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rock siles barcellos

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    Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
  • Interests
    Arts, philosophy, business, making friends
  • Occupation
    illustrator, graphic designer

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  1. Sorry to hear that, man things really are geting crazyier and crazyier. Stay strong, the internets is here to save us! o/
  2. Thanks so much, Tyler and Love! Spelling errors corrected now, thanks for pointing it out Tyler,Great suggestion. In the future I plan to cover a lot of subjects in this format and put it in my website, so I'll sure consider your suggestion, thanks again!
  3. Hi! I'd like to share with everyone something I'm working on This is a project in which I’ll lay out the case about how and why governments were formed in the first place and why it generates most of the problems that exists in our society today, all in comics format I'm working on the language and the narrative so any feedback is apreciated Its in the top 4 pages in my Tumblr, there's also some other stuff of mine there too if you want to check out http://rockbarcellos.tumblr.com/ I also plan to put it in my own personal website, I'd love to make partnership with anyone interested in helping in anyway Thanks
  4. fantastic job, Joel, great analysis, by watching the clips you posted along with your review gives me the impression that the writers were very aware of the kind of abuse they were portraying and also everything you said here
  5. Love is when you're able to join lust and virtue together, having consistent reliable commitment for it, then you have love I think.
  6. well, virtue isn't an emotional reflex, but I'd say love is love is that feeling that we get of fullfillment when being with a like minded person, and wanting to be with that person again and again because of that feeling, love is also the realization of that wish, to be aware of that desire to the point of wanting to commit to it, the decision and taking the action of committing to it is when virtue comes in
  7. (Yes, sorry for the mistake) Regarding the proof of existence of consciousness, the point still remains that science is currently not able to prove it's existence or even define it objectively. Perhaps someday it will, who knows, still we already know it exists even though they aren't able to prove it scientifically. Wich perhaps could be used to argue that science does not cover all truth claims.
  8. Well, when you say truth claims of "any kind" actually that goes into my question in the original post, if you're talking about a truth claim that is provable by scientific method, then yes (and I argued that right from the beggining) magic has nothing to do with it. But if you're talking about conscience itself for example, our internal worlds and all we create in our minds that results from our desires and impulses and are as real as any observable fact that science can measure(as far as brains processes going on in our heads I mean, though we can only know about its existence through expression and comunication between people exchanging ideas, being art one form of these expressions), then science really has no way to deal with it properly, because these things you can't measure or reproduce in a lab, it's something that happends and is shared only by each person communicating and understanding. Correct me if maybe I'm wrong, but as far as I know about it, science has not yet been able to define or prove what consciousness actually is or where and how it happends. Yet we all agree upon its existence since we all are here thinking and discussing about it. So there is a truth claim that actually is not really covered by science, yet we all agree as being true.
  9. Well, in my understanding as Alan Moore puts it, essentially magic is about the changing of conscience "through manipulation of words" and also concepts, that can help us think about things in different perspectives and from there have new ideas that maybe can make us realize things more clearly, think about for example a good metaphor that can make a confusing abstract idea become much more clearer and easy to understand. Essentially, magic has to do with that kind of connection in our minds between concepts that creates a change in our conscience and our perception of reality, and gives us satisfaction for the realization and understanding that it brings A good and close example for us freedomainers is this: Here Stefan used the story of the Matrix movie as a metaphor to help us see what the state really is, wich is something that Alan Moore also touches on, our prison of words and concepts in wich we put ourselves. That is magic. Real magic. Regarding peace between magical thinking and science what I meant by that is that they don't need to destroy each other, they are both important in their own fields, the problems really begin when one tries to invade the others territory, like religion has done trying to deny science. But considering magical thinking to be essentially art, I don't think is reasonable to deny the importance of art in the development of our minds. But Magical thinking as art in the way Alan Moore proposes can be more than any regular and mediocre artistical expression that we see for example in "our magic box called Television" that only makes us more enslaved to our existence as live stock, true art/magic can make us realize what and where we really are, or at least give us a better perspective to try to look for it. Also I think is healthy to create and have symbols, as long as you're aware that's what they are, and not physical existing things. That you can also say about when he talk about the soul. I don't think he refers to it in the way you put it at all, the "soul" is merely a representation, another way in wich we can talk about the self.
  10. Yeah, he's great I haven't read the Shadowplay story, I'll look for it, thanks for the tip I think my next post about him will be about the Watchmen story, I see there a sort of hidden statement about american international politics with the alien as a common threat to the world bringing peace among nations.... you know what I'm talking about perhaps? X) Have you watched the documentary I've posted? If you haven't, take a look, it's really great, if you're a fan like me it will blow your mind
  11. yes, exactly, perhaps I wasn't very clear too, english is not my first language, I'm sorry, but what I was trying to say in my post is that the basis of religious thinking and art are related, and that seing spirituality and religion as such would be a way to end the conflict between science and spirituality. like you said, and I also said it in my post, spiritual thinking goes completely wrong when it tries to make true objective statements regarding science
  12. Interesting topic, I think belief is just one necessary step just before you actually get to the truth, belief allows us to go out in life and try things out, and make mistakes and then get to the truth by empyrical experience and of course by correcting ourselves based on what we learn, which demands us to look at ourselves and change our course of action, but people seem to want to hold on to that step of the ladder, it's more comfortable to just stay where you are and think you've done enough clearly this has to do with responsability too, and so I think your concern of our society's death by belief is definetely relevant
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