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fractional slacker

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fractional slacker last won the day on September 9 2014

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  1. I voted yes but the question is a bit loaded by including the term "forced." No one can or should be forced to use a bathroom regardless of the their mental illness. As others have already stated, this a matter of property rights. The owner of the bathroom determines how they are used.
  2. Cant-well talks about this all the time. The goal of anyone who believes in the NAP is to abolish govt. and have a voluntary society. That's not close to happening. In the meantime, we want the gun in the room (govt) to be used as against our enemies: the left, commies, sophists, and socialists. Those groups have no use for the NAP and we have no obligation to treat them kindly. Trump is far closer to implementing these ideas than any candidate including Gary "bake me a cake" Johnson. Don't throw your vote away on him. Vote Trump if you care about preserving Western civilization.
  3. Physical separation based on cultural values is the solution. Forced multi culturalism continues to be a plague to our societies via degenerate, self-loathing lefties who worship the state. The enemy is not Islam, blacks, or minorities. Live separate and cooperate through voluntary trade. That's the recipe for peace. The enemy is the covert, parasitical white lefties who constantly run around screaming at other whites about racism, sexism, and homophobia. They must become the enemy of the state and dealt with accordingly. Then we can figure out how to abolish the state.
  4. Being persuaded by celebrities should automatically void one's vote. Not sure it's good use of resources trying to talk folks out of dumb.
  5. Slightly off topic, but I thought internet dating changed how kids meet these days. Meeting online practically eliminates approach anxiety for both parties. Is it possible women are less interested or unsure how to handle being approached?
  6. This sort of reminds of an atheist going to church to ask about the reasons behind religion, but far worse. Church folks unlikely to become violent from questions. Do you suppose there is going to be an open and honest conversation?
  7. Most atheists are leftists. Most leftists despise the philosophy of freedom. Therefore atheists oppose libertarian ideas. Most (American) religious folk/Christians are on the right. Most of those on right prefer limited and/or a smaller (than current) government. Therefore religious folks are compatible with, or at least indifferent to, libertarian ideas. That's my syllogism interpretation.
  8. How does one differentiate between unrealistic beauty standards and realistic beauty standards?
  9. Do you listen to or watch Stef's videos on turd world immigration? Immigration is fine between like-minded closely matched IQ cultures. It's not fine with with violent intolerant cultures.
  10. Looks like something the Free Staters might endorse. My understanding is New Hampshire has become a haven for Massachusetts tax dodging liberals.
  11. Sophists ( ie dating industry) are all about inflating the chasm between men and women. And for a price, they can show you how to make a connection.
  12. I hear about this guy all the time. Don't know much about him other than he seems to be word salad chef. Does Tolle regard philosophy as fundamental to correcting current personal and societal problems? Does Tolle recognize evil? Who are Tolle's enemies?
  13. This "activism" is more lefty "don't judge, man" non-sense. If you support the gender abolition movement, you will likely agree. However, these women pull these stunts where families with children are present. That is the issue here. In a free society, would these attention whores have an audience, other than beta cuck polyamorous losers?
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