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  1. 1:51 "We were spanked and we turned out okay" Good god, are these bitches serious?
  2. Welcome to philosophy. Where you wake up to you as a new person, only to see that you live in hell surrounded by the dead. You can't respond to that. There is nothing to respond with. I interpret those kind of responses as a good shortcut to see where people are in self-knowledge, and what their environment is like. And then I run. The only people you can connect to are the people who are willing to listen to you. And it's very hard to find people who are willing to listen to you. Especially after philosophy. But you have come to the right place. Connect with some people here. You'll find we all have the same story.
  3. omg it's you. I listened to the call in show you were in last night and I was literally in tears over your horrible stories. Your honesty, courage and vulnerability were amazing to me. I really hoped you were on the boards so we could continue the conversation and see how you are. I had a feeling your brother would contact you after he listened to the show. I would have done the same thing. I wouldn't let him off so easily though. From what I understand, he was an enabler and a participant of the abuse with your brothers. I don't accept the justification of him being an abuser because of your parents (aka trickle down violence). Did you go around harming people smaller than yourself because of your family? Also, the fact the he has made the call about himself and not about you ("Like he asked if I didn't contact him about this all to hurt him.. And he thinks I made it out like he was never there.") is a red flag and suggests to me that he isn't there yet. I don't think those sorts of comments are appropriate, they are not accurate and not relevant if he was the one to walk out on you and after what was said after the show. I know he listens to FDR, but listening to it and living it are two different things. I think the best thing for you two would be doing group therapy together to talk about these issues and feelings. But I know money is tight is that probably isn't an option. I don't think this is the sort of thing you can work out together without professional help from the outside. I think self-knowledge and being free is the most important task you should set to yourself to after what you've been through. Your life doesn't sound stable yet -- the people you were staying with sounded like assholes yelling at you while you were on the phone. If you haven't gained your independence yet, it will effect your life choices. Trust your gut. If his reasoning seems crazy and you feel irritated, I don't think you should over look that. Hope you let us know how it goes. By the way, have the FDR team set up a donation thing for you yet?
  4. UPB is a methodology to test ethical theories. If ethical theories are not consistent, then it cannot be a valid ethical theory. When you pass the non-aggression principle through UPB, it can consistently be applied universally. I have not seen any other ethical theories do the same.
  5. Are you aware of how hard you are trolling at the moment? You asked "does anyone here feel the same things?" and I answered. You then accused me of not being interested in your views and new ideas when attacked me for expressing mine. Can you not see the hypocrisy? I understand your views just fine when you let out troll quotes such as "I can't understand why so much arrogance is needed", "I have lost my willing to donate my bitcoins" and "I'm just afraid this is one o the reasons the donations are going down". Similar arguments are put forth by the troll people. I think it's clear that this isn't about Stef or FDR, this is about you. You are not going to get anywhere if you are not honest with us and yourself. And FDR getting a drop of donations because you find him "arrogant" is not something we are concerned about. Instead of being angry at Stef and the FDR members, maybe you should talk to the people you are close to in your life about why this stuff is bothering you. That's much more important.
  6. >I would like to see more patience and mainly, more smiles. I have lost my willing to donate my bitcoins. Does anyone here feels the same thing? Nope. I like the more assertive and aggressive Stef. If you listen to his older stuff, he is more patient and has his teeth removed. I have a preference to his new personality. I'm sure most of it comes from him narrowly missing death and not having time for the usual bullshit. If you are looking for smiles and patience, there are plenty of other people to listen to. Philosophy has no time for bullshit. >I am just afraid this is one of the reasons the donations are going down. M8 - I don't think you have any idea why his donations are going down. I think that's a poor attempt of emotional manipulation. If you have lost your willingness to donate because he is hard on some people (that doesn't mean anything btw) then maybe philosophy is not for you.
  7. Because it's an animated GIF, posting on on facebook/twitter will pause on the first frame. You can url link it to HTML friendly places (like this board) with the url: "http://i.imgur.com/nPuV0l0.gif" or link directly to the image on social media sites. It was fun to make.
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  8. Feminists are quickly jumping on this issue and I've already seen articles stirring the debate on disarming the population. What's not being said is all the events that lead before it. Public schools, the matriarchy, the bond between his parents, the hundreds of other things Stef talks on his shows and people call in about. If Rodger ever skyped Stef on his calling in show and had a first real conversation, the news would look very different.
  9. Hello mate, I'm in Sydney to. Let's be friends. www.twitter.com/evokelabs
  10. This image is floating around social media site: So I've created one you respond to if you see it. If you see the initial meme on your feeds and feel angry, you can use the above image to level the ideological playing field( http://i.imgur.com/ijACvPV.gif )
  11. Hi Sven, I'm listening to you talk live on the FDR radio right now. I am excited whenever I hear someone from Australia call in to the show and so I searched for the topic you created and talked about. I know a little something about public speaking, I've been doing toastmasters for 2 years and you can see some of my public talks online here: http://www.youtube.com/user/LoveLifeAndAnarchy - I have some pointers for you. Because this is your first time public speaking, I recommend keeping it very simple. You will most likely be nervous and your main efforts will be placed in feeling comfortable on the stage, and appearing natural in your speaking. Content comes second to presentation. There's a lot of elements to public speaking and you cannot be expected to do well without practice and experience on your first try. Here are my thoughts. Lose the opening paragraph: "this is my first time doing any public speaking since high school… it's somewhat terrifying standing up here in front of you all, but i'm very passionate about these ideas i'm about to share with you and so, despite being ridiculously busy with the new business i've started with my beautiful partner, i decided to just go for it so here i am =)" And open with the second paragraph right away. It's must more stronger, relevant and will get peoples attention right away. There is a lot of emotional content in this speech which is probably good for your audience and they will appreciate that. Saying that, I think your biggest issue is that it's wordly and floaty in your message. Doing a speech tomorrow night is not much time to prepare or rework. I'd usually recommend you coming to a toastmaster meeting (there's a few near where you live) and see how it's done to get some experience. But because you're new, there's no time for that. The most pressing issue about your speech is that you need to organise it better. It needs an opening which will introduce your topic, the body which you will talk about real-time relationships and why it's important in a few points. And then the conclusion which will be the paragraph summarising the body. Doing it this way will be easier for you and your audience to follow, and it will structure your speak to make it more professional. Other than that, rehearse rehearse rehearse. Good luck!
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