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Everything posted by agun

  1. Do you believe that your posts have been respectful of this topic? Yes. Do you?
  2. Then how do you suggest I find the exact podcast where Stefan talks about the topic?
  3. By finding dragon balls? Please be respectful of the topic instead of acting like a troll.
  4. I can't speak for you...well, I could, but that'd be nonsense. I absolutely need to keep track of the number of posts I have made, yes. I need to know when I go over 9000, of course. Do you think the need to know when you have posted over 9000 posts is a greater need than the need for a lack of hierarchy that could arise from having a postcount? I also find it interesting that you would want to know when you go over 9000 posts. Do you regard it as your power level? Absolutely. Certainly. So you regard yourself as more powerful than other people with less posts like me? Does this power difference create any preconceptions in you and if so, do you feel those are accurate preconceptions?
  5. You want me to listen to over 2000 podcasts to find out in more depth what was the reasoning behind the decission to close a specific thread? Please be reasonable.
  6. I can't speak for you...well, I could, but that'd be nonsense. I absolutely need to keep track of the number of posts I have made, yes. I need to know when I go over 9000, of course. Do you think the need to know when you have posted over 9000 posts is a greater need than the need for a lack of hierarchy that could arise from having a postcount? I also find it interesting that you would want to know when you go over 9000 posts. Do you regard it as your power level?
  7. I try not to use Hitler arguments ever since I listened to David Irving's views on the holocaust. It's just a magnet for red-herrings.
  8. We the users, the ones with a poscount. Do we really need to keep track of the number of posts we have made? Does it serve any purpose other than to create preconceptions about the user?
  9. I understand it may be a perpetual discussion that will come to no agreement but if we don't want to be part of it then we are free to not post in that thread. If everyone belived it was a pointless discussion then the thread would have just died. I feel that closing a topic is forcing everyone to adopt the idea that the topic is a pointless discussion instead of letting the community decide by letting the topic die or keeping it alive. I don't think it's consistent with the ideas of the free market.
  10. I recently came across http://board.freedomainradio.com/forums/t/19312.aspx and wondered why a place that rightfully prides itself as "The largest and most popular philosophical conversation in the world" would not want to discuss philosophy as a whole and disregards the ideas of determinism. I understand that at the end of the day it's Stefan who manages where the resources of this website go to, but when we censor or obstaculize the discussion of some ideas, however stupid me may think they may be, in favor of others I feel that maybe the motto should be changed to: "The largest and most popular conversation in the world. Choose to be a part of it".
  11. ....and do we really need it?
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