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Everything posted by dirmilj

  1. I came across this video a few years ago, and maybe it's old news to most people on the board too, but it's worth pondering the question of electronic facism - i.e the race between surveillance technology and ethics. Highly skilled people without principles or any ethical understanding are supplying governments with tehcnology that may bring back the totalitarianism of the 20th century under a modern, more "palatable" guise.Besides the somewhat corny story and cliched acting, what do you think, is this a realisitc scenario if e-fascism is allowed to hit full bloom?
  2. Hey Chris!Thank you, it's an exciting race to run once you get passed the first hurdle, break free and start running. Then there are all the obstacles along the course that you will have to learn how to deal with when they arrive. Also valuable, but right now I think I've just ran face first into a tree, still need to work on my skills obviously - in order to have as smooth of a race as possible. :)I appreciate the offer and will be in contact if I feel I could use it. Of course feel free to shoot me a PM if you have something on your mind sometime as well.Regards,VIctor
  3. Hello James!Thank you for your answer.Unfortunately, I am the only member in my local meetup group, which I have started myself... Am living on a mediterraninan island you see. :)However, the approach of looking through posts for wise members who might be able to help sounds like a good one. I have actually alreday been contacted by another member wishing to have a discussion.Your post was helpful as it proves that there is a community present on these boards, even for lurkers without established credibility such as myself. I very much appreciate it.
  4. Well, I would certainly argue that self-knowledge and therpy has helped for me. At my core, I am much happier, driven and confident than before. I've meade a lot of big, positive changes lately, and opened up for so many more possibilties in life. The situation I am currently facing would have devestated me in earlier times.Your approach sounds much more like emotional repression to me, and I did that for 20 odd years - was part of the ailment rather than the cure, for me in any case.If you were honestly trying to help me here, I appricate you for your effort, but if indifferent, wishful and positive thinking is your methodology, I would like no further help from you.
  5. Hi there!I have been listening to FDR since 2009 and been into selfknowledge and therapy since 2010. In september 2013, I deFOO'ed. Now I am almost completely lonely, certainly if you count deep and comitted realtionships.I have recently run into a major snag on my journey and I don't really have anyone to talk about it with. I used to see a therapist, but I've since left my home country and am living on very litmited means in my continnued effort to self-actualise.I figure this must be a pretty common situation for FDR members who leave all their bad relationships, but don't immediately find good new ones. Is there any kind of FDR support group for us, I haven't been hanging around the board much so I don't know what the usual procedures look like.Kind Regards,Victor
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