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Everything posted by Connor

  1. By movement I guess you mean the liberty one... I have no idea really.. However, I do think AJ often reacts to these people like a frightened child. Facing a sadist like Piers no doubt triggers that reaction in him. Do you not think that the fear is justified? It's empirically true that if the United States keeps on the same path it will descend to the living standards of a third world country. I think Alex does have a positive effect, though his solutions may be misguided, on the liberty movement because he identifies real, tangible threats to the destruction of civilization in contrast to the obfuscations portrayed in mass media.
  2. For those who wish to see a more eloquent and calm destruction of piers Morgan: http://youtube.com/watch?v=avOV6_42xe4
  3. Regardless, that was likely the most entertaining thing to ever happen on CNN. I appreciate his passion and I think he responded appropriately to someone who irresponsibly and mindlessly wants to destroy our way of life.
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