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Dylan Lawrence Moore

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Everything posted by Dylan Lawrence Moore

  1. Just to follow up with some comic relief which I feel describes the situation here at some level: "And you know a hater can't stand a goddamn winner!" These hatin'-ass motherfuckers want you to be miserable...
  2. I wonder if the people posting on this thread on Reddit are analyzing the best ways that they themselves can promote freedom in the world. Haters gotta hate...
  3. I find it really strange how this idea exists that there are a certain number of jobs in this closed system of city/state/country/world, and that if someone takes up the space of one job, whether it be machine or illegal immigrant, then the total sum of available livelihood decreases. This is so antithetical to reality it baffles me. Whenever anyone works at anything, it creates MORE stuff for other people to do. The only way to "steal" a job is through the public sector, because it restricts the parameters and the output of the job through violence. Even the title of this topic is eerily telling. The real question that needs to be asked here is: where are all the good entrepreneurs?
  4. I mentioned this on another thread: Anarcho-communism is a contradiction. Anarchy means "no rulers". Communism has rulers. The end. What else is there to discuss?
  5. No good jobs is probably due to a lack of freedom and an overabundance of government education.
  6. I don't know what the situation is like in the NW, but everyone host is completely different. Some replied to me super quickly and some never at all. If a place looks interesting but they don't appear to be accepting now, I would send them a message anyway. You never know if they'll change their minds once they see you and read your bio. Remember that those aren't jobs. You work in exchange for a place to stay and have something to eat. Luckily you're in a country where you CAN work (as opposed to me in Europe), so at least you could start developing a network of people and start moving towards something. Where are you in the NW? Also, just remembered this, I don't know if I found some weird exception in Romania or if this is a worldwide phenomenon, but look out for couchsurfing parties. I went to a couchsurfing Christmas party in Targu Mures, Romania for several days and it ended up changing the whole course of my stay there. There were people from all over Europe and the world at that party (several Americans, south Americans, Singaporeans, Australians, and from every corner of Europe) and it most definitely expanded my horizons and my ideas of what my opportunities were while I was there. But, like I said, I don't know if this happens commonly in the US or anywhere at all for that matter--I may have just gotten lucky to find that one. However, I would use the site and keep my eyes peeled for those. You never know who you're going to meet.
  7. I survived with that one for a year in Europe. I highly recommend it.
  8. www.couchsurfing.com www.helpx.net www.wwoof.net They will at least give you a place to stay while you figure shit out.
  9. Now start your quest of looking up the 40 zillion references from that.
  10. Why don't you ask him for historical evidence of anything he said? Which of course you could then reply with the multitudinous historical evidence contrary to what he said. However, I'm guessing that this may be a waste of time, because it sounds like he isn't interested in discussing these subjects; it sounds like he's interested in dominating you with them.
  11. The Ultimate History Lesson with John Taylor Gatto: If anything, it will definitely give you good ideas where to look.
  12. My great great great grandfather on my dad's side was the superintendent of the Black Diamond coal mines in Black Diamond, WA and one of the signers of the Washington State Constitution. He had a fortune that he left in a massive will to many people. None of it remains even to my grandfather's generation and my father, even when he was working hard and making a lot of money, would probably barely be considered middle class. My great grandfather on my mom's side was the 1st cousin of Josef Tito Broz, the communist dictator of Yugoslavia. My grandfather moved with some of his family to the US when he was like 6 and Tito stayed behind, basically becoming the equivalent of Emperor in Yugoslavia. His grandchildren muse about now at Serbian nationalist gatherings without a whole lot of say. Short of the implementation of a caste system, it's really hard to make any argument that income brackets don't change over generations.
  13. I haven't really figured out how Somalia fits the definition of "anarchy". Haven't warlords and religious leaders taken over?
  14. How dare you speak against the most sacred and reverent holiday of the year!
  15. An uncle of mine once spent some time living in Fiji. He has a lot of stories to tell about it and one thing he said during a story stuck out in my mind. At the time he was there (I dunno, something like 20 years ago?), the local government was a council of men from the community who would discuss and decide on things. While he was in the middle of describing this, he made a quick quip of, "Of course, their wives were really calling the shots. The wives would tell the men what to do and they would go to the council and do it." I think this is the big secret to women's power and one of the reasons why it's so difficult to see. It is really common for women exercise their power through males, often in very subtle manners. What also needs to be added, I think, is that you can't compare equality of men and women on the same rubric. To say that women aren't making as money or getting as high in the corporate ladder or whatever else, be they fake statistics or not, is making the underlying assumption that women want these things in general. From the information I've been getting hanging around places like FDR, women generally want men to run around in circles doing things for them, and are usually more than willing to manipulate in order to do so. "Hey look! I can see evidence of a patriarchy because more men are holding higher positions in society!" You don't see the women behind the men who enjoy all the power without any of the work. Regarding abusive husbands... Abusive husbands are very obviously bad people. We in the FDR realm have been up and down talking about how women choose these husbands. But one thing I haven't heard much, someone correct me if I've just been missing it, is how other women in a social circle (particularly family) pressure a single woman into marrying an asshole. I was hanging out with a girl awhile back who came from a close-knit 7th Day Adventist Family/Community. She moved to my area with her sister, mother, and grandmother (emphasis: all women), and NONE of these women had anything nice to say about men. It was within the first day of meeting them that the sister made a rapist joke at me, and throughout the time we had hung out I consistently got rapist and murderer comments from the rest of the family (not directly. The girl told me about it*) and the girl told me horrible, twisted stories of the beatings she and her sister received from her father. She told me how she had been raped at 14 by someone in her school and her dad simply said, "Oh, that didn't happen." when she tried telling it to him. The Grandma was divorced due to an affair of the grandfather, the mother divorced due to an affair on her side (the girl also told me stories of how her dad would refuse to have sex with her mother, preferring rather to watch porn and masturbate). *Note: I was a little slow on the draw at getting angry at this shit. My male friends and I growing up used to rip "jokes" like these at each other all day and not bat an eye. I think it took me awhile to realize that these women were serious because that's what they actually thought of all men. The kicker here? The girl was supposed to have an arranged marriage and the whole fucking family was pissed that she didn't do it. She ended up marrying somebody else, who by her description was also pretty abusive (went straight into the military after graduation... yay. He was gone in another state and she was waiting to move to him at the time we met), almost called the wedding off the day of, and was having second thoughts of sticking the marriage out. And why didn't she get out? She gave me two main reasons: 1.) fear that no one else would ever marry her and 2.) fear of social ostracization from her family and the church community. So while all the men these women had ever known were rapists and physically abusive, the women still bullied each other into marrying them. I wonder how far into the distant past this trend goes. Conclusion: it's nearly impossible to tell how "equal" things are and have been between the two genders because the rubrics are different and the power held by women is very subtle. As far as I can tell, however, it leans in the direction of women.
  16. Ancom is a contradiction. If someone forces you where to work or into an involuntary agreement, then it's not anarchy. Ancap isn't a belief system. It's just what happens in the absence of violence. No belief required. Reminder: Anarchy means "no rulers".
  17. Okay, so what does she want to do about it? If her answer is laws/government/regulations, then she is saying, "I want to lower pollution by polluting more." If we can't help but violate the NAP with each other regarding pollution (that is, it is not a free will choice), then what logically follows is that the most effective method of reducing pollution is the logical (and moral) thing to do. If your girlfriend doesn't even make the effort to figure out what is ineffective at reducing pollution (see Exhibit "A": government), then she doesn't actually give a shit about pollution, so she should shut up.
  18. Thank you so much for saying this.
  19. The left/right paradigm just measures a few kinds of delusion it people. "Left" people suffer the delusion that by being beaten, they and others will be provided resources. "Right" people suffer the delusion that by being beaten, they and others will be protected from being beaten.
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