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Everything posted by cjtkirk

  1. He mocks the frequent arguments for hitting children by applying the same argument to hitting wives who don't listen. Maybe 10 mins long. I cannot find it. Anyone have the link? Thanks!
  2. I seem to recall a book Stef was working on (perhaps not yet finished?). I don't see it on the FDR book store. Does anyone have any information on it? Thanks
  3. How about practicing telling someone how the yelling affects YOU? Someone taught me to use this form: "I notice...I imagine....I feel" Notice the "I" words. For example "I notice loud voices directed at children....I imagine they are angry.....I feel xxxxx (scared, distracted, nervous whatever)" Best of luck. Above all else stay true to yourself!
  4. I just saw this movie....Its an incredibly beautiful film about the Russian invasion of Prague in 1968 but more importantly about how to conduct oneself around statists. The lightness of being, the beauty, the sex.....oh, the sex is like nothing ever filmed before or since. Highly recommended! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096332/
  5. Thanks very much to the people who took time to reply. I apologize for the late reply of my own....between vacation and the FDR web site redesign it took me a while. My coworker and I have not spoken much since this incident. Its been brewing for a while since I realize his right-wing "freedom" views are simply another form of tyranny. I'm going to post something else in the "movies" forum around a way to deal with it. Thanks again
  6. Regarding one of Stef's suggestions to ask the person if they advocated initiating violence "AGAINST ME" and to never forget to add the phrase "AGAINST ME". Sorry I don't recall the podcast number. I did that with a close co-worker when a discussion on the drug war ended with my asking "so.....if you found me smoking a plant you would personally throw me in a cage?" He replied 'Yes' and he proceeded to explain why. Then I repeated my question a few mins later to be sure I understood him and got the same answer. I was shocked and still reeling from someone saying that to me. The funny thing is...I've never tried any drug...not even when I was young. I'm a bit scared in that it feels like I am at the edge of a cliff staring into an evil place. I want to stay away from him but we need to work together, at least sometimes. Has anyone else had similar experiences?
  7. I am still in awe of the wonderful podcasts combining the power of these topics. They all relate to one another. Yet it surely does start in childhood when our first experience of peace or violence happens. It is soooooo very cool to have lifelong interests such as these brought together in such a clear and powerful way by Stefan. THANKS, Stef!
  8. Dear Stef: I absolutely agree with you about the importance of stopping physical violence against children. So glad you are speaking out. We need many more such voices.
  9. I have listened to the podcasts about beauty and virtue. So much truth. I especially enjoyed listening to the one where a caller and Stef are talking about his obsession with a very pretty girl yet who is not emotionally available. "Those running toward the impossible are running AWAY from the possible" is Stef's quote I most appreciated. The whole conversation was meaningful. Thanks to those who responded to this thread!
  10. So many good podcasts....so little time. I will check that out, too.
  11. In one of his books, Stefan briefly mentions the topic of a highly attractive sexual partner. Does anyone know if there is a podcast on this topic that would discuss it in more detail? I don't have this problem now, but perhaps the thoughts might help me let go of the pursuit. Thanks
  12. Thanks for the reminder. Have you used torrents? I understand the bandwidth savings but specifically as it pertains to FDR what is the benefit to meof using "torrents"?
  13. I currently download FDR mp3 podcasts to my computer for listening later. I download 1 at a time. 2 Questions: 1) Is there a way to download them as a group (group the ones I want into a single download) 2) Is there a way to identify which ones have already been downloaded (and hence already listened to) Thanks for any help
  14. I wonder - and here is the central question in my mind these days: Is it possible, just possible, that the advent of massive social and business networking that is provided by the internet will allow new and non-coercive societal structures? And might these structures eventually simply replace existing governments? THAT is the question that fuels my thoughts these days.
  15. Stef's books are very enlightening and answer many of these excellent questions you raise (while making a clear point that he cannot answer all questions). They are available via mp3, too. I listen to them while ironing or cooking or whatever. Highly recommended. []
  16. I don't think Romney (based on his history) is any closer to libertarian than Obama. But that, of course, is just my opinion based on reading his record. Also, Ron Paul is on record as being against ANY income tax (which is one of the worst forms of taxation). I do agree with your comments about Beck. He often gets painted in a bad light by purists. Anyone with Beck's views would have made a FAR better choice for president than Romney or Obama.
  17. "Ordinary People" from the 70s is another great family psycholgy movie. Directed by Robert Redford in the 70s.
  18. My first post on FDR. Just to say it has been nice to read such caring and thought out comments. Glad to be here.
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