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Dylan Lawrence Moore

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Everything posted by Dylan Lawrence Moore

  1. I spoke with the owner a bit more today and he mentioned that they had gotten into verbal altercations before in the past, and the owner kept giving him his j0b back. I couldn't hear what was going on when the intensity started building, but I did hear the owner finally say, "Get off my lot. Just get off my lot." I guess the guy was pissed for getting fired. Again. I've trained in Aikido for about 8 years and I have some experience with Systema as well. My prime concern with a possible fight including ME wasn't so much the guy's gierh as the guy's emotional state. Technically the fight had nothing to do with me. If my friend or family member had been hit, I would have been a bit more emotionally involved. As it stood I just wanted the fighting to stop and he wanted to cause damage. Translation for those without MA experience: I was in the mood to hold back. He wasn't. Although, I doubt he would have had an easy of a time with me as he did with the owner.
  2. I was doing a detail for a car dealership and the dealership mechanic punched the owner in the face right next to the car I was detailing. I walked over to see the owner on the ground and the mechanic looking like he was deciding whether or not he should do more damage. I put myself between the owner and the mechanic and held my hand up to the mechanic's chest and asked him, "Have you had enough?" The mechanic was probably nearly twice my weight and I had the supreme disadvantage that I wasn't emotionally involved in the fight where he now was. I don't know how I would have handled myself had he chose to attack me, but if I were to bet on the fight, I wouldn't have bet on me. My question calmed the mechanic down a little bit and he took a few steps back. I remained between him and the owner and after a few seconds the mechanic became angry again and moved toward the owner (who was still on the ground). I took the same position before by putting my hand up to his chest and stopped him. His angry focus turned to me and I could see that he was considering attacking me as well. I calmly said to him, "I don't want to fight you, man." His angry, boiled focus simmered down and he took a few steps back, then returned to the shop. The stood up and went back to his office. The mechanic came out about a minute later with his wallet and his keys and exited the scene promptly. The police were there in a few minutes and I got to experience the joys of testifying. I knew doing work for dealerships was a bad idea.  Ah yes, and the reason I put this in the peaceful parenting section: The image came to my mind as I watched this that the mechanic had been hit similarly by his father.
  3. I'm waiting for this place to Detroit itself to oblivion. There was a scare Boeing was going to move out awhile ago. I wonder how much longer they'll last.
  4. This is false. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IBFoC1gkExI
  5. I think you've answered your own question in your post. You're more concerned about your own fear than the girl. I'm not in a position to tell you how to deal with the situation, but you've listed some really negative aspects of your relationship and the one prevailing aspect is that she's hot. I would look to analyzing and understanding your fear, then move on to analyzing and understanding women. As for finding the 18 year-old self-knowledgeable woman, let us know if you figure it out.
  6. A few weeks ago I was doing a detailing job for my cousin's friend. I drove over to this friend's house to find my cousin there pressure washing the driveway. We chatted a bit and he told me that the friend's parents were paying him to do the work. Several days later I met my cousin again and we talked about work. I mentioned the pressure washing and he said, "Yeah! Now whenever I look at dirty driveways, all I see is money!" But they're stealing our jobs...
  7. I stopped reading here. Logic and reason are usless against those who do not or can not use it. Sophisticated chess moves are worthless against someone who just smacks the pieces around.
  8. I don't know about these site in particular, but with Kickstarter, if the goal isn't reached, everyone gets their money back.
  9. Here's the podcast. I highly recommend this one: http://www.tragedyandhope.com/peace-revolution-episode-062/
  10. I listened to a podcast over at Peace Revolution Podcast which was about a 6 hour lecture by a guy named David Harriman talking about the "philosophic corruption of reality". He spends a lot of time on the development of quantum mechanics and Einstein's relativity, and I think he made a very good case that almost all these guys were balls feep into Kantian philosophy, and their interpretations of quantum mechanics as well as Einstein's relativity are simply regurgitated Kantian philosophy. I would definitely like to hear a truth about Einstein as well.
  11. Who said I was voting? I just said I could sympathize with those who do for the purpose of gridlock.
  12. I saw shirgall mention it before, but if anyone is going to bother with voting, voting for gridlock and anythkng that's pro-gun rights vaguely makes sense. Frank Herbert wrote two books that took pace in a sci-fi universe called The Whipping Star and the Dosadi Experiment. Both had a protagonist that worked for a Bureau of Sabotage which held the principle that government, no matter what flavor, will always buold momentum and increase the speed at which it makes laws (and thus becomes more arbitrary and tyrannical). The job of the bureau was to slow government down through sabotage. So to juxtapose that with voting, I could sympathize with someone who votes simply for gridlock--SLOW IT DOWN.
  13. Interested point I read in Carroll Quigley's Tragedy and Hope (I would really appreciate a modern FDR view of this). This is absolutely oversimplified from Muslim dominance for hundreds of years in Spain left a permanent cultural mark. The Islamic family unit is focused on the absolute hierarchy of the father, which is more or less created by the over-doting of mothers to their sons. The son can have absolutely anything he wants and learns how to throw fits and solve problems through violence. Daughters are treated like cattle and gain their value simply through their ability to create boys. When a girl comes of age, she has been protected to maintain her virginity and is sold, the value of which is supposedly the effort it took to maintain her virginity. At the same time girls are expected to maintain their virginity until marriage, the boys are expected to get whatever they want, including sexual advances. This leads utter contradiction in the family unit and thus into society. This Islamic organization infected Spanish culture, which spread into central and south America. Couple that with ridiculous Catholic superstition and you have a wonderful soup of violent goodness.
  14. Peace Revolution Podcast School Sucks Podcast Gnostic Media Podcast I used to listen to the Corbett Report often. Don't know why I stopped.
  15. Stef did a very excellent podcast called "Troll Spotting", which will give all a good idea what to look for in spotting trolls, particularly in thread titles. You can download it from the Bronze Section podcasts. Oh wait.
  16. What I find interesting is that she's talking to an English girl, as if all the same shit isn't going on in England.
  17. I know a bunch of unemployment jokes, but none of them work. Two fish are swimming up a river. One of them hits a concrete wall. He looks at the other one and says, "Damn!" A guy dies and he goes to hell. His spirit drifts down to the fiery caverns below and a demon meets him at the entrance. The demon is well-dressed and has a friendly smile. "Welcome to Hell!" he says to the recently deceased. Noticing the red skin, the horns, and the smell of sulfur and brimstone, the guy puts two and two together and begins to freak out. "Oh my God! I swear she was legal! Please don't make me go in there! I'm begging you!" The demon leans back, his eyes wide in shock. He holds his hands up and says, "Woa, woa, woa, man. Calm down there. I know we in Hell get a really bad rep up on Earth. But it's not so bad here. Honest." Unmoved, the man continues to plead, "I'll do anything! Just don't make me go in there." The demon rolls his eyes and says back, "Look man, I'm telling you it's not so bad down here. We manage to have a really good time. I mean... for example, do you smoke?" The man stops mid-stutter about the technicalities of statutory rape, blinks, and says, "What? Uh... I guess? Yeah. I smoke." "Great!" says the demon, "Monday is Smoke Night! We all hang around smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, you name it! We make the entire underworld cloudy with tobacco smoke. And you won't have to worry about getting lung or throat cancer or whatever, because you're already dead, right?" The man stays silent for a moment, pondering. He replies, "...right?" The demon continues. "What about alcohol? Do you drink?" Eyebrow reaching for his receding hairline, the man says, "Yeah." "Great!" The demon exclaims, spreading his arms wide, "Tuesday is Booze Night! We drink everything, man! Beer, wine, whiskey, vodka, rum, tequilla, champagne, sake, anything you can think of! We spend the whole day getting absolutely wasted and you don't have to worry about your liver crapping out on you, because you're already dead, right?" "Right." The man says, rubbing his chin, "Right!" "What about drugs, man? What's your fix?" The demon asks. "Wellllll..." The man says with the same tone as when he was discussing the legal technicalities of the aging of pussy, "You know, back in college I experimented a little bit with a couple things, but I never--" "Doesn't matter!" The demon boomed back, "Wednesdays are Smack Days! We get FUCKED UP on Wednesdays! We do so many crazy drugs: LSD, mescaline, shrooms, coke, ecstacy, and heroin and any other assortment of opiates, that we need to smoke weed just to chill out! And you don't have to worry about all the nasty side effects and withdrawal symptoms of all those drugs, because you're already dead, right?" "Right!" The guy says, standing up straight and his face beaming. "You're right! Hell isn't so bad after all!" "Are you gay?" Suddenly the demon asks. The guy leans back and his eyes go wide again, "What? No! Why?" The demons cringes and says, "Ooohhhh maaaaaan. You're going to hate Thursdays..."
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