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Dylan Lawrence Moore

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Everything posted by Dylan Lawrence Moore

  1. Money is a creation by the state that gives value to an otherwise worthless object via taxation, in order for the state the violently move goods and services from the private to the public sector. It goes like this: 1. Government demands taxes in "money". Gold stamped with a certain face, silver stamped with a certain face, paper notes, key strokes, whatever. 2. Everyone becomes unemployed. "Employment" meaning engaging in work paid in tokens that can pay taxes. 3. The government can then spend money into existence to "purchase" goods and services. 4. The money in valuable because people will need it to pay their taxes later. 5. Government creates a medium of exchange within a certain geographical area by this mechanism. Before everyone here comes screaming at me: I'm not saying the private sector can't make money. It's just never happened--the government won't allow it.
  2. Have you looked into TRE therapy? TRE stands for trauma release exercises. https://traumaprevention.com/ It's a very simple exercise that you can do that addresses the biological/biochemical root of trauma, and uses the in-built biological process we have to deal with it. The website has some good information on it, as well as a list of certified practitioners all over the world. Once you learn how to do it, you will be able to do it on your own time without the aid of a practitioner. It's particularly useful for dealing with early childhood trauma, as you can't go to talk therapy and talk about things that occurred to you before you could remember them. My experience with it has been incredible. One of the effects is to make you more comfortable with social interactions, and I could really see how it could help dealing with a partner. From what you've written, it sounds to me that his attempts at affection are triggering some past trauma in you. Hope that's useful!
  3. Sure thing. A practical definition of civilization (or at least a good start), as well as a description of the fundamental forces at play in civilizations. Understanding the fundamentals can help us make better decisions and help us have more hope for saving Western Civilization, which has been on the brink of ending itself multiple times in the past and has recovered.
  4. Regarding the interpretation of the development of civilizations and the saving of the West, I wrote an article during the Trump election here: What I Learned in School and the Battle for Western Civilization Also check out The Evolution of Civilizations by Carroll Quigley.
  5. I would start with Rich Dad Poor Dad and Think and Grow Rich. That should get you enough to find other books. Find an entrepreneurial program in the UK that trains you to act and think like an entrepreneur. Watch out for scams (anything claiming that you'll turn into an entrepreneur in a weekend or that you will work LESS in the short term), but be prepared to pay for decent education.
  6. 20% of running a business is the actual product or service you provide. 80% of running a business is knowing how to run a business. From the content of your post, it sounds like you need some more training and experience in the latter 80%.
  7. I saw your sleight-of-hand, there.
  8. Read Robert Kiyosaki's book Rich Dad Poor Dad. That should give you a few good starting ideas.
  9. I just want to emphasize--make sure you listen to the full New Age Bullshit and the Suppression of the Sacred masculine. He hits on that point HARD. You can get an audio version here: https://tragedyandhope.com/peace-revolution-episode-074/ I found out recently that I'm technically a millenial. My first reaction was to be offended (harhar!). I was born in 1986, and I feel like I got to see what you're describing coalesce in front of my eyes. I feel weird being part of a generation that remembers having to memorize phone numbers and read books and magazines for information, while simultaneously "growing up" during the internet/information age. I remember getting excited when I was able to get a whopping 5 kb/s download speed on Napster. I often feel the maw of nihilism reaching around me. It's really a battle to keep it back. I've decided to take it as an opportunity to help build a new world of meaning, and find others trying to do the same. I feel that if we're successful, we can reproduce and let the crazies die off. All of their ideas involve not reproducing, one way or another. Hint from my own experiences: if you're aspiring to achieve something great, and it feels like you're constantly fucking up and everything is ridiculously hard, you're probably on the right path. I think this has been the experience of most humans on this planet, it's just in recent years we've had the luxury to wallow in nihilism and be fed by our misuse of our own superabundance.
  10. It sounds like this woman is showing some serious signs of narcissism. I don't know what to do about your husband. Have you thought about calling into the show?
  11. Hi River, just checking to make sure you saw my last post. It got delayed for moderator approval and got stuck in the middle of the thread.
  12. Been watching Larouche go on about the Belt and Road Initiative or the New Silk Road or whatever it's called. They're arguing that the whole Mueller scandal is a globalist threat to Trump NOT to engage in peaceful actions with China and Russia. I get the creeping feeling that Larouche is right.
  13. Happy you found it useful. I have never gone full ketogenic, but I can tell you this when it comes to changing your diet: take small steps. Many of the common foods that we eat are incredibly destructive and addictive, some top contestants being sugar, wheat, corn, and soy. When you decide to stop eating these, there is a good chance your body is going to go through withdrawals (although more often it's your gut bacteria going through withdrawals putting the pressure on you). If you try to completely change your diet from one day to the next, you will get overwhelmed and crash. Pick one thing until your body adjusts and you fit it into your routine, then move onto the next. The first one I would recommend is soy: it contains an endocrine disrupter--a chemical that messes up your hormones. Sodium lauryl sulfate, a chemical commonly found in soaps, is also an endocrine disrupter. So is BPA in many plastics. Before you go crazy figuring out proper nutrition, take some time to get your gut in order. This podcast will go into much more detail on that subject: http://justinhealth.libsyn.com/enzymes-and-digestive-support-podcast-127 Once you have your gut more or less in order, vitamin D3 and cholesterol are vital for proper hormone development. Grassfed butter and pastured eggs should be staples in your diet. Supplement vitamin D. Dave Asprey has good articles about it. If you have issues with PMS, look into the herb chaste tree berry. I had a girlfriend who had vicious PMS, and though it didn't cure her entirely, it helped A LOT. Chaste tree berry can help your estrogen and progesterone from fluctuating too wildly from each other. Nothing freaks a boy out like a girl that spontaneously turns into a crazy bitch once a month. We won't realize it's your period, either. We just end up completely confused because we feel like we're working too hard to deal with a creature that random becomes hysterical. Thank you! I actually met her before people would admit to meeting people on the internet. We went to the same community college and university. We never actually dated (though we hooked up on several occasions). We both ended up traveling around the world and kept in touch periodically over the internet. After I came back home from traveling (I was gone for like 4 years), she came to Washington to visit (she was living in Toronto). She came to visit me, and after staying with me for a little while, I just directly asked her to marry me. I knew her as a person that takes a long time to think before making a decision, so I thought she would take a long time to decide, but she came back the next day and said yes. I actually wasn't as interested in her political preferences as I was in her ability to change her mind when presented with new data. Often when I ask about her political opinion, it's very leftist until I explain how things work, to which she usually says, "Woa! I never knew that." and changes her mind. I don't know if this works in both directions, but finding someone who has the political views that you have vs. finding someone who's open to changing their mind based on data is a pretty important distinction. Sorry I can't give you much advice on dating websites. The only success I've ever had with those are flings. Yea, it's rough. I'm guessing what's worse, is if you do run into a man who's thinking about marriage, he probably isn't marriage quality. I had such a horrible Christian experience growing up that I turned out agnostic, or at least anti-Christian, out of the household. When it comes to understanding the various denominations, it's really important to keep history in mind and look into not just what their message is, but why they developed that message at that specific point in history. You will find denominations to be WILDLY different when you do this. A piece of media that opened my mind to this was actually The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend with John Taylor Gatto. You can check it out free on Youtube. I also recommend checking out The Teaching Company's History of the Catholic Church, as well as the Hardcore History Podcast Prophets of Doom. That should give you something to work with when it comes to interacting with the various denominations. A BIG ONE I would listen to is Mark Passio's New Age Bullshit and the Suppression of the Sacred Masculine. That should give you enough knowledge to identify if any new age bullshit that has crept into a church's teachings. I haven't gotten myself to start going back to church yet (I actually spent more time in a Shinto setting than anything else after leaving the household), but if I did, I would probably grill the pastor/minister/reverend/priest on his own organization and tenets to see how serious and able he was, as well as members of the congregation. Just like anything else, church is 95% show. Gotta find that 5%. Something HUGE I would recommend: learn how to ask boys out. Seriously. Feminism has crushed the masculine spirit to the point where we're all afraid to ask women out--we've been taught it's violent and oppressive. When I was young/pubescent, my mother used to talk about how girls should file sexual harassment lawsuits against boys who patted them on the butt, because if they didn't it would just be flushing money down the toilet. Needless to say, I was terrified about approaching women. After completely fucking up going after two different girls and ending up with a broken heart both times, I started looking into pickup artistry and coaching for approaching women. I got on a diet/supplemental regiment to crank up my testosterone, and I learned how to identify and pass shittests. The instant I figured out how to do this, for the first time in my life girls were blowing up my phone with calls. I couldn't believe it. I felt like I had acquired the One Ring. I could have played with it, turned into a game alpha, and gotten laid to the end of my days, but I decided to take my new confidence and apply to my wife. It worked well enough to get a YES the next day. I would recommend checking out some pickup and dating advice for men, and try using it on boys. If you can get it down, you will have almost ZERO competition. Boys are constantly competing with each other, and girls are used to sitting and waiting for the boys to come. If you can go take the one you want, you won't have any other girls trying to beat you to it. I watched a lot of YT videos by Kezia Noble to learn some game and pickup basics. If you can get this down and be confident about it, when it comes to finding a male you decide is a keeper, you won't go crazy waiting for him to make the first move. Even on dating websites, this could give you a huge advantage. Most girls just wait for the million messages to come into their inbox and sift through them. If you can ignore those and pick out the males you want, you stand a good chance of getting a reply. Normally our dating website inboxes are full of dust. Also, I know it's common for girls to let a boy know that you like them by telling them you really enjoyed a date/dinner/movie/whatever, and this is supposed to be an invitation for the boy to go ask for a next date. 99% of the time, THEY WILL NOT PICK IT UP. I'm dead fucking serious. I was almost 30 before I figured out what girls meant by that. When boys say something like that to each other, the response is that goes through their heads is, "Yup. It was cool." And nothing else. You can thank the feminazis that came before you: you will need to ask for the next date. Hope that helps!
  14. Bulletproof Podcast #321: His and Hers Hormones https://blog.bulletproof.com/dr-tami-meraglia-321/
  15. I think this is an excellent question to call in the show on. 23 is still quite young--you've got time to work with. I've heard Stef mention that if a woman has something that she wants to work on outside of family and raising children, she should focus on it after raising the children. That way her sexual market value has been fully utilized and you can focus on whatever the thing you wanted to do. I got married last year, and leading up to that moment, one thing I kept asking myself was: "Am I worth marrying? If no, what can I do to make myself more valuable?" As a man, much of this was focused around my ability to earn an income, maintain a stable living condition, maintaining fidelity, and being confident in my actions (both around women and in a career). You might want to ask yourself the same thing (it looks like you already are). Are you worth marrying? If not, what are the things you can do to make yourself more valuable? You may need to go to conservative church and watch the women around you for proper inspiration. Are you attractive and healthy enough (no cheating with excessive makeup and slutty clothes!!)? Can you cook well and healthily, and keep a house clean? Are you eager to pour your energy into taking care of children? Do you have annoying quirks that scare men off (I want something but I'm not going to tell you what it is)? Are your hormones properly feminine (HUGE issue in this modern day. For men, too)??? Add in whatever other questions that are pertinent. If you start focusing on this, when you bump into a male who is doing what I described above, you will be prepared to grab him. Without that preparation, he's just going to keep moving along. In terms of your career, this is the process I had to go through in my mind: until you get your basics met (in this case, finding a marriageable man and acquiring him), you're going to be too discombobulated to focus on any career. While you're working on your feminine qualities, keep your career and what drives you in mind, and start preparing to enact that as well. That way, when you're ready to do it, say after you're married or after the kids or old enough or whatever that time is, you'll be ready to shoot off and focus on it. Hope that helps! Really think you should call in with this one. Total waste of breeding hips if you don't figure this stuff out.
  16. I think we're at the point that we'll take a little state over invasion by infidels and being forced to pay religious tax.
  17. My take: I discovered BTC in 2011 when it was around $1.00. I stumbled across it because of an internet article talking about the El Paca socks and maybe 7 other things you could buy with it. I downloaded the program that let you mine it, but couldn't figure out what the hell was going on. I said, "Eh, too weird, can't figure it out, fuck it." And I deleted it off my computer. I had about $1000 I wanted to invest. Obviously I wouldn't have thrown it all at this bizarre new thing that could potentially get me some new socks, but even if I had done $50, or even $10, I would have made a screaming-ass deal when it went to $600 the first time (where I probably would have sold it). Instead I bought silver at that crazy peak and lost about half my money. I lost my chance again when all three of BTC, ETH, and LTC skyrocketed. So I decided to have my toe in the pool in case any of them do that crazy 600-6000x growth shit again. Now I'm resolve to at least have my toe in the game in case another skyrocket occurs ($1000 increments in BTC now are like 20%, nothing like the 600000% since I discovered it). Enough where I'll make some money if it goes up, but not so much if I lose everything I'll care very much.
  18. Ironically enough, I just had someone approach me that I met from my Aikido network (from when I was a "monk"). He told me he will be selling his house next year and will be sitting on 150-200k in cash that he wants to do RE with, and he reached out to me because of what I've been posting about my current RE project on FB. Seems what seems daft to you wasn't part of the equation.
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