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Mr. Binary

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Everything posted by Mr. Binary

  1. Is anyone here a member @ Kompoz.com? In case you are, and you need a bass guitar track, my username there in PhamNuwen. Feel free to invite me to your collab. If you're a "bedroom producer", and not yet a member, I encourage you to check Kompoz.com out. Basic memberships are free.
  2. Hi Jinr0h, Welcome to the boards. I also live in the Veneto region, but a little bit further west, near lake Garda (although I'm out of the country at the moment). We should start a northern Italian FDR meetup group.
  3. I enjoyed the meetup a lot, and so did my wife. Will there be another one in June? Turns out I'll be in Bratislava for another two weeks.
  4. As it so happens, I will be in Bratislava that week (visiting family). I joined on FB.
  5. I'm very good at programming, been doing it since I was 8. Solutions to complex problems come to me easily, and I can write a significantly larger amount of code in the same time as other programmers in our company. In the past, when I was working at a startup I partially owned, I exploited this ability to give us a competitive edge. At the moment, I'm working for a huge company, and I'm using my abilities to manage my work/life balance instead, working fewer hours to achieve the productivity that's expected of me. People usually react to what I can do with disinterest, and with not having a clue about it. There are people who are way better at programming than I am, especially certain aspects of it. Computer science is a wide field, and let's say optimizing vector assembly code or GPGPU kernels is a different skill than designing a new algorithm from scratch to solve a particular problem. I'm good at the latter, not so much the former.
  6. Žijem v Taliansku, tak na dobierku to bude asi problém. Každopádne ďakujem za link na PDF verziu.
  7. Kde sa dajú zohnať? Je k dispozícii aj el. verzia?
  8. Also, you can punch people in the head as long as their dignity is kept. Suddenly I feel like listening to Tim Minchin's pope song.
  9. Any chance of you guys recording your sessions? I can't participate for various reasons, but would love to listen in.
  10. Shirgall, you almost made me spill my drink.
  11. I think he means internal politics within large companies. But there's plenty of politics in tech outside of companies too, mostly related to the US legal, patent, and copyright systems. Patent trolls, suing competitors out of business, bogus copyright lawsuits, etc. Or because Apple decided that this is now going to be the programming language you have to use if you want to develop for their operating system. Unfortunately, that ship has sailed. Some concepts in technology have become so ubiquitous that any new developments in those areas would have to bring tremendous benefits in order to become widely accepted. He's (correctly) pointing out that some people think this is how technology must be, while the truth is that it's simply how the people that happened to be in the right place at the right time made it to be.
  12. When I was 8, I wrote my first program in ATARI BASIC.
  13. Does 5/3/1 count? Recently, I decided to transform myself from a couch potato into a somewhat physically fit individual again, and I'm going about it using the aforementioned system. I have a lifting cage and everything else at home, so it doesn't cut that much into my usual schedule, even with 4 workouts a week. So far I'm pretty happy with it. I used to lift weights waaay back (like, almost 20 years ago) and I found I was able to return to it very easily, albeit @ much lower weights. I'm not that much into other sports, but there's something about lifting that appeals to me.
  14. You know I'm your biggest fan. Anyway, the "talking philosophy while doing something else" formula is definitely a good one. It gives the video a very casual, and friendly atmosphere, rather than being preachy and didactic.
  15. Hey Joe, Interesting concept for a YouTube channel, although to be completely honest, I enjoyed Omglaserspewpew's cooking a little bit more than your shaving. I really miss your Gaming & Liberty podcast. Do you have any plans to produce new episodes? Cheers
  16. Wow, Maddox is still around? I used to read his website in ye olden days when the internet was still mostly based on flag signals and carrier pigeons.
  17. I didn't log in to Facebook in 3 or 4 months.
  18. I'm not a native German speaker by any stretch, but I gave it a read, and found these 2 issues: Line 1: ...eine Wort... -> ein Wort Oxford Englisch Wörterbuchs -> I would not translate the title of the dictionary at all
  19. Several years ago, I've seen an interview with Gorki Águila from the Cuban band Porno para Ricardo. I thought those guys had brass ones.
  20. Do you mean "The Guild"? The mother in the show was Clara, and although I found her funny sometimes, the bits with neglecting her children weren't. In a later episode, she disclosed she got pregnant "by accident" in high school. Her husband was portrayed as a complete idiot pushover / enabler.
  21. There's a second steam group called "freedomainradio" (with only 41 members): http://steamcommunity.com/groups/freedomainradio
  22. If you need a bass track, feel free to ping me. One of my more complete compositions. I'm playing both guitar and bass on that, but I definitely feel more competent playing bass. I have Reason and Reaper.
  23. Yeah, on second thought / read, my post was kinda ranty and without any real point. There's a reason I'm not a writer. Your second point is interesting though. Since I got into philosophy, I lost almost all interest in fiction, to the point where I don't read ANY fiction books anymore, and I can't stand watching most movies, not to mention TV shows. I still play MMOs, where I can relax together with my wife and friends, without paying attention to the story content.
  24. I briefly played SWTOR, which was my first exposure to the expanded universe (or whatever it's called), and I found it extremely silly. I think I even wrote a blog post about it. *rummages in blog history* Here it is.
  25. I'll send this to my friend in Argentina, he's gonna have a blast.
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