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  1. I disagree that all music is intellectual/rational especially in terms of the choice of lyrics. I don't know of any musical writers that have been able to achieve the art of combining rationality, emotions, and passion in the realm of music in the same way that Ayn Rand conceived of in her books and Stefan Molyneux has made into a science in his books and podcast. But I'll definitely be on the look out for the next brilliant artist who is able to accomplish such a feat. I did like the musical Spring Awakening, which maybe the closest I've heard.
  2. Hans Zimmer's music is amazing. Time is a particular composition that I can't stop listening to, the slow increase in intensity and the dynamic use of instruments to create a truly moving and emotional piece. The music video below does a great job in showing the dynamic nature of the effects of our emotions. Truly amazing. I will check out the other musicians you listed as well.
  3. If you truly care about your kids then accept that you chose to have children with an abusive man and take full and complete responsibility for being a single mother.
  4. In my experience, it has been helpful to validate all of my feelings. Every emotion that you feel was at a time created to help protect you from the world. For me, the best thing to do was to try to relax and notice which feelings were occurring before acting on the feelings. Self-knowledge is helpful in deciphering the causes but not in changing the emotions, for that you need to act based upon the knowledge learned. This was really tough for me. Self-attack can help prevent direct attacks from an abuser and help a child feel more secure for the duration of the abuse when leaving is not an option. The survival adaptation to abuse, self-attack, can help the child conform to the desires of the abuser which usually greatly diminishes the external harm, providing temporary relief and protection. Self-attack only helps the abuser and hurts the child when the child can separate from the abuser without physical harm but chooses not to and continues to conform to the wishes of the abuser. Self-attacks usually occur around actions or feelings that the abuser wouldn’t want you to feel, like anger, agitation, frustration, and upset. A way I found to diminish the occurrence of self-attacks was to remove myself from all abusive environments and relax. Breathing exercises and meditation were really helpful.
  5. Understandable. Do you know the best way to deal with paranoia and fear? And understanding whether that fear is rational or irrational? It is very hard for me to discern.
  6. What particularly is making you feel disappointed and upset? I too have a similar feeling but more so of sadness and anger at the entire situation.
  7. No one who's mind needs to be changed will believe you. This is a distraction. Warn people that civilian disarmament will cause a civil war. Sandy Hook is a fucking distraction. It only matters to people who already believe that gun rights are important. People who already know that governments are capable of doing this already agree that the 2nd amendment is important. MANY people will not be capable of changing their mind based upon facts let alone conjecture like this conspiracy even if it makes a little sense. Don't focus on this. Focus on gun rights and stopping the civil war. Stay on provable facts: The naivete of the nature of evil will destroy all that is good left in this country. Criminals can be elected. Governments are corruptible. The 2nd amendment is important. PS. I know this is cure not prevention. But I think keeping things peaceful is important for our movement. Argue based upon facts. Government and violence are bad!
  8. Please re-read my statements again.
  9. You are saying that your approach (more research is necessary before promoting a primary way to reduce violence) is correct, and our approach (current evidence is sufficient to start promoting a loving, nurturing childhood without verbal or physical abuse as the primary way to reduce violence in the world) is incorrect. So why are you prematurely promoting your strategy that more research is necessary when we feel our evidence is sufficient? We feel that our approach has sufficient evidence to start promoting it. We are always open to more evidence and more research especially if it contradicts our current view. We want to know that we are on the right course of action and not supporting incorrect theories that may lead to more pain and suffering. Thank you for helping us out by fully investing your time in researching this essential issue. Let us know what you find out.
  10. STer, well one strategy that is clearly not the best is arguing with individuals who are trying to make the world a better place that their view is incorrect without providing evidence. Because if you are wrong, then you are doing a huge disservice to the world. You would be adding to the evil of the world. You would be fighting good people instead of bad people. We are trying to find the best strategy. So if you would kindly explain to us a better strategy then we can discuss this further. But what you are currently achieving is tying up our efforts; you are not "remaining agnostic." By arguing with us you have made your choice on which side's time you would like to tie up.
  11. I come from a similar background as you. I was a supporter of Ron Paul and some other minarchists (and kind of still feel really happy listening to them). I am now an Athiest, an Austrian economist, and an anarcho-capitalist. I sympathize. It’s a hard slog through to the truth about violence and evil. The hardest thing to me is trying to figure out the best course of action. I've also had doubts about totally giving up on the idea of using the political system to affect change in the world because it seems so easy to just show people how evil war is and tell them to vote those politicians who support it out of office. But it’s actually harder than you think. It’s very helpful if you try it out by arguing with others around you. Also, you place a lot of power in other people's beliefs if they control whether you are free or happy. But most of the enslavement comes from the people around you not the government. There is one podcast I would recommend which is 753 & the first part of 772 about Ron Paul who I still have sympathies for but consistency has never been tried before in our movement so I say let’s give it a go. Evidence wise, libertarians have never been able to maintain a small government, and we have never been able to get rid of war and military through political action. Remember, the United States went from the smallest government to the largest. Our constitution, the minarchist's utopia, did not constrain our government. Even if we were able to reduce the size of government, it would just grow again maybe larger. Though political solutions are not possible, I do, however, believe the civilian disarmament debate has been very useful in educating people about self-defense and individualism. I think we can prepare ourselves for the eventual collapse of the government by becoming self-sufficient while continuing to point out the evils of state actions against its citizens. The next step is to pair the evil abstractions of the state with the evil that is closer to our control. Because people can't control the state, they can only control themselves and who they associate with in their daily lives. Noticing and acknowledging abuse whether physical or verbal by your friends becomes essential. Also promoting non-violent and loving parenting to those who you are close to helps reduce pain and suffering in the world visibly and directly. Lastly, self-knowledge is the most critical element of bringing goodness and happiness to the world and to yourself because your own past can really illuminate a lot of ideas and will help you communicate the emotions alongside the rational arguments so you can have a larger effect on reducing the hate and sadness caused by violence. Very amateur opinion: The labels help define how we arrive at anarchy. Anarcho-communism - the ends of anarchy justify the means (revolutions). Anarcho-capitalism - the means are the ends (non-violence).
  12. Agreed not scientific or objective at all.
  13. Clarify, what do you mean by everything? And how do you define conspiracy? I agree that many plans are thought out before being implemented by sometimes more than one person.
  14. Alex didn't fall for it. Sympathies for the victims of the tragedy. Say this over and over again. Thank goodness!!!
  15. The anger against evil is why I know Alex Jones is a supporter of freedom. He's had Stef on before. Watch here & I bet he could get on again.
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