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saveyourself1's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
386-279-2183, please call me. It's Anthony! Don't know if you're still doing it or not this weekend. Please call.
silver donator? wheres the emblem? nothing in email. been several months
what questins to ask yourself about your history?
saveyourself1 replied to saveyourself1's topic in Self Knowledge
when did i feel like i existed for people.... this such a straining question...after meditating on almost half a dozen examples pretty easily i think its safe to say actually i know its safe to say that the reason its so straining and so foggy of a question is at least partly because of its overwhelming presence -
what questins to ask yourself about your history?
saveyourself1 replied to saveyourself1's topic in Self Knowledge
yea, that's probably more apt overall to ask questions around feelings, wants, needs and especially feeling invisible or when someone was just exploiting me -
how was i disciplined? how was i corrected when i did something wrong? what happened when i asked for help? ....what questins u guys have ?
if somebody could post looking for working vehicle 400$ down plus weekly payment and pm me and ill pm u my # to add. cant post on craigslist here
also wat are the best 95-05 vehicles to get
so i need the following: 1200 for a vehicle down payment i will reimburse ASAP, research into cheapest down payment of insurance for basic car as 23 no accidents or tickets, information on cheaper ways to taxi or bus or something idn - pls dont post highly graphic and interactive websites, they usually dont work for me
a car down payment is 1500 here, the cheapest ive found in the paper but now im looking after this post online. tags and titles is another 600$, and ill have a month according to the dealership....i live in volusia county in florida if anyone could help me research these questions its taken me almost an hour it feels to type on this ps3 remote....minimum down payment for insurance as 23 married no accidents etc. also im sorry that this has happened guys... i would rather have done this myself but ever since 16 days ago ive had to walk 8 miles to work at 10 at night and sleep there or ride a bike 15 miles etc........
i could use help with cheap ways to have a taxi give me a ride etc. or just money for a car i would pay it back....im on my ps3 its the only thing i have and need it really, my roommate gives me rides 2 nights a week back home hes agreed....but i work 4 this next week
omg i just typed up a whole page and it erased...one moment
im working 73 hours next week. This week i worked 55 and felt very nautious tired and overall exhausted. im ridind my bike an average of 15 miles a day and working on the clock average of FIFTEEN hours a day of minimum wage 3 days a week with 3-5 hours of sleep and no time to cook or clean etc. and to just rest outside of a couple minutes. im worried about my health because it mainly is straing because it takes about 70 minutes to get from job 1 to job 2 and then i get there and have work in 15 minutes... saturday is my only day off and i spent since 5pm last night sleeping til 730 am then fell asleep from 9 til like 30 minutes ago and its all about to start again. im doing this to save for a car and eventually see my daughter and get the ball rolling in other areas (cant say here).....i have about 300$ saved next week ill have about 550$ and from their a continual steady climb of about 250-350 a week depending on hunger and planning (carrying 5lbs of bananas and apples does more damage on me sometimes).....
I felt nervous posting this asking for phone numbers. I think I felt nervous because I was scared if somebody was going to get mad at me for asking for phone numbers, or call me names, or tell me i need to just post my answers here, etc. I felt the need to defend myself and possibly not even make this post at all - because I didn't want to be "attacked", because I would experience great discomfort with the possible disapproval. I feel guilty for creating something that someone else might not approve of or like that would then not be my friend and consider me a loser or something I think the part of me most that needs my lovin' is my little inner child asking to taken care of and protected from bullies. I have denied what I feel because it was convenient, I'd forget, some times I wouldn't but I'd think there's no other way, thinking or feeling these things is strictly prohibited, because then these same people your scared of know why your scared of them and can exploit you further. I haven't been willing to see that I am valuable, and that others opinion and wants, needs, preferences aren't my priority. There is a convening of sorts on the forums here, but I'm apart of this community, and yea I'm not a current donator unfortunately, but I put my time in here and I think I owe it to myself to make this thread if I so choose. If somebody else doesn't like it or doesn't want it, then they can tell me, perhaps offer me criticisms or suggestions, or move on, or make their own thread and show me an example of a better way to do this. There are pleanty of options, and if virtually nobody wants this post up, they can just have it removed, or a moderator can warn me about this, or I can get a low rating on my post so not many will bother wasting their time. This is voluntarism, not family, dysfunction, abuse, wretched emotional empovershment - this is a site, and category of this site, for personal development; or, self-knowledge. Reflection..It felt robotic going through that, those things are true, but it's like I'm still not getting to them. This is why I think counseling is so much more important then simply writing and playing this self-knowledge thing solo, at least for my case, as I've been pretty significantly emotionally abused. I would really like to discuss these questions and go through stuff like this with others in this community. If anyone has a way of getting the message out there to any others interested in the same topics, please forward them this thread. If they have not signed up for FDR (get them to sign up!), then if you could personally message me and I'll give you my number to give to them. I really look forward to talking to ya'll, and aw heck, here's my # 1-386-847-2930.. What's the worst that could happen? name's Anthony.
http://www.wellbeingalignment.com/emotional-pain.html my compassion, love and attention right now?
when the fear, anxiety, anger hits me... Well, I'm trying to decide what to do about custody and visitation for my daughter. I can't afford a lawyer, that's for sure, so I want to find out what I can do about custody in the courts to have fair access to my daughter. The only option I have as of now, with my wife's consent, is seeing her in public with her present. When she is though, I have anxiety/fear/anger/, and I would prefer not to be there at all. I have tried to ignore these feelings, or take deep breathes and recognize them, but it doesn't work, I know they are provoked by my wife, and I know some of it has to do with my childhood, but most of it has to do with her reactions - like she reinforces a lot of my childhood fears I had growing up. She openly rejects, ridicules me, etc. For example, she'll go off and tell me how wrong it is to use a dirty sponge on my child's inner thigh that I washed thoroughly before using - and then tell me I'm an endagerment to my daughter because of that and will only accept me being with her in public. Or, I'll be looking at my daughter in the mirror with her and she'll be nervous, worried etc. and not trust me and start a fight with me for being with her without her (I locked the door). The thing is I don't like my wife at all, and that's putting it very nicely. I don't want her to be present in the same shopping center as me, I wouldn't feel comfortable with her being in an aisle over from me, and has way more to do with her being skeptical of my parenting, but moreso of the hurtful and just plain wrong things she says about me. For instance, she called me Narcissistic, unimaginative, twisted, unempathetic, uncurious, suggested I need a psychiatrist, mean, rude - told me "I don't see it" - and it's not these mere accussations that trigger my feelings in and of themselves. It's the fact that when she does I ask what she means by that and what she's going off of etc. and she calls that "abusive" and spent three whole days, trying to convince me it was wrong for me not to just "trust" her "accept" what she says. I told her, if what you say is true, then I would really need you to point it out for me to see it. It would be like asking a blindfolded man to find a pig without proper use of his senses (gave a similar analogy) - it's virtually impossible. And even if it is, if she has this information, it would be really helpful for me to know. After I finally continued to argue against these points until they became dust, she started to open up more a little. She said it's rude to interrupt people..... She said it's rude to use a dirty sponge on her...... I told her (reminding her) of all the accusations she's made of me, and told her that she must have some knowledge of the term, so I want to make sure I"m correct about what she's saying, so if she could define them and clearly show how I'm breaking them. She reluctantly agreed, then she told me she'd send me an email at 3pm. 3pm came, never sent it. by 6 pm, and a few excuses later, she told me that she's scared to send it because I'm just going to twist it and not believe what she's saying. I was getting really angry, because she seriously has called me these things to no avail, over and over again and as I tried to understand each one in argument as she called me the accusation, she'd just accue me of something else. And now, being separated from the event, and her accusing me of these things so I can look at the evidence clearly, she never sent me the message. I told her nevermind. She said more than just what I put here, but she was butterring it up like if i disagreed with her or whatever that it was because I was twisting or there was something wrong with me. This is coming from the person who says I'm brainwashing here when I'm asking her questions and explaining myself.....anyhow, this is just one example of seriously, hundreds, of what goes on. I'm in desperate need of a 3rd party, I'm going to counselling tomorrow and this is going to be the subject, but man o man, I wish the answer on what to do for my daughter was clear.