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Dylan Lawrence Moore

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Everything posted by Dylan Lawrence Moore

  1. We have been saying that the money does not have to be paid back, this is true. Sure, and they are able to create that interest out of nothing. "Debt" has a different meaning when you don't have to earn money to pay it back.
  2. You said "meanwhile the left hasn't gone away", as if they were supposed to within 1 month of Trump achieving the presidency.
  3. Your posts there are just as confusing as your posts here. You have to show me why I'm wrong, not just repeat over and over that I am. I have no idea what this means.
  4. You encapsulated it in what you wrote. No one is making the argument that politics and voting will lead to an anarchist world, but people are (and I am) making the argument that politics and voting are what's going on right now and we're going to have to deal with them in a very serious manner if we ever intend on moving towards an anarchist world. I don't understand what is very confusing about this formula: 1. The West is the closest thing to anarchy humans have ever seen, and it's the only hope of leading us there. 2. If the West goes, then it's all over. The weapon technology and surveillance state of the earth would never allow freedom in any form to emerge again. 3. Donald Trump and the movement he is symbolizing (anti-Globalism, restore the republic of the US), is the last real form of resistance to pull the West from falling over the cliff. 4. Thus Trump, by saving the West (for now), is giving the chance for anarchy in the future. If you're an anarchist and not supporting Trump and what he's done so far, you're bullshitting yourself with fluffy nonsense.
  5. Yup! Sorry I forgot to include the page numbers. It's from the chapter The New Age, getting close(ish) to the end of the book.
  6. Goldenages/Andi, I'm not sure who or what you're addressing, because it's certainly not what we were talking about in the video. This is the issue we worked with clarifying at the beginning of the video: money that originals from a central bank isn't a "loan". They call it that, but it's not functionally not true. ECB creates money out of nothing and doesn't need it back, so the formula does not involve either borrowing money or paying back a debt. This is why the austerity is bullshit; Greece is expected to "balance their budget", which removes currency out of the system, in order to pay money to an organization that can create money at will.
  7. I find that a lot of anarchists aren't even happy with a direct line. They're looking more for instant teleportation.
  8. If you're not going to look with curiosity at what we're talking about to understand concepts which we've elucidated on two different videos now, why bother responding at all?
  9. Reflect that on the philosophy of anarchism, and that it rests on principles. Principles are like the cardinal directions or the north star, we use them to guide our actions. The actions themselves that we must take to move in those directions are something different entirely. The West is the closest thing the world has ever seen to anarchy. If you aren't doing your damnedest to protect the West right now, you're working against your own principles.
  10. When did either Nima or I suggest anywhere in our conversation about this working outside of a statist environment?
  11. As per usual, I turn to Carroll Quigley to help sort my historical mind out. Keep in mind that, though this guy was brilliant and had access to resources that most other historians didn't, this book was published in 1966 and therefore he only had the resources available to him at that time. Not saying I agree with it, and I'm not saying that this justifies the bombing any way whatsoever on Japan, but when I look at the historical situation and I take enough steps back to see the overall general picture of the whole earth, I really wonder how Russia would have behaved had the bomb not been demonstrated at the end of the war. Then again, had the bomb not been dropped and Russia had behaved as Quigley describes above (immediately conquering most of Europe, Eurasia, and China), that in and of itself would have been ample opportunity and justification to drop the bomb on Russia. If the bomb didn't really have any real military significance at the time and was used primary to scare the living shit out of the other side, then hitting Russia certainly would have been even scarier to Russia than hitting Japan. Then again, that implies all-out war with Russia. Bleh. Confusing shit.
  12. Dylan Moore and Nima Mahjour discuss why modern nations need national debt through the lens of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), and what function it performs in society. Main points of discussion in the video: The vocab of MMT and why words like budget, surplus, debt, and deficit have completely opposite meanings of what we've been lead to think they do, Why Weimar Republic Germany and Zimbabwe's hyperinflation wasn't due to excess printing, it was due to political factors destroying productive output. We also take a look at why a country like Venezuela is experiencing inflation while overprinting, when countries like the US are not. Again, we find that the lens to view these economics systems through is the political lens, not the economic lens. While both countries continue to print deficits, Venezuela has plundered its own productive capabilities, while the US has not. Lastly, we take a look at Greece and the Eurozone as a whole, and why austerity and budget surpluses is the absolute worst thing that can happen economically for Greece. We also look into the bizarre situation of the forced deficit spending the EU has demanded upon its member states, and why this is causing some states to flourish (Germany) and others to crash and burn (Greece). It will most assuredly ruffle some feathers around the Austrian economics crowd!
  13. "There is a full-scale character assassination on anybody that's bringing young voters to Trump or even waking young voters up." Milo still has my support. I hope he can recover and get proper help for his own childhood abuse and trauma.
  14. Backing up Luxfelix, even though the bombs were so destructive, they were wildly inaccurate. Until proper rocket systems were built to deliver them, only cities were big enough to "target".
  15. Do you have the link to the actual remarks he made that started the controversy off?
  16. But Russia Russia Russia! Seriously, though, the more and more I contemplate the nuclear arms question, the more and more I realize what a insanely complicated issue it is. Dan Carlin at Hardcore History Podcast just released a 5-hour podcast called The Destroyer of Worlds on this very topic. I'm almost all the way through it and it is absolutely top-notch. I recommend it fully: http://www.dancarlin.com/hardcore-history-59-the-destroyer-of-worlds/
  17. Since Milo got banned from Twitter, I've been noticing a clear relationship between the political stances of businesses and their success. I'm calling it the Trump Value Effect. Twitter experienced an immediate stock price drop after banning Milo, who was still able to drive himself to Top Trend status with his book release. In fact, the argument can probably be made that his being banned from Twitter partially caused the popularity of his book. Companies that are taking the side of social justice publicly are feeling immediate repercussions for it, and no matter how much the media, popular culture, and business attacks things which are "Pro-Trump", their business explodes. Joy Villa jumps from rank #543 to rank #1 in music practically overnight for wearing a MAGA dress to the Grammy's. Milo's book Dangerous top trends, despite being denied typical outlets to advertise it. Ivanka Trump's fashion line tops charts even though Nordstrom and other fashion outlets have dropped it. GrubHub CEO suggests employees who approve of Trump resign from the company, PacketSled CEO tweets assassination threats to Trump and resigns, Netflix releases Dear White People trailer and receives an onslaught of canceled accounts, Starbucks offers to hire 10,000 refugees in response to Trump's "Muslim ban" and gets a boycott. The hell is going on here? Trump has symbolized an arrival of an era where political correctness doesn't pay anymore. The shrieking, hysterical left are the parasites of society by doctrine, not the producers. When companies appeal to them, they're appealing to the populace that doesn't produce anything to pay them with. Appealing to the other side is to appeal to people who work and actually have the money to spend to support something. Furthermore, the banshee world of the left has become so associated with destruction and vileness, whatever sets them off, people are assuming must be good. It's going to be fun to see which side of the political line businesses are going to fall on from here.
  18. Sure it will, if you force everyone to believe in it at the point of a gun. Yea, I get it's called debt, and the terms borrow and selling bonds are thrown around all the time. The point we're making is that these are misnomers, which can be determined by looking at the functionality of the money system. The Fed has the authority to print money from Congress, which it has no limit to do. It doesn't need the money back because it can create it on its own, which is the same with the federal government itself. Government bonds are just a form of no-risk interest-bearing securities. You can't lose the investment if the government can just create the money to pay you. Nope. Because the net private sector savings is roughly equivalent to the federal deficit, to have a budget surplus would be to lesson the ability to save by the private sector, because the government would be taking more money out of circulation than it would be putting in it. The "debt" doesn't need to be paid back. If this is hard to figure out, would you care about anyone paying you back if you could just print as much money as you wanted?
  19. I use Carroll Quigley's definition of civilization from his book Evolution of Civilizations. I've written several posts about it on the boards you can read them here and here. I also went over Quigley's writing from his Tragedy & Hope on traits of Islamic Civilization and how it relates to Latin America here. Your lack of imagination isn't an argument. Except FDR, Infowars, Milo Yiannopoulos, Mark Dice, Vox Day, and every other alternative media head who constantly reaffirms that Trump merely bought us more time and we have a lot more work to do.
  20. Coming in late on this. Trump was literally the last bulwark against Western civilization's downward spiral into death. Hillary Clinton would have sealed the deal to doom. The West is the closest thing to libertarianism and anarchism that humanity has ever seen. Specifically, it created these two concepts. If the West goes, then any hope for a free society is over. The west used freedom to generate so much wealth that we created weapons powerful enough to kill every human being on the planet. The west (barely) created the social organization required to not do that. Thermonukes with no West is... bad. Libertarianism, a.k.a. the retarded cousin of Anarchism, is about principles, not specific actions. Another way to say this, is that it's more important to think about long term goals than short term ones. The power of the state is bad, and voting is immoral. To bitch and moan about voting for someone who doesn't espouse enough libertarian principles, while ignoring the fact that his entire policy revolves around protecting the society which created those principles, is short-sighted and dumb.
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