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Marc Moini

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Marc Moini last won the day on August 3 2013

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    Royan, France

Marc Moini's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



About Me

My first encounter with declared voluntaryism was Robert LeFevre's Abstain From Beans essay, in late 2008. Soon after that I found Stef's books and podcast, which helped me understand what philosophy really is. Thanks, Stef! Then I read Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, LeFevre, and I listened to the Complete Liberty podcast (Wes Bertrand) and the Porc Therapy podcast (Stephanie Murphy and Mike Barskey) and the School Sucks podcast (Brett Veinotte). Then on Complete Liberty in late 2010 I heard about Marshall Rosenberg and NonViolent Communication, which was the most difficult for me to understand, I feel it's only been weeks since I have finally integrated it enough to be able to begin to put it to good use (Oct 2012 now). In parallel I've found Nathaniel Branden's work immensely valuable as well. All this growth came at a price, my now ex-wife left me in 2010 and my two teens are back in public school. They were unschooled 2007 to 2010 and only went to school about half of the required time before that (I've been a stay at home dad from the start), but their mother teaches public school and increasingly we got into arguments about school. I didn't know enough NVC at the time to do anything useful to save the family life we had, but I try to make it up to my children now by treating them as full human beings free to do whatever they want with their own life, with my full support whenever they want it.

my website: http://marcmoini.com/more.html

I particularly enjoy: making life more wonderful for everyone, surfing, running barefoot.

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