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  1. You can potentially find local screenings of the doc here
  2. Hey JJ, really sorry to hear about your loneliness as well as the destruction of your homeland. I'm not sure how far you are looking to move but we have a great fdr community in toronto, canada.
  3. He didn't ask for advice from men O.o Mmx, i don't understand how you claim to be giving advice when you haven't actually asked him what he wants out of online dating.
  4. I was angry for a good 15 seconds. Well played.
  5. Bump. I've been posting once every day, I think my favourite submission thus far is "Stop Squirrel Anarchy". Would appreciate feedback if anyone has the time
  6. Why does sexual attraction make friendship impossible? I have female friends and I would like to have sex with all of them, if there were no consequences to that action. This doesn't mean that I can't be friends with them.
  7. Hello all, This seemed like the most relevant place to post this, and I'd like to share my blog with you guys. I just started writing it today, and my first blog post is related to my decision of dropping out of university. I have a passion and flair for writing which I hope is evident in this, and all my future posts. If any of you could take the time to read and provide feedback on my writing, I'd really appreciate it. http://philosophycoconut.blogspot.ca
  8. Thank you for your insight Mishelle, I think the archetype you described does accurately portray her. I would say these people aren't toxic in the sense that they are verbally abusive, but have unprocessed trauma which they avoid talking about through instead speaking of trivialities. I think these relationships in many ways parallel her relationship with her parents, who were refugees of the vietnam war. Surprisingly, and I think admirably, her parents were not physically or verbally abusive to her even though they grew up in a society where child abuse is the norm. However, her parents certainly have unprocessed trauma from such a tumultuous upbringing, and don't talk to her about their childhood or experiences of war very much. As a result, I don't think she learned a lot of emotional intelligence from her parents. Although she is a very emotionally stable person, this lack of emotional intelligence is expressed through her brother, who is emotionally unstable and lacks empathy. Also, even though her parents were not abusive towards her, she was exposed to her friend's family whose mother was openly verbally and physically abusive towards her children.
  9. I have one friend at school that I can have deep, honest conversations with, but I've been having cognitive dissonance over some of the "friends" I have through her. I feel uncomfortable being my true self around them, and I'm confused as to why she enjoys their company. Any time we are with one of these friends it also shuts off opportunities for me to connect with her. I have been hesitant to bring honesty to these people because they are in many of my classes and are reliable and hardworking if I need to be in a group for a project. I also don't have a lot of experience rocking the boat with people who are committed to illusions.
  10. I'm sorry I can't help you, but I thought I'd let you know that I read this in a heavy russian accent
  11. There will always be suckers like me who will buy the NHL EA sports franchise every year.
  12. The LCBO -- Ontario's fascist liquor cartel -- is going on strike at the end of this month, citing lack of hours and low wages. I guess the solution to not enough work in our bizzaro world is to stop working altogether?
  13. A gem I found in my subtley marxist college sociology class: Of course it doesn't mention how diverting productive agricultural and industrial land towards state-alters of destruction, poverty, and depravity heavily contributes to inflation and an overall lower standard of living for the poor. In 2006 the city doubled down on their cocaine perscription, with an initiative to "revitalize" Regent Park, rife with Malthusian gobbledy-gook: "A schematic site plan indicates the consolidation of density near a central park and existing arterial intersections as well as the introduction of ground-oriented townhouses along rehabilitated streets" (City Noise). The boot licking media seems decidedly less reverent in their state-worship of public housing projects, yet not willing to mercilessly let the wheezing, disease-ridden parasite die and allow for creative, voluntary solutions to help the poor.
  14. you're going to have a very lucky child []
  15. I really enjoyed this. I felt really envious of the freedom and authenticity the Martin kids et al lives with everyday.
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