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    Illinois, the 'states
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    Truth, objective psychology, objective philosophy, nutrition, people, animals, exercise, video games.
  • Occupation
    Self-Employed, The Healing Talk

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  1. I understand your hesitation. Do you believe "forgiveness" is a "virtue," "Live and let live?" If I say to you, "congratulations on not shitting your pants in public this time!" and I meant this as a genuine compliment, would it not seem in conflict of your interests, and be seen as bullying? What if you wanted to shit your pants in public and were frustrated that you could not due to constipation? Wouldn't that "gesture of kindness" be seen as mockery? From the emotional overtones and tags in the original post, It is pretty obvious to anyone with emotions and empathy to infer that I didn't like my birthday and I see guav's first response to be a passive-aggressive verbal attack on me. I feel threatened.
  2. How do you feel when I say "God loves you."? Theoretically, I'm a christianist and I mean well.
  3. It's the title of the song and poem. It's ironic, but I do see your point. Dammit. I can't edit the title, or, can I...? LOL
  4. What do you mean by "a cry for help?" I think you might be onto something. I think I did have a depressing childhood and I'm still grieving it. That's what "birthday" is to me, ...grieving the childhood I never had. Every year, I get one step closer to freedom from illusion such as, "I had a great family all along. They were just hiding."
  5. You never asked me if I wanted to be told "happy birthday." It's not fair to me or you. I don't like my birthday because I've never had a good one. Wishing me "happy birthday" is like a big "fuck you" to me. It's okay because you didn't know before, but please respect people's wishes.
  6. I hate my birthday. Why are you saying, "happy birthday?"
  7. My birthday is coming up and as a gift, I was wondering if you would all allow me to post my favorite birthday song? ... It's meant to be deep and brutal like the birthday of every abused child. For me, my birthday signifies"child abuse awareness year." ...Whatever... I'm doing it anyway: "Happy Birthday To Me" by Bright Eyes All eyes on the calendar. Another year, I claim, of total indifference. To here the days pile up, with decisions to be made. I'm sure all of them were wrong. Into this song, I send myself, and with these drinks, I plan to collapse and forget, this wasted year, these wasted years... "Devoted friends," they disappear, and, "I'm sorry about the phone call and meeting you. Some decisions, you don't make. I guess it's just like breathing, and not wanting to. There are some things you can't fake." I guess that it's typical, to cling to memories, that, you'll never get back again. And to sort through old photographs, of a summer long ago, or a friend that you used to know, and there below his frozen face, that ancient name, that ancient place, that ancient date and, you can't believe he's really gone, and all that's left is a fucking song, and, I'm sorry about the phone call, and meeting you. I know that it is late, but thank you for talking, cuz I needed too. Yeah, some things just can't wait. Some things just can't wait. Yeah, this can't wait. Thank you. that's the best way I can explain how I feel about my birth anniversary. Support would be greatly appreciated. No bullies allowed at my birthday. You bully, I block por permanente. LOL
  8. Hi fellow freedom lovers. Because I love freedom so much and staying here with these narcissistic vampires won't work any longer. A steady warm climate will help tremendously. I also found out I have lupus, so I'm looking to minimize my stress because of that. I'm just looking for a few helpful, magnificent, kind, wonderful, godlike, dudes or dudesses to kindly help a brother out with maybe a meal and a place to sleep for a night (driveways are okay). It's such a long trip. I hope you don't mind a homeless guy peddling his wares and services in your relative tax farm for a few days. I'm gonna be staying in Colorado for a few weeks because I have a friend up there, so I might squat nearby. Also, I'm going to be holding a yard sale starting in the Grundy County Illinois area. I have DVDs, CDs, Blu ray discs, PS3 games, 2 swords, a few knives and books (a few). I can make an itemized list if enough people are interested. I also have a 6 year old green parrotlet named Molly (approximate lifespan: 15 years) that needs a good home, so meeting in person is a must. She comes with a small cage, some food, a manual for taking care of parrotlets and toys. I'm going to miss her so much. If someone would want to take care of her until I have a house and I can come and get her, I will pay you (with interest) when I get her back. Love and respect, Aaron V. Update: I'm definitely taking the southern route which will take me through Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. And I'm going regardless of anyone helping me or not.
  9. Stef did it. He said his therapist was a mystic, but somehow she was emotionally unshakable. Can you connect emotionally?
  10. Was there ever a time in your life when you wanted a young, attractive girl just because "she's purdy?" It's a biological imperative. The younger the woman, the better chance of her producing the man's healthy child. I, myself, am not opposed to adoption or, more likely, surrogacy. Young women are very aesthetically attractive, but I'm trying to look past base biology. Looks are fleeting. I can provide links to articles or references to Stef's podcasts on the subject, if you'd like. It may just take some time to find them.
  11. Case closed, this argument and this whole thread is pointless because you're debating a guy who doesn't think he's responsible for himself, his argument, this thread, etc. I'm sorry, but this seems a little insane to me and no one is seeing it. It's like saying, "My B.O. may smell, but it's not my body that's producing it." Some people cannot be reasoned with
  12. I think this conversation isn't about "reason" anymore. I think it's now about a lack of empathy. That's why it got thumbed down. You used an ad homonym argument to "refute" a hypothesis.
  13. SCHIZOPHRENIA AS THE UNCENSORED UNCONSCIOUS Do you ever have dreams? Do you ever notice that those dreams are not literal? The subconscious is responsible for dreams and the subconscious thinks in metaphors and abstractions in the newly developing brain (I mean that feeling you get when your "waking up" to the truth, etc.). Schizophrenics might say something like, "I can fly." I propose that this is the unfiltered unconscious saying "I am free" in a metaphor. I think that schizophrenics have an overly developed true self and and underdeveloped false self. I once said, when I was younger, "there's a monkey in my salad bowl." Silly, right? Thinking back I think I meant something like "monkey" = troublesome, dangerous and unpredictable in captivity, unwanted, unhelpful creature, "in" = "in the way of," and "salad bowl" = my nutrition = my happiness. That is definitely not proof, but I think it's a pretty damn good theory.
  14. I was answering to Wesley, Hannibal and you, but I thought one message summed it up. I'm sensing some hostility from your response. We can RTR it up in this bitch.
  15. I'm sorry. I've been thinking about it and I just don't see a big difference between humans and animals. Humans are just highly evolved animals with the capacity to reason. I don't understand what the ability to reason has to do with morality. A person with an I.Q. of 20 might not be able to reason. Would you treat that person like "an animal?" It also doesn't pass the coma test. A person in a coma is no different from a sleeping animal in that they both do not possess the ability to fight back. I'm trying to get to the point of violence and self defense. If it doesn't attack you, you cannot use force against it or throw it in a cage for the rest of its' life. Your argument seems to me like its' roots lie in racism. Blacks used to be "treated like animals" and viewed as inhuman. I'm not saying animals are human, but as the species evolves, we are gaining more and more humanity and empathy. People don't care what happens to animals because they can't use weapons like guns and nuclear weapons and they are virtually powerless, like children.
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