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AnCap AllCaps

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Everything posted by AnCap AllCaps

  1. For the life of me I cannot find these again. I thought that I had found them on evilbible.com, some NEW TESTAMENT scriptures to the effect of "those that speak against the priest deserve death..." Again, I am specifically looking for NEW TESTAMENT sources. There are tons of old testament. Thanks.
  2. The best debates that I have watched with Craig: http://goo.gl/q99GZQ http://goo.gl/YRaVLN And while there are many rebuttals to Craig's silly ontological "Kalam Cosmic Argument," the best and very thorough are here: http://goo.gl/JT78nJ
  3. Good point, and I agree. And I may just have to live with being miserable while paying bills and call it a day. It's just that the MISERY is overbearing. My wife and I are moving back to our home state soon. So maybe I'll just try another year of teaching, but in a different state. Perhaps education in Indiana will be better than in Texas.
  4. I hadn't really because I have such a bad taste in my mouth from teaching right now and am looking away from it. But homeschool community teaching may put me in touch with some families that are more like-minded to me. Thanks for the suggestion.
  5. Yes I have considered it for sure, I love difficult math, quite studying alone, and chewing on some long and difficult math topics. And I have complete A COUPLE of 400 level math courses, but that was pushing it. The actuarial profession always seemed so lofty to me; perhaps like passing the bar exam or finishing med school! I have looked at some of the practice exams, and even the beginner questions looked damn hard. I would consider more research in actuarial work if you could convince me there is a "down to earth" actuarial path, if you know what I mean.
  6. I am 34 and married a single mother. I worked as a casino dealer from age 22 to 30; didn't really like the hours or the working conditions, and found very little satisfaction in that business. Still trying to figure out what I want to do at 34... Grrr. I guess that is how life goes. But I haven't met a teacher (especially math) at my high school or district that is JUST THRILLED with the teaching profession. Most of us are disgruntled and disgusted by the entire system, but have too much invested to go elsewhere. But I am literally at whit's end.
  7. This is very true; it is depressing and a bit mentally opressive. Becuase the young student only sees a narrow window of possibility. Aside from possibly writing math resources, or training teachers in using computers and software in the classroom, I would like to DISAPPEAR from the scene of education. I have so many other skills and interests. My wife makes about $50k, so we are okay on money. I do have a 15 year old son, but he already has academic scholarships to fund his college... So my wife and I are fine letting em do a little "soul searching" and being kinda broke for a while. This career has just depressed me, and realizing non-aggression and anarchy during this carrer MULTIPLIED and focused my negative feelings towards the educational establishment; since it is a govt entity, and brainwashing, and indoctrinating, and limiting, and inefficient, and.......... yuck! So I have another question, or idea to run past you guys: What should I do to "get my feet wet" in some other fields? I am considering graphic arts, family photography, and perhaps web design; but my strengths are in photoshop, I am an expert. Should I consider inquiring about INTERNSHIPS (working for free or very little pay) for some companies to get my feet wet and get some crucial experience/knowledge?
  8. I want to thank everyone for their caring comments and taking an interest in my well being. Web developer, private guitar teacher, private school teacher, math tutor, IT field... All of these are up my alley. Keep the suggestions coming.
  9. Hello good people. I have been teaching public high school math for 3 years now. I cannot continue this profession. I am disgusted by every aspect of public school at this point. It is too mentally painful to hold a voluntarist position, and then HAVE TO LIE to everyone when I go to work and say that I love the public education system and that it promotes virtue. That is a very painful daily routine! I am married. My wife is a teacher as well, and she enjoys it. So she will continue her career as a teacher, and understands my conflict with public education. Next year I will be looking for some new career path. I am looking to some of you that are reading to give any suggestions for possible career paths that may come to mind, either for ex-teachers, for math degree holders, for careers that lend well to a voluntarist mentality... Some of my main interests/strengths: Math (of course), Computer programming (not an expert at all), image editing and graphic arts (I am an expert with photoshop), troubleshooting pc problems (I am the person most of my friends go to if their computer is broken), using and learning new computer software, creating educational resources (worksheets and websites for doing math problems), recording and editing music (I have a home recording studio, and can record all instruments, and pitch correct vocals very well)... that's pretty much it. Any career suggestions, either relevant or not to the list above, would help me to do more research. And I appreciate any input you want to give.
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