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Everything posted by Foozle

  1. I've helped with 5 recent projects, if you have any questions I'd be happy to answer them [email protected]
  2. Hi! So, I was wondering if I could find somebody to talk with on Skype to answer some questions I have about building a website. If you are a programmer, and know a thing or two about building commerce websites I would really like to ask you some questions and pay you for your time. I don't expect the call to be very long, around 20-30minutes for all the questions probably, so I'll pay $50/hour and with a minimum payment of $20. It is not that much money at all, but on the other hand I don't think it will take much time either. If you would like to and are availible tonight after 11:00pm EST or tomorrow before 12:00pm EST tomorrow morning that would be awesome and please hit me up with a pm me or email [email protected]; you'd really be doing me a great favor Thanks!
  3. lol yeah it's like sadistically brutal though; more than I think anyone would normally expect but yes you have a good point ha
  4. Maybe a little pre-mature, but I think this is at least somewhat appropriate http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdCrZfTkG1c
  5. Wow so sorry you ended up in this situation. I don't know to the degree it was your fault but I know that no one would ever choose to be in a situation like this. But wow what a tough spot. I don't know if it's just my projection but I get a faint but noticable sense of optimsim from your post. If that's at all the case for you, I'd really try to explore where you feel that originating from. I'm really no expert in the subject in life or parenting, so I don't think I can give any useful suggestions other than to listen and read a bunch of material on parenting and defer to the experts.
  6. That must have taken awhile to put together! Well done, I've never heard a stronger case against gun control in my life and I bet pretty much everyone else would say the same.
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