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fractional slacker

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Everything posted by fractional slacker

  1. I confess. I like MTV. Well only two shows really. One of them being True Life. I like to think of it as a cross between a documentary and VH1s Behind the Music using everyday people as the subjects. The show finds a topic du jour (sexual issues, addiction, economic, socializing, parenting, etc) and then examines said topic by following the stories of 3 individuals. I find it entertaining and educational. Anywho, the latest show is titled "I hate the government." I dare say all FDRrs can relate to at least one of the people on this show. And then they found FDR. The point is, these three individuals are just like you and me before philosophy. Yet when I watch them, I just think how silly. What a waste. That's not productive! WTH are you doing? You are all chasing your tails! Okay, enough of my editorial/rant. If anyone watches this show, I would like to hear your thoughts. http://www.mtv.com/videos/true-life-i-hate-the-government/1700820/playlist.jhtml#series=2211&seriesId=5232&channelId=1
  2. More specifically it means less straight white males. At least that has been my observation. Diversity is the primary buzz word used by the the "anit-racists."
  3. Thanks guys, I appreciate the welcomes. I look forward to reading about your thoughts and opinons on whatever comes up.
  4. Like another poster mentioned, there has been covert spraying for (malicious) test purposes on populated areas. However, it was not done by mixing stuff in with the jet fuel. I find the idea that jet fuel is being doctored on a major scale, and that no whistle blower has ever come forward, to be so implausible, impractical -both physically and economically-, that only someone with little to no reasoning skills would believe such a thing. The logistics just don't seem possible. But like all conspiracies (and there devotees line of thinking), there is no proof it's not happening.
  5. In a voluntary society there will still be gray areas, however, there should be less incentives or opportunities for exploitation given that relations, in general, would be more productive, fulfilling, and possibly meaningful. When the guns are removed, people will have more compassion and less desire to act the fool.
  6. Here's my vision, or two cents on the matter. Because a mother (or father) would likely have been home raising the 13yo and that the girl would have been learning in a non-state school, the chances she would even be tempted to indulge in dirty chats with whoever would be remote. Futhermore there would be a free market in sex services that would make the adult man less likely to target young girls.
  7. I recall Stef mentioning his admiration for Chomsky and his analysis of US foreign impreialism. However, Stef not so impressed with Chomsky and his inability/denial/refusal to recognize domestic tyranny or Chomsky's admiration for central planning agencies.
  8. My friends It hasn't been easy, but I finally made to the FDR forum. I feel like a tropical fish that started out in Siberia and I'm just now reaching the coast. A little about me. I'm a middle aged guy living in Portland, Oregon. I was an early adopter of de-foo. I "de-food" for all intents and purposes at age 16 (mid 1980s). It wasn't until age 20 that the separation was complete. Hearing someone describe what it means to de-foo was such a relief. I have always known exactly what it was, but have never felt comfortable until recently trying to explain to others my lack of family cultism. I still cringe when I get asked about family. It's such a given to everyone -to love and be loyal to those that held you captive for the first two decades of life. But I smile and give a generic answer suitable to the situation. I learned long ago truth is the last thing people want to hear. So I am with good company, I suspect when I say that I have severed my chains of non-sense and proudly proclaim my being: de-food, atheist, ancap.
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