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Everything posted by Chisleu

  1. I would be very interested to find other versions of this mechanical process in other animal's cells. Perhaps we could find different versions suggesting the little pump evolved naturally. If we have any biology buffs on here that can point me in the right direction for such info, I would be greatly appreciative.
  2. WARNING! Do not flame me. I am still a firm believer in evolution. We have countless datasets proving that evolution exists. This is merely a very interesting scientific video. It shows a mechanical biological process that may suggest our cell process may have been intelligently designed rather than evolving from the randomness in a pool containing amino acids. It's my understanding, and I could very well be wrong, that there is no direct evidence of any sort that says the first cells billions of years ago evolved from the primordial pools. It's merely a hypothesis because "god" doesn't exist. I do NOT believe in "god". However science leaves the posibility of intelligent design by hither-to unseen forces (aliens, etc), in my opinion. At the very least, this is one hell of an amazing system to have evolved, and I hope you can appreciate that without the ID crap the narrator throws in. [View:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=XI8m6o0gXDY] P.S. I'm in a bioinformatics class as a part of my computer science studies. My teacher, who is extremely well respected here, who I've known for over a decade as a man of science and incredible intelligence in the computer science, made the very bold statement that he thinks our cells were "carefully and fearfully designed". I don't know (or really care) what his personal religious beliefs are. I am very interested to see more videos like this though, if anyone has them!!!
  3. Thank goodness it is not just me. I never claimed to be a guru or expert in anything. I merely linked good information from a doctorate of biology research scientists at a reputable institution who has published peer reviewed and repeatable findings that contradict your outlandish claims. I suspect you are in your early 20's and that the claim of 5000 calories a day is a fabrication. More over, in 10 years if you are really eatting 5k a day, you will either have the build of an olimpic athlete or a sumo wrestler. It's obvious that guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
  4. No. You are incredibly wrong. Please watch the video to understand how the human metabolism and fat hormones really work.
  5. Sorry. I have been dealing with conspiracy theory types that see conspiracy theories EVERYWHERE and now I am seeing conspiracy theorists everywhere, even where there are none. And they lose muscle mass. I never said it was the only way fat gets into the fat cells. I mere said it is the way sugar has contributed to the problem.... for 10k years, obesity hasn't been a problem... then cheap sugars come on the market. Now we KNOW the biological mechanism that makes it happen. Educate yourself. That's what I'm saying.
  6. And they lose muscle mass. I never said it was the only way fat gets into the fat cells. I mere said it is the way sugar has contributed to the problem.... for 10k years, obesity hasn't been a problem... then cheap sugars come on the market. Now we KNOW the biological mechanism that makes it happen. Educate yourself.
  7. This isn't true. Although it's almost all about calories. Recent studies have found that it's more than the heat value needed to burn the food. The food's content had much to do with it. It also has a lot to do with regulating blood sugar levels (not carbing out before eatting fatty foods, like having bread before your steak.) It's a complex subject and one answer isn't going to be the cure for everyone. Sure, you can absolutely lose a ton of weight on atkins/south beach/etc. I've known many people who have. It's not healthy weight loss however. Your risk cardio issues from the high fat and cholesterol intake. The same can be said of low calorie carb eatters. You can starve yourself to force your body to burn fat, but you are going to feel like crap. It's not healthy either. I could eat nothing but fruit and veggies (provided I get the right amino acids to make protein) and as long as I don't eat fat, and eat the sugary foods spaced out, I could lose weight. It's probably the most healthy way to lose weight. However "natural sugar" is unhealthy in every way. It's cheap energy, which raises insulin levels (especially as you age) and will cause you to put on weight. I wish I wasn't sick or I would get on the treadmill. All this thinking about food is making me feel fatter than I already am.
  8. [View:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Yo3TRbkIrow] If you want to understand how insulin and leptin work to make people fat because of sugar intake, watch this video. It explains the leptin system very well. To sum it up, insulin is released in your body to counteract elevated blood sugar levels. This happens naturally, and all the time in response to food. Unfortunately it also blocks the signal hormone leptin from reaching your brain to tell your brain that you are not hungry anymore. Leptin is released when fat is added to your fat cells. Insulin combines with sugar to create fat. It's that simple. Sure serious athletes can eat thousands of calories a day more than me. They burn it off, or otherwise they would be fat as well. I'm very overweight. I quit smoking dozens of times before it stuck, and each time I gained 5-10 pounds from eatting to fight the cravings. I hope to lose 100 pounds this year.
  9. @Chisleu, What you describe here is the official history of polio. Arguments over disease causation and the effectiveness and safety of vaccinations are actually just as well supported on both sides but once again, people tend to err on the side that they've been conditioned since childhood to trust - doctors, the government and the mainstream media. What's even worse is that there is so much published research in support of vaccination that once again, how could all these people be wrong! No, what I describe is actual reality. It's simple, logical, truth. Sure some people ran around to every polio infected person and snorted lines of feces... In a time when people pooped in buckets and dumped the poop out of the window into the streets, a little bit of knowledge went a long way to preventing polio from spreading. I removed your nonsensical flamebait about the WoT. So, how do you know that many vaccines on the market are incredibly safe and serve a fantastic benefit? Where did you get this information? What evidence supports it? How much of the opposing evidence have you reviewed? How much trust are you putting into doctors, government and mainstream media? Are you basing your judgement on the peer-reviewed science? You then go on to denounce anti-vaccine arguments as crap and dangerous. Are you sufficiently informed to make such a statement or are you just perpetuating the fear-based propaganda of the medical cartel? Because the stats prove me right. You act like 50% of studies on the effectiveness of vacines show anything but that they are effective. In fact, it's more like .1%. Facts are facts. Vacines save lives. Not all vacines are perfect, and vacines haven't always been as safe as they are today, but not vacinating children is child abuse. I'm not for the government forcing you to do it, but I won't have my child in a school that allows unvacinated children to enrole. I am basing my statements on my reasoned and informed research into the subject. The opposing "evidence" is and has always been shakey, unreproducable, and MANY TIMES PURPOSEFULLY FALSIFIED. I define a good study as a double blind placebo trial. Most "opposition" studies are single blind, at best, and I've found countless issues. It's not worth my time anymore. Anyone reading this that has kids who have had the chicken pox vaccine... take your kid to visit someone with chicken pox. Make sure he gives him some good hugs and they play together for hours, sharing drinks. Then watch as your child doesn't get chicken pox. I did (to prove a point to my friend) and I'm done talking about it. Unsubscribing from this flamebait-riddled misinformation extravaganza.
  10. Polio crippled far more people than died of it. They got better at treating the disease so fewer people died, but there were also sociological factors at work as well. People were far less likely to have guests, stay in hotels, etc. People were scared to death to end up in a wheel chair or worse over an invisible, communicable disease. I'm not saying we need mandatory vaccination, however there are many vaccines on the market that are both incredibly safe, and serve a fantastic benefit. Anti-vaccine crap is dangerous and should be treated as such.
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