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Everything posted by chriscase

  1. NYC: 10,000+ Jews Against Israel (U.S. Media Blackout)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMQ9C6vni0w
  2. Here is a fascinating independent perspective on climate change. There is some interesting science which links sunspots to climate change on earth. Its very well detailed on the video below, as well as many of the videos on the Suspicious0bservers YouTube channel. Why Global Warming Failed by Suspicious0bservers on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c4XPVPJwBY
  3. I certainly agree that audio is the most important aspect, in terms of where you want to invest in quality. I have actually invested in audio a fair amount. I currently use a headset from RoadKing for most of my current audio-based content creation, just as a matter of convenience, to be able to record while mobile; but I do want to record more content in a higher quality studio, when I have the opportunity to produce content from a fixed location. I already have some decent quality equipment: MXL V87 Low-Noise Condenser Microphone Behringer Xenyx X1204usb 12-input 2/2-bus Mixer with Xenyx Mic Preamps & Compressors, British Eqs, 24-bit Multi-fx Processor, Usb/audio I spent about $500 bucks on this and some associated equipment, such as headphones, cables, etc. I think what I need next, though, is a decent camera. I tried a logitech webcam; but found the quality to be somewhat disappointing, especially when I tried recording via LINUX. I think the USB port is perhaps unable to have the kind of throughput that it would need, to have high quality video.
  4. As a budding vlogger and podcaster, I'm always curious about what has worked best for more experienced content creators. Could you share the models of the cameras and audio recording equipment that have worked well for you?
  5. My name is Chris Case and I've been listening to Free Domain Radio since 2012. Free Domain Radio has really helped me to tap into a far more logically consistent way of perceiving and relating to reality than I'd previously been aware of. Before I had encountered Stefan's videos, I was a minarchist, pulled in by the Ron Paul movement, before that I would have identified more as a liberal, if only by default, because I didn't agree with what the republican controlled STATE was doing, in the wake of the events of 9/11 and this was also what many of the professors I looked up to in college were pushing. It took awhile to sort it all out; but I found that the clarity I gained, through listening to Stefan and similar thinkers such as Hoppe, helped me to understand things from the ground up. I feel as if I am standing on a firm foundation now and for that I am eternally grateful. I was relatively unaware of anarcho-capitalism, until about 2012, when I came across Stefan's work. Prior to that I had focused primarily on survivalism, parenting and preparedness. In fact, I used to listen regularly to The Survival Podcast with Jack Spirko and I learned a great deal from him; though I found this could only take me so far. It didn't take but a couple of months of turning over the ideas and turning over in my sleep, before I became completely comfortable with this anarcho-capitalist stance on societal organization; with the idea that society could and should be run without the monopolistic entity often referred to as the STATE. Now I see the idea, that the state is an essential aspect of society, as patently ridiculous, and I feel as if I understand why I believed in it for so long. I believed in it because I was conditioned, from a very early age, to believe that the STATE was the tool for bettering humanity. It was a play on my own empathy. I was conditioned enough to believe that serving the state and working through the state was the way to better the world. Now I understand that NOTHING could be further from the truth. Changing over to being an anarcho-capitalist caused a huge weight to be lifted off of my shoulders. No longer did I see political action and concern over the doings of the state to be a worthwhile pursuit. That's not my problem anymore, trying to work within a broken system. Instead, I focus more on my own pursuits, on those I CHOOSE to associate with: developing my own mind, my own expression, alternative ways of thinking and doing, outside of the statist sphere. Its a great deal of work; but its far more effective than anything I've ever done in the political sphere: waving placards, signing petitions, writing my CONgressman, etc. Now I'm trying to better myself, better my family life, better my children and better my financial/professional situation; so I can create my OWN freedom, rather than begging at the feet of the rulers. I have QUITE a history, which I'd love to share with you in the due course of time. I want to open up in a place where I'll be understood. I am tired of places like facebook, where there's such a mixed bag. I find that many of the people I have encountered there are interesting; but often are too flaky to really get anywhere with. I want to develop real friendships, real relationships that mean something. I am so tired of these people who don't know themselves and just waste my time and leave me holding the bag.
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