Thank you for your insight Mishelle, I think the archetype you described does accurately portray her. I would say these people aren't toxic in the sense that they are verbally abusive, but have unprocessed trauma which they avoid talking about through instead speaking of trivialities. I think these relationships in many ways parallel her relationship with her parents, who were refugees of the vietnam war. Surprisingly, and I think admirably, her parents were not physically or verbally abusive to her even though they grew up in a society where child abuse is the norm. However, her parents certainly have unprocessed trauma from such a tumultuous upbringing, and don't talk to her about their childhood or experiences of war very much. As a result, I don't think she learned a lot of emotional intelligence from her parents. Although she is a very emotionally stable person, this lack of emotional intelligence is expressed through her brother, who is emotionally unstable and lacks empathy. Also, even though her parents were not abusive towards her, she was exposed to her friend's family whose mother was openly verbally and physically abusive towards her children.