Dude, I'm right there with you. I've had this talk 100 times. People always use that excuse your 'friend' did and brush it off as being completely ridiculous, hypothetical, implausible, and therefor it's not valid or worth talking about. I just walk away. I've done this in the middle of a crowded restaurant out to dinner. I always turn around while I'm leaving and say "stay far, far away from me please". They just sit there stunned. I know several of them have commented that I'm simply being a pussy, or being an extremist. I just respond explaining that next time I want something from them, or don't like something they do in their personal life, I'm going to hire some a gang to come take it, or force them to do it and see how they feel about it then. Again, some people completely miss these things.
This isn't a game. I don't know why people keep acting like it is. This is my life, my security, my comfort. They are actively pursuing taking that away, and if they can't see it, won't notice it when I try and try to point it out, I just can't help them and I certainly don't want to be around them. I don't need more "friends" who stab me in the back. All I can do is get stronger, smarter, more prepared, and whatever else they are lacking.