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  1. bishal

    IQ test

    I will try this thanks.
  2. bishal

    IQ test

    Hello, I just listened to the interview about IQ and also heard before from Stefan that every people can take IQ-test coz its so that its not related to education or word comprehension, but just cognition. I tried to search this kind of test online but the test i found has 'grammar' type questions in it. Can anyone recommend me the most reliable place where i can test my IQ probably online? If Stefan himself could recommends any such IQ-test taking websites it would be great!!! Thanks
  3. This is like more then 10 books you are talking about.. so why don't you just copy paste each title in google and check for libertarian thought on them yourself. But just for brief understanding here are some links you can use: http://fee.org/publications/page/cliches-of-progressivism http://tomwoods.com/blog/ I can understand if someone hates Capitalism and Communism equally as an starting point but when if an so called educated guys still hate both equally i believe they have emotional problem with the word 'Capitalism' (public school brainwashing) and if you hate something emotionally no knowledge can change it instead you will be more against it as more evidence supports it. Just be aware when arguing with these kinds of guys!
  4. Thank you all for your response guys.. I am doing more research in this subject. But for the record i am out of contact with my most of toxic physical past. I have also shown my nutritions level and they are very good. I am very low in exercise though. I have never been on medication of any kind my whole life and was average kid with no special talent. The main problem is that i cannot get go, i have been learning about self-knowledge and philosophy from about 3 years but cannot remember anything when i want it. I have problem concentrating myself too. I will have thoughts going on in my mind but when i start to write it down nothing comes up. It's been a struggle to remember what i clearly knew a month ago. And when i did depression test i got 24 (which is more then average) so i went to psychiatrist. I am visiting another psychotherapist too. I want to know what it looks like when i get motivated in interest at least for once and not forgetting it...you know. And if medication can help me once to get in touch with my lost passion, i am thinking of trying it. But before i want to know as much as possible about the drug i am going to use. If anyone has an advice what can i do for my forgetful pattern i.e. i remember everything a mont ago and i just forget it. Can anyone suggest me something what can i do to save myself from this forgetfulness?
  5. Thanks for interest.. My psychiatrist may have prescribed this particular drug coz i was also feeling energy less, lack of concentration and bad memory. And wants me to start with very low dosage and tlk with him every month plus he himself recommended me a psychologist too. My talk therapy was IFS in skype. My therapist was open and interested in my healing but somehow i was not motivated at all. My behaviour did not changed. I was even hard for me to continue therapy as i was always in hurry what's next. I was not ok with medication and I was doing research about this and found out that for some patient medication can work specifically who has "lower activity levels in the midbrain and the rostral anterior cingulate, areas that contain receptors for the neurotransmitter serotonin". (check after 29 minutes in this Stefan's interview ) I mean i believe i may be in this group coz my mood does not change rapidly and often times i have same mood all the time. I am still trying to find out more about his but thanks for your response.
  6. This is sort of personal question but if you know something about it please respond! I have been in talk therapy for about 10 sessions but that did not work so i have been to psychiatrist now (from my health insurance). I just visited psychiatrist last week who prescribed me a drug named "VENLAFAXIN". He said this drug works best if you combine it with with talk therapy, exercises, etc (i.e. this drug is just 1/3 of whole equation according to him). He also said don't be afraid by internet horror stories and trust me and use exactly how i tell you (very low doses to high steadily) this will be very helpful for your depression (which i got 24 in Beck's depression inventory questions). What do you think about this? Suggestions would be very appreciated. Regards Bishal
  7. Hi telsu, is there any freedomainradio meetup group in Finland? if you know Regards Bishal
  8. Hello, how are you doing telsu! I am not a Finn but currently live in Finland in Helsinki too but cannot speak finnish language. I have been listening to Stef for more than a year and am interested in Ideas of free-society and peaceful parenting. Nice to know about your story, hope we can chat more Regards Bishal
  9. I remember experts suggesting something like 3 years old. But what's the experience of experienced?
  10. Hello, I think its more of a preference so i would like to ask: 1. What's the right age to separate children from parents bed to their own bed but in same room? 2. What about different room (child's own room), what's the appropriate age? Reply appreciated
  11. More young the better Hello Markus, I am currently living in Finland. I am also interested in Libertarian Philosophy too. I hope we can chat in future. Regards Bishal
  12. Hello there, I am living in Helsinki, Finland now i cannot speak Finnish . Also although English is not my mother tongue i am improving in it day. I am too curious about all the things you described. Lets chat in future.. Regards Bishal
  13. Thanks all for recommendation and more recommendation is always appreciated
  14. Hi Everyone, I just want recommendation about good books which i should not miss about freedom, economics, etc. In my place (i donĀ“t even want to use my country name now a days) people have very low level understanding about philosophy, real economics, law and almost everything. Until i knew the idea about freedom, which was already put in place 300 years ago, i was shocked. How can a Idea this liberating this real and true be hidden form the people. Here, people are fan of Socialist or even Communist so the Mao Party won the election 5 years ago to write constitution but failed. There is going to be election again and people are never going to learn here Here, people still think politics is backbone of a society. You can just imagine this level of illiteracy. I think i will learn more and advocate the ideas of free society. But first i need to learn more for myself. So, anyone here can recommend books (from old days 18th century to modern days) about freedom which i especially should read for the complete idea about what i am talking about or the author i need to know who helped for the cause of freedom? Regards Bishal
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