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Everything posted by Robinson

  1. Thanks for sharing this, I can definitely relate to the removal of responsibility in undermining my own self-efficacy. The example of this that comes to my mind was my college process, where the questions my parents posed to me were not, "Do you want to go to college? Do you think college makes sense, based on your dreams and goals?" The question was, "Which college do you want to go to?" I ended up going without direction and with an underdeveloped self-concept. This made me susceptible to peer-pressure, conformity and participating in activities that were dangerous to my health. I was also disinterested in actual learning. I finally broke out of it, but I would definitely say I was lucky to survive unscathed. A key resource in developing my own self-efficacy has been Nathaniel Branden's Six Pillars of Self-Esteem. It contains some really helpful sentence-stem exercises. Are you familiar with the book? Thanks again and sorry you had to bear such treatment. I am glad to see you're evolving past it though
  2. I recently came across 2 songs "Letter From the Governement" and "Learn Truth" by hip-hop artist Talib Kweli. I am not sure if Talib accepts voluntarism, or where exactly he stands philosophically, but I was very pleased to hear a rather main-stream artist express such definace toward the State. "Letter From the Governement": http://youtu.be/MWFxWGSnUY4 "Learn Truth": http://youtu.be/o_t2JRnZdGA Lauryn Hill also brings truth to bear on the statism in "The Mistery of Iniquity" I was going to select a favorite sequence, but there are too many to cite. Here is the link: http://youtu.be/7h9IJZX-fmo In my experience, songs that present truth and raise skepticism toward state power are very rare and deserve to be shared. Enjoy In Liberty, Robinson
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