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Steven Andrew Stalma

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Everything posted by Steven Andrew Stalma

  1. Hey guys... Ok, so the title was kinda click bait--but it got you to read this, didn't it? You'll find that the article isn't too controversial, but I personally found it interesting: http://mindcontrollibrary.com/understanding-sociopaths It challenged what I've heard about sociopaths and even claims they can be treated. I don't take a stance either way, but I thought it would make good conversation and it comes with a few book recommendations. Let me know what you think--
  2. Do you know much about Tails, the Debian-based operating system? Or do you know about the Tor network and specifically how it works? Or maybe it's that you're a wizard at encryption? Could you say that--to the average web user--you might appear as an EXPERT on these subjects? If true, could you please raise your hand? Help is needed for a project to promote anonominity online. PM me or respond to this thread. Thank You, -Steve
  3. Good to hear! I hear these bullion bulk buyers who tell me that an 8 Reale is just silver and nothing more. I ask them, what makes silver valuable? The answer, other people value it. Otherwise all the coins in the world are not going to help you on a deserted island. It is the valuations of others that give a chunk of metal any value in the first place. So I tell these bullion guys, if you think that silver is going to be of value to people in the future, how about a piece of silver that was mined and struck 1,000 years ago? Man can always find more silver on the earth to strike into generic bullion. Dated and aged coins, especially in good condition, they aren't making anymore of those. It's a chance to hold a piece of history in your hands. And depending on the coin, the right buy can be a lucrative investment.
  4. Hi guys, my name is Steve and I'm still new to the FDR forums. Can you help me? About 6 months ago I was very fortunate to find a position at a well established numismatic company selling rare and high grade gold and silver coins. Most of what I deal with is ancient and early US coinage. I've been building a client book of coin collectors who look for the higher quality and certified coins that are normally very difficult to locate. This is how you can help. I have found a few good clients, intelligent men who I can have good conversations with--two of whom I've had long conversations about bitcoin and the federal reserve. But the rest--AHHHHGH! Neocons! As you can imagine, the hobby/investment of rare coins is more of a "right leaning" market. And imagine how you would feel if you had to grit your teeth in disgust while listening to one of your biggest clients preach about God and the necessity of war--all the while holding back how you REALLY feel, fearing to upset a client who consistently makes 40K purchases. Now that I have enough clients to sustain myself, I have been able to be more and more selective and weed out the "bad eggs." So if anyone out there is active in numismatics, my company is one of the bigger buyers who attends all the major shows and auctions. We are able to find you that 1893 S Morgan dollar or one of the 12 Caesars, all certified by NGC or PCGS. Basically if I am going to chat with different people all day about coins and how they relate to history, I'd like to be talking to an anarchist. At best, my favorite guys I work with are minarchists. So I'm reaching out to anyone here at FDR who sees the value of what I do. Either that, or someone who has money they don't know what to do with. The right numismatics can be a good investment if you can wait for the right coin to come along. So if there is anyone out there who is an experienced collector, or if you have some fiat notes you would like to put back for your children or family, let me know who you are. Please, these people are killing me. If I have to listen to one more explanation of why the US constitution is somehow holy--I'm jumping off the roof of this building. - Steve
  5. Hi Daniel, I'm new here too. Hope everyone makes you feel welcome! *nudge nudge, wink wink*
  6. Greetings Stef! I wanted to say BRAVO! Your bitcoin speech gave me goosebumps. The things you said at that event can never be unheard.--What does it feel like to be making history? But anyway, that is not the reason of this post. I want to share my experience of what led up to me deciding to donate so that you may get more donors in the future. I'm not sure which video I was watching, but it was one where you sincerely and happily thanked the donors for their generous donations. You made the point of how important philosophy is and in a kind way, urged others to donate. You were gracious and in high spirits. Your energy was contagious. I knew at that point, I had to donate. I had been stalking your youtube channel for years now, so it's about time that I ponied up. It was the happy, thankful, smiling Stef that won my heart and convinced me to donate on a monthly basis. - Steve EDIT: I removed a couple of remarks in this post after watching your "Don't kill your conscious" video on youtube. Yeah, you're right. Donating just a dollar is bullshit. Philosophy is that important, it's the compass that underlies our actions.
  7. What drew me to these forums? A place to express myself. A place I feel comfortable. A place where like-minded people work together. I have been stalking the stefbot channel on youtube for at least 6 years now. Seriously. And now I feel like it's my time to branch out--and donate. Good question. I am in a unique position. I moved to Florida to accept a position as a "Numismatic Consultant" at a well established coin company. (USCoins.com) The job title is just a fancy way of saying a rare coin and precious metals broker. So how can I used this to benefit you? Yeah you, the person reading this. The fellow anarchist and liberty lover reading these words right now? Here's the short story: There were once a few brothers who loved collecting coins. They followed their passion and built a decent sized numismatics company. Numismatics are anything that have collector value due to rarity, condition, history or other factors. Imagine this--a hundred year old coin that shines just like the day it was minted. Uncirculated coins over a hundred years old frequently sell for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Millions sometimes. Just like any artifact, there are people who are willing to pay very high premiums for perfectly preserved pieces of history. So I digress. These brothers carve out a nice niche in the coin collector market. They grow to be seen as experts and even contribute as consultants to The Red Book of US Coins--this book being an industry standard for judging estimated coin value. So over these 40 years of being in business, the company has grown to focus on only prestigious and harder to find items. That means the majority of what I do is sell very rare pieces to very wealthy people.But here's the kicker. They also sell bullion. And what's better--bullion sales make up a very small percentage of their business, this means that they can afford to offer things like American Silver Eagles and gold bars at VERY fair prices. So, in a long winded fashion, THATS what I have to offer the community. Typically people who only buy bullion (generic coins and bars) are an annoyance to me. They take up my time that I could be using to talk to self-made millionaires or trust fund kids. I don't make squat on bullion, hence our low prices and my tendency to avoid selling it. But for anarchists and anybody who appreciates FDR, I'll make an exception. In fact, I want to talk to you! It would be a breath of fresh air compared to the old crusty conservatives I sometimes work with. Right now I'd recommend silver, it is ridiculously cheap and compared to its historical 16:1 ratio, it is more like 66:1 right now. That's huge. But who would be surprised to find out the silver market has been rigged and undervalued? But they would NEVER do that. Anyways, I digress AGAIN-- Email me if you're interested in protecting yourself and family with gold or silver. Platinum, too. [email protected] Or you can call: 1-800-835-0008 Ext. 2810--ask for Steve. But that aside, I also hope I am able to contribute material on good communication. Being able to write or talk to someone effectively is the master key to getting what you want out of your professional and personal life. But anyhow, this post has gone on FAR too long, and I need sleep. To sum things up, I love philosophy and I'm dedicated to mastering the art of communicating effectively. This is war of words, and we will win it. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
  8. It went in this order, Ron Paul 08 to Ayn Rand... A LOT of Ayn Rand--to the Daily Paul to one to Stef's youtube videos. And here I am.
  9. Hello all! My name is Steve and I hope to contribute something of value to this community. I currently work as a rare coin and precious metals broker in Sarasota, Florida. If you need gold or silver, I'm your man. If there are any FDR fans in the Sarasota/Tampa area, I would very much like to meet. I know that the sort of people I'll meet here will be my type of people! Onward with philosophy! - Steve
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