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Freeman Stephen

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  • Interests
    Freedom, Consensual Governance
  • Occupation
    Subsistence Farmer

Freeman Stephen's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

First awakened by the Maastricht Treaty coverup in 1993, spent most of my time since then talking to walls as they didn't have the same tendency to become aggressive when I mentioned how the UKs sovereignty had just been sold out from under people who thought it was just an exrension to the common market. Got to university as a mature student and realised that the people there were just as dumbed down as everywhere else and quit after three years, started travelling Scotland for a couple of years and eventually came up with the idea that it could be possible to just live outside of society with nature as the provider, but got a bit scared of what the government reaction would be to people like me after cave dwellers in afghanistan got the blame for 9/11. It was around 2004 when I started to wonder why most of my internet time was spent talking to people who had no idea of the perspective I was coming from and started heading toward political chat rooms, where I was linked to Rob Menard videos, the World Freeman Society and from there a whole concoction of freeman/freedom related content, such as Stefan Molyneux, Alan Watt, Larken Rose and the usual I presume.

About three or four years ago I started thinking about the Freeman Valley concept as proliferated by the RVCP (world freeman society) and linked this in with the ideas I was having back in 2000 regarding living outwith society. Living in an alternative society seemed the best way to go and I started researching how I could best achieve this without being a multi-millionaire and discovered that ownerless land could be legally claimed by anyone who occupies it for two years, and so I found such a piece of land and staked a claim on it, which only recently matured to two years. It can still be challenged for the next eighteen years if it turns out there is an owner, but I have maps going back to the eighteenth century showing the place to have been just wasteland. The intention was to start a freeman community here, but so far its just me and my three chickens and alot of armchair supporters wondering how its possible to drink water without a flouridation plant which they also contradictorily oppose.

I had to come up with a name for the place because it was a bit of a mouth full to go into all the details every time I mentioned where I lived so as its a field, and as its full of birch trees, its called the field of birch trees, but since all the land round about has brythonic names, the name Ive given it is Gartbeth. (Subject to change once some people come to live here, or the chickens start speaking english or brythonic).


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