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Everything posted by CanadianWoodcck

  1. Caveat: I don't think this comparison has any merit, but if you accept the reasoning behind it for a moment, it doesn't even slightly hold up. Right now, the MSM is comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, an evil man that is conventionally considered to be the worst leader in human history. It seems to me that this comparison could only hold if both men were similarly hated by pop culture and had a similar amount of support from the people. Donald Trump has a large following but the MSM hates him. What I'm really curious to know, is how many supporters did Adolf Hitler have and what was the MSM's opinion of him. I appreciate all knowledge you can share.
  2. This movie was terrible. It was really bad.
  3. When I was looking for a therapist, I thought that would be very helpful, but as we all know, it's about the method, not the conclusions. That said, I think it's really important to be able to find out if the therapist you're interviewing has a method based on logic and reason. It might be helpful to ask them about the family to find out how enmeshed they are with the cult of the family. Of course, if all else fails, you could always travel to the great land of Mississauga. I hear there's a great therapist there who is also a huge fan of FDR.
  4. It's worth noting that I won't be giving away Almost. That would be rude.
  5. Yeah, I understand that. I actually added this list for a couple of people who were interested in seeing it. If you see anything that sounds interesting, please feel free to PM me to ask about it. I have all of these books as either epub or pdf and would be more than happy to pass them along.
  6. I really liked it. The relationship between the young man and the young woman was very sweet.
  7. I'm using the forum here in order to add a pdf file into my media folder. I wasn't sure how else to do that. My book list is attached. If anyone is interested in getting one, please contact me. I have the files. CanadianWoodcck Book List.pdf
  8. Definitely read "The Secret of Selling Anything" by Harry Browne. The Secret of Selling Anything Harry Browne.pdf
  9. I recall being motivated when I was younger, but I was unjustly praised by some people in my family, and unjustly criticized by others. I imagine that it really threw off my sense of self. I ended up doing well in school because I thought it would make other people happy. But another reason for any lack of motivation I have is that I don't like working for people who give off mixed messages about expectations. It's really frustrating. I'm trying to improve my situation by working anyway so I can make money and reach my goals. Unfortunately, I'm not really happy at the moment, but I've only been working for a short while, so I don't know what I'm going to do. I've heard that the book "Getting Things Done" by David Allen is quite good, but I haven't read it yet.
  10. I don't think the poor economy is the true reason why you lack motivation. I have similar problems, and I can trace them back to how I was treated as a child.
  11. Your recommendation also directed me to the show. I'm already halfway through the second season. It's so good!
  12. Yeah, this was a great movie. A nice, sad one.
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