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Everything posted by The_Dude_Abides

  1. NGardner, I really empathize with you. If I was to write a letter to my mother (whom I've been avoiding for months/years), it would be very similar in nature. I commend you for confronting her about it, it must have been very difficult.
  2. hi there, I know this is an old post, but just curious if you decided on moving to Chile? I'm seriously considering this too and am getting close to pulling the trigger on things.
  3. Hey everyone, I've heard Stef mention on a few calls that most divorces are due to women being dissatisfied with their marriage and I was curious if anyone happen to have a source on this. thanks, Dude
  4. oh man, Tim Hortons recently expanded into the UAE and when they first opened the Canadian expat community here was all estatic . The most embarassing thing was the Canadian Ambassador actually cut the ribbon at their grand opening in Abu Dhabi..... seriously, our government officials are opening up our "national doughnut chain". Whatever shred of national pride that may have been lingering within me, died that day.
  5. words escape me.... "Although the footage offended many, some have defended the angry father’s “fine parenting skills.” Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/video-dad-viciously-beats-girls-twerking-article-1.1306364#ixzz2PRhPeYU3
  6. Last week, while everyone was focused on the gay marriage issue, Obama slipped in the "Monsanto Protection Act". It's almost like they have some kind of government insdier... http://www.ibtimes.com/monsanto-protection-act-5-terrifying-things-know-about-hr-933-provision-1156079
  7. sounds like another great idea! article here
  8. oh yeah, and very true abou the cops, bored and clearly over police to make quotas. I remember years ago while visting my parents in their small town, I got stopped by the only cop in town for not coming to a complete stop at an intersection. I was in surbanan area with no other cars at the 4-way- I mean, come on..
  9. I'm also (formerly) from Canada and this is a topic that has interested/ annoyed me over the years. I've concluded that Canadian nationalism can basically be summed up in two words: NOT American. This is such a deeply rooted part of the national psyche, I don't know if people could ever be deprogrammed. Historically speaking, Canada was kind of designed to be THE Anti-America though, so I suppose it's not that suprising. side note: this site has some good commentary on Canadian pride visa vis anti-Americansm you might find interesting. http://www.thecanadaguide.com/anti-americanism
  10. WOW! this article really struct a cord with me. I have struggled with procrastination so much that I (now) realize that it led to my resignation of my employer of 7 years (and probable termination, if i hadnt resigned). Recently, I have been taking a swing at self employment and am finding that similar habits are forming and if I'm honest with myself it IS this neurotic self defense habit that he details in the article.. .I am fascinated, sad and hopefull all at the same time thanks so much for sharing. I certainly need to further explore this.
  11. here's more from Ben Swan: http://www.fox19.com/story/20608260/reality-check-an-apples-to-apples-comparison-of-us-and-uk-violent-crime-rates
  12. sure, we still have some of the ole colonial ties, but we share a similar history of frontier settlers and have a reasonable amount of gun ownership in the country compared to the UK's (near?) zero. I believe in Canada it is somewhere around 30%. To me it just seems like a more natural comparison as the two countries have more cultral similarities. Also, many people from the left, like Michael Moore, love to point to Canada as some sort of model the U.S. should aspire to. Would be great to have some ammo to shut them up Anyway, just my two bits.
  13. Hi Stef, great video. You make a very valid point with the historical difference between EU countries and U.S.; e.g. feudal vs frontier. With that in mind, wouldn't U.S. vs Canada be a more fair and relevant comparison than the UK?
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