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Everything posted by TacTZilla

  1. No mention of IQ, but at least the mainstream is starting to discuss these matters. Perhaps Trevor Phillips would be a good guest for Stef to talk with. He was head of the Commission for Racial Equality in Tony Blair's government. Cheers.
  2. You sound like my kinda girl.
  3. QualiaSoup and his brother ..... TheraminTrees are really good.
  4. Thanks for your suggestion. I understand why you would defend it in those circumstances.
  5. Many thanks for the kind words. Hi LanceD. I doubt very much that any child who was raised peacefully would naturally decide they were interested in fighting with other kids in this way. What I saw was traumatised kids with parents pushing them on and shouting instuctions at them. The interaction between the smallest child and his father was very concerning. The child had that 'vacant awareness' stare that is often a sign of abuse.
  6. Some great ideas there folks, many thanks. I do have some martial arts pictures of kids fighting. Heartbreaking stuff. http://500px.com/HotDogPhotography/stories/3848286/kids-who-fight
  7. Who is to be the judge of what the definition of 'wasted? is? If a parent buys a cat for a child they should ensure the child is able and willing to care for it in advance, and if the child does not care for it adequately then it's the responsibility of the parent to feed the cat. There's no need to remove the cat in this situation as cats will remove themselves if food is on offer. Perhaps you would use a pen from a desk, but if the child owner was there it would be right to ask permission first. Respect for children includes respect for their stuff. Just noticed this...... Haven't watched yet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTw-zIIGpSU
  8. Anything that is bought specifically for them, such as presents, clothing etc. Stuff that needs to be disposed of or passed on should be done with consent through negotiation.
  9. Hi folks. I'm hoping to help raise awareness of peaceful parenting through my street photography. Any ideas on how my images could be used to do this would be greatly appreciated. If you can use or share the images in any way, please feel free. High resolution versions are available if required. http://500px.com/HotDogPhotography/stories/3840358/the-children-are-our-future Many thanks. Bob
  10. I'm in Sunny East Lancashire if there's anyone near me. Rational folk are thin on the ground around here.
  11. Agreed, but I certainly don't want to feed the monster if it can be avoided.
  12. Nice one Phil. I would like to donate too, but would not like any of the money to go to the state in the form of taxation. Can you set something up seperately Stef so we can send money as a gift, specifically for your treatments? Regards Bob
  13. There is no one on earth who deserves to live a full, long & happy life more than you do Stef. I'd like to donate towards your treatment & any future treatment if you could set something up. You are way too important to us all not to get the very best treatment available. Loads of LOVE & HUGS to you, Christina and Izzy. Bob & Rach PS. The face fuzz must stay. It's very becoming.
  14. Hi Mike. If you are reasonably fit, take a look at 'Sprint 8'. I lost over a stone this way and became very fit. mercola.com is a great place for healthy diet advice. I hope this helps alongside you jorney for self knowledge. Cheers.
  15. Thanks for sharing. It's a real 'ear worm'. B
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