dp/1463750358
  2. Why is the aggressive, jerk type guy defined as the Alpha in the first place? What is the evidence that these types survived in ancient times? What is the evidence that they were the most productive, that they were the ones who brought in the most resources? This article is an interesting read: http://markmanson.net/power-in-vulnerability/
  3. Does anyone know how I can read more about this theory?
  4. Self defense is about safety. The safest thing with police is to obey and do nothing; don't talk much, don't even smile. If you're dealing with a random aggressive person, just run away. If you can't run away, don't let them close enough to be able to slap you - kick them in the balls. If you're serious about learning self defense I recommend Krav Maga.
  5. Hey welcome to the forum then! What got you into FDR?
  6. What is your argument? Why is this your first post? We were talking about the cost of a radio show in terms of money and that's the reason why he charges for his podcasts. Whether he releases the podcasts for free or for payment doesn't take away the fact that he has to work a couple of hours a day, run multiple companies, have a family and a new baby. If he is quitting because of his family and baby then fine, but that wasn't brought up. If he is quitting because he can't get into bigger markets then obviously his current business model is not working. My argument is that if this message is important to him and money is not a problem then just release them for free and see if that helps him break into bigger markets. I'm not criticising him either. He's a good guy, it's great what he does. He can charge a 1000 dollars for his podcast and I'd still applaud the guy. I'm just suggesting that another business model such as FDR's is the way to go if he wants to break into bigger markets (and I could be wrong about that but that's what having a discussion is for).
  7. Only the last 5 days are free. If you go to his podcast feed all you get are samples http://www.SchiffRadio.com/podcast . Running a radio show isn't that expensive. Just a couple of grand of initial equipment and 50 dollars a month for hosting and running a Shoutcast server. But if you're getting insane amount of podcast downloads like FDR it'd be up to 10K a month for hosting. Which isn't much to a billionaire who is just doing something as a hobby. There's nothing morally wrong it. In this case I think he has the wrong business model, I think a better one would to do what FDR does and release everything (on the main feed) for free. Post them to Youtube too, etc. People expect podcasts to be free. I don't thinkI have ever come across someone posting his podcast on ancap sites like L.me, /r/Anarcho_capitalism, probably because they are only accessible for 5 days. It seems like he has a marketing problem because of that.
  8. I think he should be greedy and selfish by releasing his information for free or for donations like FDR. Has he ever entertained the idea of releasing his podcasts for free to see if that would attract more listeners? If he feels subjective value in spreading the message and monetary costs aren't a problem then why not. Oh didn't know that. I thought it was the most recent one only.
  9. Maybe if he didn't charge for his podcasts he may break into the "major markets". The guy is already a millionaire (or billionaire?) from his other businesses he doesn't need to make money off of it.
  10. I've edited this to actually reflect the situation: Plus there's no need to kill the person to reclaim stolen property, and compromises/reparations can be made if certain property isn't easy to transfer.
  11. My UPB translation was attempting to take the propaganda out your sentences. Maybe I misunderstood what you mean by the word truce? To extrapolate principles I'll give this example: usually when Israel calls a truce it means they'll stop entering the prison cell to beat up the prisoners but holding them imprisoned is still violence. I don't know what the solution is, maybe start with allowing the Palestinians to claim their land back? Maybe stop imprisoning them in a land cage?
  12. UPB Translation: Does the violence end when Israel stops bombing them though? Isn't keeping a population confined against their will in a land cage violence?
  13. The video only shows the first angle which makes sense as to why you don't see the "smaller" rock as it's behind the foreground rock. What you see in the background isn't close, it's probably several miles away so moving 2/3 feet to the right like in the second picture can significantly change what you see in the background. Notice the slope of the mountain in the background is different too. The "smaller" rock we're talking could be the size of a two story house.
  14. -
  15. The more you look at that does it look like the small rock is behind the large one and what you're observing is just a change in camera angle. Have two pictures open, put your finger at the left of the large rock and toggle between the two pictures. You'll notice the large rock moves about 2/3 foot the same distance as the small rock. I'm not that great at paint but I drew in red where the small rock is.
  16. Notice that nowhere in the article does it mentioned anything about women being attracted to jerks/assholes, which a lot of men (elsewhere on the internet) are projecting onto this article.
  17. My favourite scene: I like how they show fatherlessness as the cause of a lot of the problems. The scene where Rust talks about the flat circle (everything happens over and over again), the scene where Marty slaps his daughter for having a threesome at a young age, and the scene where he admits that he should have spent more time with them. If he and others had of been better fathers there wouldn't have been so much drug and sex abuse.
  18. Have you guys not played Civcraft? http://reddit.com/r/civcraft I was there in the "golden days" when most players were ancaps, not sure the demographics now.
  19. How about FreedomainJuices or will that confuse people with the FDR dating site?
  20. Your slogan could be "How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live!" - Thoreau
  21. I scored 8. I don't know how exactly I ended up here, it was more of going with my gut and having a strong bullshit detector while also having the ability to self reflect. That's the short answer. I can tell more in person.
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